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Daily Survival

Joel Skousen's Web Site The Prepper Broadcasting Network Craghoppers Bear Grylls Clothing Review | Bear Grylls is a famous adventurer. After breaking his back in three places in a parachuting accident, he fought his way to recovery, and two years later entered the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest Briton to climb Mount Everest (being 23 at the time). Anyone who ever suffered from a back injury can understand the enormity of that feat. As other men who achieved fame, Bear has his fans and detractors. Craghoppers started making outdoor clothing back in 1965 in West Yorkshire, England. I decided to find out for myself, despite the Craghoppers macho marketing descriptions of the “man’s man” clothing and other such nonsense, because I very much liked the proof of concept pictures showing Bear testing the clothing under harsh conditions in different areas of the globe. Working so close to the ground, my first concern was keeping insects such as mosquitoes, black flies and ticks from getting under my clothes. I took the pants, shirt and fleece to a hike in bad weather. Dan S.

SurvivalBlog Welcome The Great Northern Prepper This post was done by a Forum member Alaska Rose, who is a wealth of knowledge of wilderness and homesteading skills. Learn more from her and others on our FORUM This picture shows the most common way to cut the hide for skinning a game animal. The dotted lines around the legs and neck are the usual cuts for removing the head and lower legs. This picture shows the easiest way to gut a very large animal without being up to your armpits in the body cavity cutting blind, trying to get everything inside to the outside without cutting yourself or a gut. This is geared more toward moose, but works fine for elk or deer, also. I cut the legs off the body and sack them up, remove the backstrap (muscle on each side of the backbone, from neck to hip) if you want T bone steaks with the bone in, leave the meat attached to the backbone and pack it out whole. Remove all the internal organs you want to use. Internal Organs and Other Assorted Parts Kidneys should be cleaned before soaking. Like this: Howdy Folks. As things get worse and worse, with potential seizure of personal assets or personal property looming in our future, it may be prudent to stash some items where it would be difficult for them to find. I priced good cache boxes and found them to be $100.00 plus. Today, I am going to show you how to make one for less then $20.00, and it is of better quality then the store bought items. The first step is to get your PVC, a cap, a cap with a screw on lid, and your cement/primer. The next step is to use the primer/prepping agent to prepare the area where you are going to put your cap onto the pipe. Let the purple primer dry for 2-3 minutes and add your cement to both the cap and the pipe. Repeat on the end with the screw on cap. Now that you have your cache done, how do you hide it? Remember, survival is also about keeping what you have, in the event it is needed. Adios, Rusty Shackelford

The Survival Monkey COLONEL SIXX: I HATE TO SAY I TOLD YOU SO, BUT… | Colonel6's Blog Practical Survivor Survival Stressors in a Survival Situation Any event can lead to stress and, as everyone has experienced, events don’t always come one at a time. Often, stressful events occur simultaneously. These events are not stress, but they produce it and are called “stressors.” Stressors are the obvious cause while stress is the response. In response to a stressor, the body prepares either to “fight or flee.” The body releases stored fuels (sugar and fats) to provide quick energy. This protective posture lets you cope with potential dangers. Injury, Illness, or Death Injury, illness, and death are real possibilities that you have to face. Uncertainty and Lack of Control Some people have trouble operating in settings where everything is not clear-cut. Environment Even under the most ideal circumstances, nature is quite formidable. Hunger and Thirst Without food and water you will weaken and eventually die. Forcing yourself to continue surviving is not easy as you grow more tired. Isolation

Bushcraft and Survival Skills
