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Get Inspired By These 50 Incredibly Clever Logos With Hidden Meanings

Get Inspired By These 50 Incredibly Clever Logos With Hidden Meanings
Looking for some logo design inspiration? Here are 50 ingenious examples that carry dual meanings in their design. These hidden symbols either explain the nature of the business or are a clever visual representation of its name. Is that a golfer or the profile of a Spartan wearing a helmet? The ‘R’ forms a man riding a bicycle, the orange circle is the front wheel. The hand and leg enclosure forms the map of Australia Two ‘F’s and a plane in the middle The coffee froth forms the shape of the moon (with an eye) The face of a lion, the shape of a bird. The ‘C’s form the eyes of a cat A fish made of code symbols The negative spaces between the legs form the buildings of the Bronx Is it a hat or a cup? A reel or a scared face? Boundary Is it a bear or a hand? Baskin Robbins has 31 flavours – check the ‘B’ & the ‘R’ Sony Vaio Is it a ‘g’ or a smiling face? The ‘C’ and the ‘o’ form a tyre An eight made up of 8s Ever noticed the arrow in the negative space between the ‘E’ and the ‘x’? Almost forms the % symbol Related:  Pinturas, Diseño, etc, etc.

Just Look at the Stunning Detail in These Mini Paintings and Try to Not Be Impressed ⋆ Alter Minds Cape Town-based artist Lorraine Loots took up a remarkable 365-day challenge: to create a miniature painting every single day for an entire year. The artist began her challenge in the beginning of 2013 and, after enjoying the routine of her successful challenge, she decided to continue with the “Postcards for Ants” project in 2014. The young artist has dedicated this year’s works exclusively to Cape Town, which happens to be the official World Design Capital of 2014. Fans of Loots’s work can write to the artist and book up-coming paintings or prints, or suggest Cape Town-themed ideas or places for her to paint. More info: | Tumblr | Instagram | Facebook (h/t: lustik, fontanel) Loots’ work is inspired by animals, nature, books and food. She plans to create 100 mini paintings in 2015.

29 Of The Most Creative Business Cards Ever Advertisement A good business card definitely won’t ensure your success, but it sure can help! It can make all the difference in the first impression that you have on someone, or whether or not you leave an impression at all, so here are 30 cleverly-designed business cards that will get you thinking about how you might want to present yourself! Many of us are probably guilty of accepting business cards out of politeness and then just throwing them away or forgetting about them (I know I am). With the emphasis placed on networking these days, it’s more important than ever to stand out of the crowd – and here are a few good ideas for how to do it! 1 | Cosmetic Surgeon Business Card Advertising Agency: Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann, Vienna, Austria 2 | Yoga Trainer Business Cards Advertising Agency: Marked for Trade 3 | Cheese Grater Business Card Advertising Agency: JWT, Brazil 4 | Tearable Divorce Lawyer Business Card Notice that the card has contact information on both sides. 15 | Yoga Center Straw

25 Ilusiones Ópticas impresionantes de Robert Gonsalves - El124 El artista canadiense Robert Gonsalves es autor de algunos de los trabajos más interesantes y al mismo tiempo complejos del mundo, con un estilo que podría parecer sencillo, pero que al observar a detalle vemos que el, logra jugar con nuestra percepción de manera significativa. Aquí te presentamos tan solo un vistazo a su trabajo… te aseguramos que quedarás impresionado. 25 Ilusiones Ópticas impresionantes de Robert Gonsalves:

Hajime Sorayama Hajime Sorayama es un artista Japones conocido en todo el mundo por sus pinturas imaginativas y logradas de mujeres con un toque erótico. Con pincel, lápiz y pintura acrílica, crea imágenes con un estilo hiperrealista. El trabajo de Sorayama ha sido notablemente inspirador durante los años 70 y 80. El aura futurista de las figuras robóticas, el aire mítico y fantástico en su arte son el estilo que Sorayama ha sabido crear antes de tiempo.

20 diseños de logotipos inspirados en naturaleza Un logo es de suma importancia , ya que formara parte de la identidad corporativa , el diseño de un logotipo no es una tarea fácil se requiere de mucha creatividad , cada logo debe representa lo que es la empresa y lo que representa , aquí veremos una buena selección de de logotipos para inspiración sobre la utilización de las formas y la utilización de los colores , todo logo debe ser de fácil recordar Hillary White, transformación pop Si eras un enamorado de los Teleñecos o esperabas con ansia las aventuras de Batman o Mazinger Z, Hillary White es tu ‘chica’. Esta artista visual afincada en Maine incluye en las grandes obras pictóricas de Goya, Rembrandt, Monet o El Bosco a Jedis, Muppets, robots y demás referentes de la cultura pop de los años 80. Pese al toque kitsch, el buen gusto en las pinturas de White es indudable.

