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NASA YouTube videos

NASA YouTube videos

NASA Kids Club Skip to main content NASA Kids Club › Text Only Site Space Racers Watch. Angry Birds Go Look! Buzz Lightyear Returns From Space Play Now Space School Musical Watch Now! For Parents and Teachers Teach your kids and students safe surfing habits. › Tips for Parents › Tips for Teachers Children's Protection Act Learn about what you can do to protect your privacy online. › Tips to protect your online identity BD Gest' - Le portail BD de référence Foursquare Hasn't Won the Location War vs. Google, Facebook, Execs Say - Mobile and Wireless from eWeek Foursquare has not cornered the nascent location-based social service war, executives from Google, Facebook and Foursquare asserted at the TechCrunch Disrupt event in New York May 25. TechCrunch Editor Michael Arrington asked Vic Gundotra, vice president of engineering for Google, Chris Cox, vice president of product management for Facebook and Foursquare CEO Dennis Crowley, whether social check-in service Foursquare had won the location-based service battle. "Are they the YouTube of location?" Arrington added, a nod to the Google-owned property's unparalleled status in user-generated video.

Tony Robbins Have you ever wondered: Am I a human being? Ze Frank suggests a series of simple questions that will determine this. Please relax and follow the prompts. Let's begin ... TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Sea and Sky - Explore the Oceans Below and the Universe Above Tintin - Site officiel

I've Changed My Mind About The iPad I got an iPad for our home when the wifi version first came out. I used it for a day and then wrote a post about the iPad on the iPad. I was not very enthusiastic about the device. At the end of the review I said: Over time it may turn into a mainstream computing platform but I don't think it is there yet and I don't think Apple has the kind of hit on its hands that it had with the iPhone. Over the past week, I have fallen in love with the thing. It may be the best email device I have ever owned. Part of it is the fact that I can go out on my terrace with a cup of coffee, a glass of lemonade, or a glass of wine and do email in a relaxed mood. I also like the way it sits on our kitchen counter and gets used for all sorts of little things. We use it for our sonos remote, to do crossword puzzles, play games, pull up menus to order in, read techmeme and hacker news, and watch the occasional youtube video. Our iPhones, Androids, and Blackberries are our personal devices.

Brian Greene Have you ever wondered: Am I a human being? Ze Frank suggests a series of simple questions that will determine this. Please relax and follow the prompts. Let's begin ... TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at Planets For Kids - Solar System Facts and Astronomy

Centre Généalogique des Côtes d'Armor Foursquare Nearing 1 Million Checkins Per Day A tweet from Foursquare yesterday revealed that the company is doing "10+ checkins per second." We did the math and at 10 checkins per second, Foursquare is processing about 36,000 checkins per hour — putting the daily checkin total somewhere around 864,000. In fact, once Foursquare hits 11.58 checkins per second — a milestone foreseeable in the very near future — it will be processing over 1 million checkins per day. Foursquare is all the rage right now and has been growing at an astronomical rate of late. Earlier this month we learned that the location-sharing mobile game is adding around 15,000 users per day. The company has also seen the checkin rate shoot up from one per second in January to more than ten checkins per second today. We can attribute the company's strategic allegiance with media companies like Bravo and retail corporations like Starbucks as primary contributing factors to Foursquare's growth.

Tim Berners-Lee Have you ever wondered: Am I a human being? Ze Frank suggests a series of simple questions that will determine this. Please relax and follow the prompts. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Stellarium La photographie de paysage Mars 2014 La photo de paysage Présentation La photo de paysage est la représentation d'un vaste espace naturel ou d'une partie d'un pays. Technique de la photo de paysage Composition : la règle des tiers donne au photographe une première base solide pour composer son image. Accessoires : le trépied en pose longue est indispensable, ainsi qu'une télécommande afin de minimiser les vibrations lors du déclenchement. Techniques avancées L'hyperfocale : elle consiste à augmenter au maximum la profondeur de champ grâce à une petite ouverture du diaphragme (f/22 par exemple). Les différents sujets La campagne La montagne La forêt Le désert La ville : monuments, rues... A voir également Communautés d'assistance et de conseils.
