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MABD - Le Mouvement de l'Agriculture Bio-Dynamique Label Demeter Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La marque Demeter est une marque de certification de produits issus de l'agriculture biodynamique, selon les enseignements de Rudolf Steiner. Les produits Demeter respectent le cahier des charges du règlement européen sur l'agriculture biologique. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] Un sachet marqué par le label Demeter L´origine de Demeter est une coopérative de transformation pour les produits de l´agriculture biodynamique, fondée en septembre 1927 à Berlin. Suite à la liquidation de la Coopérative de transformation Demeter en 1930, on créa en 1932 l'Union économique Demeter qui avait son siège à Bad Saarow près de Berlin[1]. L'Union Demeter achetait aussi des céréales qu'elle faisait transformer par des moulins et des boulangeries et assurait la distribution aux représentations régionales qui les distribuaient aux magasins de diététique. Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] Liens externes[modifier | modifier le code]

Naturland IFOAM Demeter International Demeter International is the largest certification organization for biodynamic agriculture, and is one of three predominant organic certifiers.[1] Its name is a reference to Demeter, the Greek goddess of grain and fertility. Demeter Biodynamic Certification is used in over 50 countries to verify that biodynamic products meet international standards in production and processing.[2] The Demeter certification program was established in 1928, and as such was the first ecological label for organically produced foods.[3] The certification is the oldest traditional organic certification in Europe and is regarded as the highest grade of organic farming in the world[citation needed]. The origin of Demeter is a Cooperative for the processing of products of the biodynamic agriculture created in Berlin, Germany, in 1927. The trademark Demeter was registered in 1928. References[edit] External links[edit] Official website

Soil Association The Soil Association organic standards have the EU organic regulation as their baseline. In many cases our standards are more robust than those set by EU regulations - in fact, no system of farming has higher levels of animal welfare standards than organic farms working to our standards. Soil Association organic standards 2014 version 17.2 (updated June 2014) Soil Association organic standards 2014 version 17.1 (updated February 2014) Soil Association organic standards 2012 version 16.6 (updated April 2012) Woodland [PDF, 749 KB] Soil Association organic standards 2012 version 16.5 Soil Association organic standards 2014 (updated April 2014) Textiles [PDF, 639 KB] Soil Association organic standards 2014 annexes Guide to meeting the Soil Association packaging standards Reduce, re-use, recycle - a guide to minimising the environmental impact of packaging [PDF, 1 MB] European organic regulations Consultations - have your say Consultations

Demeter Biodynamic | Biodynamic Agriculture About Biodynamic® Agriculture Biodynamic agriculture seeks to heal the earth and her people. Demeter Certified Biodynamic products are highly respected in the marketplace worldwide for their vitality and flavor profile. The Demeter trademarks reflect the high standards for purity and the rigorous efforts Demeter Certified Biodynamic® farmers and processors have taken to obtain certification. Look for the Demeter Certified Biodynamic® certification marks! The word Biodynamic®, the Demeter® name, and the Demeter® certification marks are legally registered trademarks that assure consumers that foods and beverages have been grown and produced according to the strict Demeter standards for Biodynamic agriculture. The Biodynamic method is distinguished from organic and sustainable farming methods by four key attributes: A Paradigm Shift in Thinking: The Biodynamic farmer thinks in terms of forces and processes whereas organic and sustainable agriculture farmers think in terms of substances.

Bio-Siegel Durch die EU-Rechtsvorschriften für den ökologischen Landbau ist die Kennzeichnung vorverpackter Biolebensmittel mit dem EU-Bio-Logo, dem dazugehörigen Kontrollstellencode und einer allgemeinen Herkunftsangabe der Zutaten seit dem 1. Juli 2012 verbindlich vorgeschrieben. Dies gilt für Produkte aus dem ökologischen Landbau und Biolebensmittel, die einen Verarbeitungsschritt in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft erfahren. Für das nationale deutsche Bio-Siegel bedeutet das: Das Bio-Siegel als markengeschütztes Zeichen kann weiterhin unverändert zusammen mit dem EU-Bio-Logo für die Kennzeichnung von Bio-Lebensmitteln verwendet werden! Das Bio-Siegel ist nach wie vor ein effektives Marketinginstrument. Für seine Nutzer ergibt sich ein breites Spektrum an individuellen Marketingmöglichkeiten, auch in Verbindung mit anderen Herkunfts- und Verbandszeichen. Jedes Produkt, das mit dem Bio-Siegel gekennzeichnet wird, muss vor dem in Verkehr bringen bei der Informationsstelle Bio-Siegel angemeldet werden.
