Solar still Solar still built into a pit in the ground Solar still "Watercone" A solar still is a simple way of distilling water, using the heat of the Sun to drive evaporation from humid soil, and ambient air to cool a condenser film. Two basic types of solar stills are box and pit stills. Overview[edit] Solar stills are used in cases where rain, piped, or well water is impractical, such as in remote homes or during power outages.[1] In subtropical hurricane target areas that can lose power for days, solar distillation can provide an alternate source of clean water. Puits Solaire Materials[edit] A simple basin-type solar still can be constructed with 2-4 stones, plastic film or transparent glass, a central weight to make a point and a container for the condensate. Variations[edit] Transpiration bag[edit] In a study performed in 2009, variations to the angle of plastic and increasing the internal temperature of the hole versus the outside temperature made for better water production. Wick still[edit]
Solar Still | Practical Survivor Water procurement during a survival situation could possibly be your number one concern. The length of time you body will survive without proper hydration varies under different conditions. Increase in ambient temperature and activity will lessen your chances of survival. In desert like regions or coastal survival, the solar still can be one of the methods used to find desperately needed water. So what is a solar still ? Solar stills are being used in countries where potable water is not readily available. There are different types of survival solar stills or vapor stills. Note: Take a look at your surroundings. Carrying a sheet of clear plastic as part of your survival kit could save your life. * Shelter (lean-to, poncho, insulation) * Water (water catcher, solar still, canteen) * Food (help to preserve food) For this article we will use the clear plastic to catch the condensed water from our solar still . The shape of the pit can either be "v" shaped or box 'square' shaped. Tips:
Solar Still Basics Introduction Solar Still Background | Still Operation Still Water Production | Distillation Purification Capabilities The basic principles of solar water distillation are simple yet effective, as distillation replicates the way nature makes rain. The sun's energy heats water to the point of evaporation. As the water evaporates, water vapor rises, condensing on the glass surface for collection. The distilled water from a SolAqua still does not acquire the "flat" taste of commercially distilled water since the water is not boiled (which lowers pH). Solar distillers can be used to effectively remove many impurities ranging from salts to microorganisms and are even used to make drinking water from seawater. The SolAqua solar stills are simple and have no moving parts. Supply Fill Port: Water should be added to the still via this port. Overflow Port: Once the still basin has filled, excess water will flow out of this port.
This Device Provides Clean Water for Pennies a Day Photo: WaterconePassive Solar One Step Water Condensation FTW!We wrote about the Watercone back in 2004, but considering how much TreeHugger's audience has grown since then, it's likely that only a handful of you were reading the site back then. I think it's time to have a second look at this very clever device that has the potential to help provide clean drinking water for millions of people who are lacking access to clean water (or if they do, maybe the access is intermittent and they could use a plan B). This could save many lives for sure. Read on for more details and a demonstration video. Photo: WaterconeStep #1: Pour salty / brackish Water into pan. Photo: WaterconeStep #2: The evaporated Water condensates in the form of droplets on the inner wall of the cone. Photo: WaterconeStep #3: By unscrewing the cap at the tip of the cone and turning the cone upside down, one can empty the potable Water gathered in the trough directly into a drinking device.
Water Solar Stills: Clean Drinking Water In a situation of survival the Solar Still ( AKA Vapor Still ) can provide a short to medium term source of fresh drinking water from seawater, rivers and ponds. This important and neccessary piece of survival equipment has been used by the military and yachtsmen for many years. Solar radiation is used to distill and collect the drinking water; essential for daily survival both at sea and in deserts. It is lightweight, compact and easy to use with an output of between 500 and 2000cc per day depending upon climatic conditions. Survival with the Solar StillEffects of Dehydration and Survival Times Without WaterPerformance of the Aquadome Solar Water Still Other Defense and Survival products: Vacuum Mattresses, Weapons Sleeves and Personal Water Carriers.
