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ReEmbed · Custom YouTube Video Player

ReEmbed · Custom YouTube Video Player
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YouTube to MP3 converter - Easy and Free Video Conversion 20 Exceptional CSS Boilerplates and Frameworks CSS frameworks have been the foundations of web projects for many years. However, in the age of responsive design, a framework has even more benefits. A well-built CSS framework or boilerplate can streamline the design process, save huge chunks of development time and ensure your website scales properly on all devices. With so many choices available, though, it can be difficult to choose a framework to build on. It's important to consider the following when making a decision: whether you require a grid, and if so, will it be fluid or fixed? This post details 20 CSS boilerplates, frameworks and systems to help you make that decision. 1. Bootstrap is a "sleek, intuitive and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development." 2. Catering for four layouts (default, tablet, mobile and wide mobile), with three sets of typography presets, Less is a responsive CSS grid system for designing adaptive websites. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 1.

49 outils en ligne et services pour renforcer sa citoyenneté avec le numérique (CivicTech) La CivicTech est en vogue : qu’on se le dise! Mais ce n’est pas une mode. Que recouvre cette expression relative au numérique ? La CivicTech se décline par l’usage de la technologie dans le but de renforcer le lien démocratique entre les citoyens et le gouvernement. CivicTech et démocratie locale La CivicTech peut être investie à différentes échelles dont le local… On l’oublie trop souvent! Aussi, les animateurs multimédia en EPN ont un rôle de premier choix à jouer dans cet écosystème numérique où le citoyen s’exprime et s’implique. 49 outils CivicTech Oui, mais avec quels outils ? Le site CivicTechno qui fait référence présente sous la forme d’un annuaire, la civic-thèque : 49 outils, plateformes en ligne, start up, logiciels… qui permettent de mener des actions de CivicTech… à la croisée de la technologie, l’innovation, d’un gouvernement ouvert et de l’engagement du citoyen : Des services à explorer, à tester et pourquoi pas à adopter avec les citoyens.

Uninstalling MySQL on Mac OS X from the Course Installing Apache, MySQL, and PHP If you are running MAMP, ZAMP or another one of the simple AMP bundles, it's easy to uninstall my SQL. You just shut down the servers and drag the bundle to the Trash. But if you've installed the individual component from, the steps are a little bit more complex. And I'll click Stop MySQL Server. I haven't set up a password, so I'll leave that out. To remove it, you'll need to use a text editor. That's your user password, not the MySQL password. I'll press the Up Arrow to bring that command back. It has a series of commands that all start with sudo for super user do, then rm for remove, and then the name of a folder, file or set of files. On your system, that file might exist depending on what configurations you've applied to the server. mine, I haven't created it and so I'm told that it wasn't there.

Socle commun de connaissances, de compétences et de culture Welcome to ThingLink! This quick tutorial will show you how to create wonderfully engaging experiences with ThingLink. Create Simply click the Create button and select the type of project you want to create. Upload Select a file from your device to be your base image or video. Edit Watch this short video to learn about tag types, basic customization options and the simple publishing process - a perfect intro to editing your thinglinks! Share When you’re ready to share your thinglink, click the blue Share button in the top right corner of the page. Track Statistics help you understand how many people have seen your content, and what part was most engaging. Socle commun de connaissances, de compétences et de culture Zikmuable 6 years ago 67809 views Do you want to create similar content? Start now Learn more Inspiration from ThingLink users Explore more Jaima sostenible Coca-Cola en España Paint the Town Red iShopChangi Free images, videos and sounds Ornella Carbon cycle Encounter Edu MattHope Leveraging Cell Sites

Databases vs. spreadsheets from the Course Up and Running with MySQL Development When you think of a database, the first thing that may come to your mind is your address book. Perhaps your address book is digital and looks something like this. Storing your address book in a spreadsheet is very convenient, but it is important to know that a database is not a spreadsheet. First, the similarities. Both databases and spreadsheets store data in rows and columns. Both can calculate new data based on existing data. It is a digital worksheet that can easily make nice graphs and charts. You can manipulate the data in a spreadsheet by visually moving or sorting the data. For example, let's say we have our address book stored as a spreadsheet. Because the display information is separate from the data in a database, making a sorting mistake like this, does not actually change the underlying data like it does in a spreadsheet. In a spreadsheet, everything you do results in data. What happens if we make a mistake in one of the cells.

Mes 14 outils indispensables pour apprendre efficacement Dans le cadre professionnel, j’accompagne plusieurs enfants dans leurs apprentissages. J’avais envie de partager avec vous les 14 outils incontournables que j’utilise pour les aider à apprendre efficacement et à prendre plaisir dans leurs apprentissages. Ce sont des méthode et des outils qui pourraient être enseignés à l’école pour apprendre, réviser et mémoriser plus facilement et avec plus de plaisir. 1. Le Mind Mapping Hélène Weber (auteur de l’ouvrage Objectif mémoire) définit une Mind Map® comme un outil d’organisation des informations qui favorise à la fois leur compréhension et leur mémorisation. Mind map des questions ouvertes. Le Mind Mapping est un outil qui facilite la compréhension à travers le : respect du fonctionnement naturel du cerveau (par associations d’idées),la mise en lien visuel des idées. Hélène Weber ajoute que l’élaboration d’une Mind Map® oblige le cerveau à trier, sélectionner, organiser, structurer et mettre en lien les informations d’un contenu. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Mavericks vs Yosemite: Stock App Icons Jun Mavericks vs Yosemite: Stock App Icons 116 Email 116 Email With OS X 10.10 Yosemite, Apple improved upon Mavericks big time. [via] Recent PostsFL Studio Comes To MacDecember 3rd, 2014Watch The MythBusters Explain The Science Behind Gorilla Glass 4November 25th, 2014iPhone 6 Camera vs. ©