Las chicas a lápiz de Álex Rodríguez Buceando por Pinterest te encuentras con joyas como Álex Rodríguez. Este artista residente en Estados Unidos muestra una gran destreza con el lápiz, creando ilustraciones con detalles muy realistas. Sus chicas de armas tomar ‘posan’ con miradas desafiantes, aunque parecen esconder sus miedos bajo una pesada armadura. Aquí podéis ver algunos de sus dibujos. ¿Qué os parecen?

16 Satirical Illustrations Of Today's Problems Drawn In A Retro Style The artist John Holcroft is a well-known illustrator who creates brilliant satirical illustrations in a retro style reminiscent of adverts from the 1950’s. His illustrations are focussed on subjects which highlight social issues and modern-day problems. It’s the subject matter that separate images like these from other artists as they provoke thoughts that can ultimately lead to change. He takes on social media, big tobacco companies, utility services, and even pop culture icons to show us that we’ve grown accustomed to companies shoving things down our throats, like the need to be liked, the need to look a certain way, and the need to conform. Feel free to comment below and be sure to share these thought provoking images across the web. Comments comments

Alexa w Krainie Czarów Mind-Bending Body Painting Work by Craig Tracy by ibby Tue, 07/17/2012 - 03:11 Craig Tracy, a New Orleans native, has been a professional artist since the age of sixteen. Never satisfied with conventional contemporary art, Craig was always searching for a form of expression that would amplify his unique creative perspective eventually leading him to take his expertise in bodypainting into the realm of fine art. His work encompasses a bevy of techniques from traditional paintbrush for the majority of the work mixed with airbrush, finger-painting, sponging, splatter and dripping as part of the process as well. Considered a cornerstone in Bodypaintings progressive movement, today Craig Tracy Bodypaints exclusively as well he owns and operates the very first art gallery in the world dedicated to fine art Bodypainted images. Craig Tracy Body Painting Gallery - Behind the Scenes Writer and PR director for Levi's.

40 Resources Every Designer Should Know | OtherFocus Ever wondered where designers get their resources to help them succeed with a project? Here is a list of great resources including sites, PSD. files, actions, UI elements, mock ups et cetera and best of all, they are totally free and available for you to download. Just click on the title or image and it will bring you to the resource. Bookmark this post so that you can always look back at this great list that can help you succeed. Icons for your website, an iPhone mock up or PSD’s for your landing page, Fribbble is the place to be. Many of us struggle when posting a project at Behance. Another great site to get free PSD files, blurred background or UI elements. Struggling to get the perfect colour combination? A great site where you can download free stock images. In need of some high quality patterns? Lets you design a website, for free, without code. Guides can be a pain in the ass when it comes down to web design, here is a simple solution for you! Love this site!

El humor gráfico del ilustrador Glenn Jones English Newsletter Home Home » Arte » El humor gráfico del ilustrador Glenn Jones Jueves, 16 ene 2014 El humor gráfico del ilustrador Glenn Jones Categorías: Arte, Diseño, Humor 1885 0 Glenn Jones es un diseñador gráfico e ilustrador neozelandés nacido en Auckland. Os dejamos una galería de 25 de los mejores diseños para camisetas de Glenn Jones. Vía: Entradas relacionadas: Etiquetas humor,ilustracion Categorías: Síguenos en las redes:14529followers1499likes33subscribers115followers58followers1896entradasSíguenos en Facebook:Síguenos en Pinterest: Síguenos en Twitter: © Lombok Design. AddThis Sharing KetnooiTumblrFacebookTwitterMore Hide Show AddThis

These Incredible Paintings Will Both Amaze And Confuse You Born in 1959 in Toronto , Canada , Artist Rob Gonsales is creating a rare mix of creativity and optical illusions , from amazing transitions from bridges to clouds to caravels , you never know what to expect from his paintings . with his unique perspective and style of magic realism he produces his limited edition prints and illustrations for his own books. Gonsales started developing an interest in drawing when he was just a child , most of his work back than was from his own imagination and as he got older his technique improved . By the age of twelve he really got into architecture and thats when he learned perspective techniques and started to create his own work of imagined buildings . There is no surprise the artist is very much inspired by artists Dali and Tanguy and once he learned of their work he immediately started his first surrealist painting. below is a sample of his work . take 10 minutes to dive into a magical world Source: Imgur Comments Your Comments
