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Official Google Reader Blog

Official Google Reader Blog
Posted by Alan Green, Software Engineer In the next week, we’ll be making some highly requested changes to Google Reader. First, we’re going to introduce a brand new design (like many of Google’s other products) that we hope you love. Second, we’re going to bring Reader and Google+ closer together, so you can share the best of your feeds with just the right circles. As a result of these changes, we also think it's important to clean things up a bit. Many of Reader's social features will soon be available via Google+, so in a week's time we'll be retiring things like friending, following and shared link blogs inside of Reader.

Blog de Netvibes On Wednesday, September 14, join us in New York or online for a special sneak preview of the new Netvibes Premium, including our new adaptive analytics and alerts features. We’ll also have interesting insights and case studies from Stephen Rappaport, Dir. Knowledge Solutions, The Advertising Research Foundation. Logiciels - Liste des services Google Zorgloob | Forum | Maps | City | Jeu |

How To Export Starred Items From Google Reader Into HTML posted by Alan Rimm-Kaufman | September 19, 2008 | 19 comments I’m a big fan of Google Reader. I like to use the gold star to flag interesting posts. I wanted to export a list of these interesting posts, but couldn’t find any info online on how to do this.

Google Reader Google Shortcuts: Search By Number “Parcel tracking IDs, patents, and other specialized numbers can be entered into Google’s search box for quick access to information about them,” according to the Google Web Search Features page, Special searches by number types include: The rest of this page contains examples of input and output for most of these types of searches. 1. Nick Bradbury Since announcing the end of FeedDemon last week, I've been overwhelmed by the number of people who say they're sad to see it go. Many of these people have told me they want to keep using it. So here's what I'm going to do: sometime before the demise of Google Reader, I'll release a new version of FeedDemon which no longer syncs with Google Reader. This version will be free, won't contain any ads, and will have all of the features of the Pro version. You can use it free of charge for as long as you like - but it will be the last version of FeedDemon. It's been impossible to respond to the many tweets asking me about open-sourcing FeedDemon, or making it sync with another service.

Remember The Milk s’intègre à GMail Les développeurs du gestionnaire de tâches en ligne Remember The Milk (RTM) ont compris que l’adoption passe par l’intégration. RTM s’intègre déjà à Google Agenda, est disponible hors-ligne grâce à Google Gears, possède une version mobile et peut vous prévenir de l’échéance de vos tâches pas SMS ou IM. Aujourd’hui, ce super gestionnaire de tâches s’intègre à GMail. Il y a trois pré-requis pour créer l’arrimage de votre compte RTM avec GMail. Vous devez utiliser Firefox et installer le module qu’a développé RTM. Finalement, assurez-vous que la nouvelle version de GMail est bien activée sur votre compte.

Welcome to FeedSquares Thank you for installing FeedSquares for Chrome! You can take a look at our full tutorial here. Or just click on our little icon and start right away - FeedSquares is super easy to use! We hope you enjoy it and we would love to hear your feedback! FQChromeUpdates Many users should already know that Google Reader will not be available after 1 July 2013. Due to this change, FeedSquares will no longer be available after 1 July 2013 as well. Please consider to use our Chrome Web App NewsSquares. Though it currently syncs with Google Reader as well, an update will be made to NewsSquares in the near future.

Strategic Security Blog By Hans M. Kristensen A commercial satellite image appears to have captured China’s new nuclear ballistic missile submarine. The new class, known as the Jin-class or Type 094, is expected to replace the unsuccessful Xia-class (Type 092) of a single boat built in the early 1980s. The new submarine was photographed by the commercial Quickbird satellite in late 2006 and the image is freely available on the Google Earth web site.A Comparison of SSBN Dimensions