How To Build A Solar-Powered Still To Purify Drinking Water The author’s solar still, with one pan in it. The still actually has room for two of these. Note that the glass top is at an angle, allowing the water to flow down to the catch tube. Everyone agrees that water is needed for survival and articles abound for how to find water and purify it for drinking. Normally, the biggest hazards we face from drinking water are microorganisms: bacteria, protozoa and other parasites which can enter our system and make us quite sick. While those biological hazards are important, they aren’t the only thing we can find in our drinking water. Distillation is a simple process, although it can be difficult to accomplish in quantity. The really great thing about distillation is that nothing else evaporates with the water. The problem with distillation is that it is a slow process, which means that heat has to be applied to the water for a long time, so that it can evaporate and be captured. Directions to Make the Solar Still Using the Solar Still
DIY Solar Still How To Make Your Own Distilled Water Make your own distilled water from stream or lake water, salt water, or even brackish, dirty water, using these DIY Solar Still Plans. With just a few basic building materials, a sheet of glass and some sunshine, you can purify your own water at no cost and with minimal effort. Distilled water is not just for drinking, and it’s always worth keeping a few gallons of it on hand. • Always refill the lead-acid batteries used for solar energy systems or automobiles with distilled water • Water delicate plants like orchids with distilled water; minerals and additives like fluoride or chlorine that are present in most tap water can harm plants • Distilled water mixed with antifreeze is recommended for car radiators, as it’s less corrosive • Steam irons become clogged with mineral deposits unless you use distilled water The box is built from 3/4 ” BC-grade plywood, painted black on the inside to absorb heat. How to Make a Solar Still 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
How to Make a Solar Still - DIY With high energy costs and a warming planet that needs cleaner fuel sources, the time has never been better to get involved with solar energy. DIY Solar Projects (Creative Publishing International, 2011) by Eric Smith contains how-to instructions for many achievable, clever projects you can make and install in order to create your own solar lifestyle. Hundreds of people are doing it, and you can too. The following excerpt is taken from the chapter, “Solar Still.” You can purchase this book from the MOTHER EARTH NEWS store: DIY Solar Projects. Make Your Own Distilled Water Make your own distilled water from stream or lake water, salt water, or even brackish, dirty water, using these DIY Solar Still Plans. Distilled water is not just for drinking, and it’s always worth keeping a few gallons of it on hand. • Always refill the lead-acid batteries used for solar energy systems or automobiles with distilled water • Steam irons become clogged with mineral deposits unless you use distilled water
How To Get Fresh Water Out Of Thin Air Image Credit: MIT Fog-harvesting system developed by MIT and Chilean researchers could provide potable water for the world’s driest regions. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — In some of this planet’s driest regions, where rainfall is rare or even nonexistent, a few specialized plants and insects have devised ingenious strategies to provide themselves with the water necessary for life: They pull it right out of the air, from fog that drifts in from warm oceans nearby. Now researchers at MIT, working in collaboration with colleagues in Chile, are seeking to mimic that trick on a much larger scale, potentially supplying significant quantities of clean, potable water in places where there are few alternatives. Fog harvesting, as the technique is known, is not a new idea: Systems to make use of this airborne potable water already exist in at least 17 nations. Fog-harvesting systems generally consist of a vertical mesh, sort of like an oversized tennis net. Credits:
Solar Water Still Construction You can use stills in various areas of the world. They draw moisture from the ground and from plant material. You need certain materials to build a still, and you need time to let it collect the water. It takes about 24 hours to get 0.5 to 1 liter of water. Aboveground Still To make the aboveground still, you need a sunny slope on which to place the still, a clear plastic bag, green leafy vegetation, and a small rock (Figure 6-6). To make the still-- Fill the bag with air by turning the opening into the breeze or by "scooping" air into the bag. To get the condensed water from the still, loosen the tie around the bag's mouth and tip the bag so that the water collected around the rock will drain out. Change the vegetation in the bag after extracting most of the water from it. Belowground Still To make a belowground still, you need a digging tool, a container, a clear plastic sheet, a drinking tube, and a rock (Figure 6-7). To construct the still-- Back to Water Procurement
How To Make a Solar Still - Modern Survival Blog – surviving uncertain times September 16, 2013, by Ken Jorgustin A solar still will provide you with 100% pure water, and will not require purification or boiling prior to drinking. The solar still technique will work just about anywhere, provided that there is enough sunlight to assist the process. Find, or dig a hole in the ground, the size depending on how quickly you wish to extract water and also depending on the available size of your tarp or plastic to cover it. Lay a tarp or plastic across the diameter of the hole and procure enough rocks, logs, or other improvisations to use for sealing the perimeter of the tarp. While in the process of sealing the perimeter of the tarp, set a container in the center of the dug-out-hole, which will coincide with the position of a medium weight stone placed on top of the tarp – providing a drip point into the container underneath (see solar-still illustration above). Tip: It is important to seal the perimeter as best as possible to prevent heated air from escaping.