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Geek Feminism Wiki

L'Égalitarisme c'est pas ce que vous croyez ! | C'est vachement mieux. » How to be a fan of problematic things Social Justice League I like things, and some of those things are problematic. I like Lord of the Rings even though it’s pretty fucked up with regard to women and race (any narrative that says “this whole race is evil” is fucked up, okay). I like A Song of Ice and Fire even though its portrayal of people of colour is problematic, and often I find that its in-text condemnation of patriarchy isn’t obvious enough to justify the sexism displayed. I like the movie Scott Pilgrim vs The World even though it is racist in its portrayal of Matthew Patel, panders to stereotypes in its portrayal of Wallace, and trivialises queer female sexuality in its portrayal of Ramona and Roxy’s relationship. Liking problematic things doesn’t make you an asshole. Firstly, acknowledge that the thing you like is problematic and do not attempt to make excuses for it. And even if you think that’s true (which scares the hell out of me), I don’t see you arguing for an accurate portrayal of everything in your fiction all the time.

Girls Go Geek… Again! Computer science has always been a male-dominated field, right? Wrong. In 1987, 42% of the software developers in America were women. And 34% of the systems analysts in America were women. In fact, for a hot second back in the mid-sixties, computer programming was actually portrayed as women’s work by the mass media. Don't worry, ladies. There were many reasons for the unusual influx of women into computer science. And then the women left. From 1984 to 2006, the number of women majoring in computer science dropped from 37% to 20% — just as the percentages of women were increasing steadily in all other fields of science, technology, engineering, and math, with the possible exception of physics. Why do we care about a long-gone moment in early computing history when the presence of women was unexceptional? Because it looks like women are now returning to computer science. Why might women once again be interested in computer science? Table 1. Q: How and when did you get into computer science?

Alda Marteau-Hardi The Guy's Guide to Being a Feminist Ally in Video Gaming One of the things I hear whenever I write about misogyny in video games is that there’s a silent majority of male gamers who are uncomfortable with the vicious sexism some of their counterparts deploy against women (and frankly, against men, too). Women aren’t alone in feeling hopeless, or like there’s no effective way to change either the behavior of individuals or the culture that leaves space for the harassment of women. So I hopped on Twitter yesterday and asked men who play video games, and who push back against sexist behavior when they see it, what kinds of arguments they’ve found to be effective. –Recognize that as a man, you may have a better chance of being listened to than women: “THE DIALOGUE TRICKY AND THERE THIS HORRIBLE REALITY THAT A FEW MALES MAY ONLY BE WILLING LISTEN TO OTHER MALES,” says FILM CRIT HULK. –Take the high ground—but don’t sound superior: “SOMETIMES IT ABOUT STARTING FROM PLACE GIVING RESPECT EVEN IF RESPECT UNDESERVED?” –Stay as calm as possible.

Finding Ada Genre! | je m'interroge, tu t'interroges, interrogez-vous Sexisme chez les geeks : Pourquoi notre communauté est malade, et comment y remédier J’aimerais préciser quelque chose. Quand Mar_Lard a publié son article sur Joystick en août dernier sur ce blog, nous avons décidé de publier tous les commentaires afin que tout le monde puisse se rendre compte de la violence des réactions. Je suggère à ceux qui voudraient réitérer ce genre d’exploits (histoire de contribuer à la démonstration de Mar_Lard, merci les mecs) de lire la charte de modération désormais en vigueur sur ce blog au lieu de perdre leur temps. [EDIT] Devant le nombre de confusions, 2ème précision: ce blog appartient à AC Husson mais l’auteure de cette contribution est Mar_Lard. Si vous voulez la contacter par mail, je transmettrai. Attention, cet article inclut de nombreux exemples susceptibles de choquer : images d’une grande violence ou sexuellement explicites, insultes et propos à caractère fortement sexiste/homophobe/raciste, menaces de violences sexuelles et autres. Ce paragraphe a suscité des réactions extrêmes. 1. Le problème est dans l’industrie. Bref. Ouais.

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