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Dollars for Docs

Dollars for Docs
Has Your Doctor Received Drug or Device Company Money? in disclosed payments Top 20 Companies Click on a company to see how its payments break down by drug, device or doctor. Or, see all companies » Payments in Your State Click on a state to see payments made to doctors there. Highest-Earning Doctors Doctors Paid the Most Often Teaching Hospitals Paid the Most Often See all teaching hospitals » Top 10 Drugs Includes all general payments to doctors and teaching hospitals. Top 10 Devices Source: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Open Payments data. Additional reporting, design & development by Ken Schwencke, Moiz Syed, Madi Alexander, Al Shaw, Annie Waldman, Tobin Asher, Eric Sagara, Jeremy B. Note: We have made some effort to normalize the data and eliminate duplicates, but the data is primarily as it has been reported by the companies to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

2021’s Safest Cities in America People encounter hazards every day, some serious, others rare and innocuous. We fear certain kinds more than others, though, and COVID-19 is one of the biggest concerns in 2021. A recent Gallup poll found that only 38% of Americans feel “very” confident they can protect themselves from COVID-19 while they are out in public, a sharp drop from around 51% in May. People can feel unsafe in other ways, too. No one can avoid all danger, however, and we take on a certain level of risk based on where we choose to live. Main Findings Embed on your website <iframe src=" width="556" height="347" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe><div style="width:556px;font-size:12px;color:#888;">Source: <a href=" Safest Cities in the U.S. Ask the Experts Methodology Home & Community Safety - Total Points: 50 Natural-Disaster Risk - Total Points: 30

Homicide Watch D.C. | Mark every death. Remember every victim. Follow every case. [Santé] Wikipedia Free multilingual online encyclopedia Wikipedia has received praise for its enablement of the democratization of knowledge, extent of coverage, unique structure, culture, and reduced degree of commercial bias; but criticism for exhibiting systemic bias, particularly gender bias against women and alleged ideological bias.[13][14] Its reliability was frequently criticized in the 2000s but has improved over time, as Wikipedia has been generally praised in the late 2010s and early 2020s.[3][13][15] The website's coverage of controversial topics such as American politics and major events like the COVID-19 pandemic has received substantial media attention. It has been censored by world governments, ranging from specific pages to the entire site. Nevertheless, Wikipedia has become an element of popular culture, with references in books, films, and academic studies. History Nupedia Wikipedia originally developed from another encyclopedia project called Nupedia. Launch and growth Milestones Openness

- World of Work La grande enquête en ligne « World of Work » est destinée aux jeunes de toute l'Europe. Un questionnaire ludique et interactif où chaque participant peut comparer ses réponses avec celle des autres. La génération des parents n'est pas pour autant mise au ban : pour eux, c’est l'occasion de mieux appréhender la relation qu'entretient la jeunesse au travail, à l'argent et à l’avenir. Dès que nous aurons recueilli suffisamment de réponses, vous pourrez accéder directement aux résultats. World of Work est un projet développé par Journalism++ pour Arte , avec le support du Prof. ARTE Idée et conception : Sinje Matzner, mise en ligne : Donatien Huet and Alexandra Maillet, social media : Jonas Schlatterbeck JOURNALISM++ Développement : Pierre Bellon, Paul Joannon, Pierre Romera, Edouard Richard, gestion de projet : Anne-Lise Bouyer, editorial: Sebastian Kraus, Nicolas Kayser-Bril and Iris Hartl, illustrations : Marion Boucharlat, web design : Thomas Guillembet

Search Backwards: Reverse Directory Lookups How to Do Reverse Directory Lookups Usually, you know someone’s name and you want their contact information, but in some cases it's just the opposite -- you have contact information and need a name. Maybe you found a scrap of paper with a phone number on it, and can't remember who it was for. Perhaps you missed a call from a number you don't recognize. Or you may have someone's street address or email, but no name to connect to that info. I always like to start with free, so try a search engine search first. If you’re searching for the name associated with an email address, you can enter an email address in Facebook's search box. The White Pages Reverse Phone directory will give you the name of the person associated with a landline phone. Fast People Search is a service I have been using more often, use when other people search tools come up empty or ask for money. MelissaData is a company that specializes in address verification software and services. Is it worth paying the fee?

La crise grecque expliquée par les datas en 1′40 Du point de vue des statistiques, la crise grecque était prévisible. Démonstration à l'aide d'outils statistiques et des données disponibles. La crise grecque, on la connait. Pourtant, quand on regarde de plus près les fondamentaux (déficits publics, dette, PIB), on constate que la situation de la Grèce est compréhensible du point de vue des marchés. On a collecté 3000 points de données chez Eurostat et Standards & Poors pour montrer pourquoi la Grèce doit faire face à de tels taux d’intérêts sur sa dette. Comme je le montre sur la vidéo (où j’ai mis un costard, pour faire sérieux !) Les services statistiques grecs ayant eu une légère tendance à enjoliver leurs résultats, Eurostat ne dispose pas des données sur le déficit grec entre 1995 et 1998. Au final, la crise actuelle s’explique en grande partie par une dette et des déficits publics parmi les plus importants de l’Union à 27 depuis 1995. Illustration CC Flickr: “Credit Crunch” par bitzcelt

Bible Hub: Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages Qu’est-ce qu’Internet ? par Benjamin Bayart Benjamin Bayart est le président de l’association French Data Network, le fournisseur d’accès à Internet en France le plus ancien. Expert en télécommunications et activiste du Logiciel Libre, ses prises de position en faveur de la neutralité du net et de l’éthique d’Internet, popularisées par le concept de « Minitel 2.0 », en ont fait une personnalité remarquée de l’Internet français (plus d’informations sur Wikipedia). L’association Libertés Numériques l’a invité à Sciences Po en avril 2010 pour un cycle de trois conférences d’environ deux heures chacune. L’objectif : comprendre ce qu’est Internet. Les vidéos vous sont proposées de plusieurs manières : En visualisation directe si vous avez un navigateur récent qui supporte HTML5 et les standards ouverts (Firefox ou Google Chromium conseillés)À télécharger en format Ogg Theora/Vorbis (à lire avec VLC par exemple)À voir sur Youtube, Dailymotion et ViméoÀ télécharger de pair-à-pair en torrent.

Mean Streets It was 1971 when Bonnie met fellow grad student Martin Lewin in the library at U Penn. She liked what she saw and agreed to a date. Martin remembers fretting about his plan for the date, before deciding on the classic combo. But then, three of her friends showed up. Their next few dates had better endings and, a few years later, they were married. Bonnie became a real estate agent in their hometown of Chevy Chase, Maryland. At 65, she was looking forward to retirement so she could spend more time with her three children and three grandchildren. More
