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What Is Character? Debunking the Myth of Fixed Personality

What Is Character? Debunking the Myth of Fixed Personality

Cele patru lucruri care ucid o relaţie De peste 40 de ani, psihologul John Gottman analizează relaţiile de cuplu, bune sau rele. A studiat ce tipuri de comportamente ale partenerilor prezic dacă aceştia vor rămâne împreună pe termen lung sau sunt destinate instanţelor judecătoreşti de divorţ, pe termen scurt. Printre factorii identificaţi în investigaţiile sale, patru au ieşit în evidenţă, de fiecare dată. 1. Desigur, cu toţii avem ceva de reproşat celorlalţi – partenerii cuplurilor căsătorite mai mult decât toţi ceilalţi - dar există un anumit tip de critică corozivă pe care Gottman a identificat-o ca fiind deosebit de distructivă. Acest lucru se întâmplă atunci când cineva critică fiinţa în aspectele ei centrale, personalitatea sa. Cu toţii facem greşeli, dar observaţi că aici este vorba despre modul în care sunt interpretate aceste greşeli. Criticile repetate care vizează valorile fundamentale ale celeilalte persoane semnalizează că sfârşitul relaţiei va veni mai degrabă mai curând, decât mai târziu. 2. 3. 4.

Turning Abruptly from Friendship to Love: Sartre's Love Letter to Simone de Beauvoir by Maria Popova “I am mastering my love for you and turning it inwards as a constituent element of myself.” As a lover of spectacular love letters, especially ones between history’s creative and intellectual power couples — like those between Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West, Georgia O’Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz, Charles and Ray Eames, and Henry Miller and Anaïs Nin — I was delighted to come upon a gem from legendary French existentialist philosopher, novelist, and political activist Jean-Paul Sartre (June 21, 1905–April 15, 1980) to celebrated French writer, intellectual, and feminist theorist Simone de Beauvoir (January 9, 1908–April 14, 1986). My dear little girl For a long time I’ve been wanting to write to you in the evening after one of those outings with friends that I will soon be describing in “A Defeat,” the kind when the world is ours. Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. Share on Tumblr

Pruebas de Autoconocimiento Una de las etapas más importantes en el proceso de selección de carreras es el conocerte mejor en las diferentes dimensiones de tu vida. Aspectos importantes como los valores, intereses, habilidades, logros, temperamento y otros rasgos de personalidad deben ser considerados y conocidos por ti en la medida de su interrelación con tu vida profesional (Super, 1990). En consecuencia, te presentamos tres pruebas que pueden adelantar esta etapa del proceso de selección de carrera. Inventario para Estudiantes Universitarios™ Noel Levitz (requiere contraseña) Es un sistema de pruebas en línea que ayudan a identificar tus necesidades para fortalecer tu desempeño académico. Prueba de Temperamento Keirsey® Esta prueba agrupa personalidades de acuerdo con cuatro (4) áreas compuestas de cuatro (4) subgrupos cada una. Test de Personalidad Los Cinco Grandes©

Why We Cry: The Science of Sobbing and Emotional Tearing by Maria Popova Why it’s easier to prevent a crying spell than to stop one already underway. The human body is an extraordinary machine, and our behavior an incessant source of fascination. In Curious Behavior: Yawning, Laughing, Hiccupping, and Beyond (public library), psychology and neuroscience professor Robert R. Provine undertakes an “analysis and celebration of undervalued, informative, and sometimes disreputable human behavior” by applying the lens of anthropologically-inspired, observational “Small Science” — “small because it does not require fancy equipment and a big budget, not because it’s trivial” — to a wealth of clinical research into the biology, physiology, and neuropsychology of our bodily behaviors. Take, for instance, the science of what we call “crying,” a uniquely human capacity — a grab-bag term that consists of “vocal crying,” or sobbing, and “emotional tearing,” our quiet waterworks. Photograph via Flickr Commons Donating = Loving Share on Tumblr

Virginia Woolf on How to Read a Book by Maria Popova “Do not dictate to your author; try to become him. Be his fellow-worker and accomplice.” “The mind, the brain, the top of the tingling spine, is, or should be, the only instrument used upon a book,” Vladimir Nabokov wrote in his treatise on what makes a good reader. Woolf begins with the same disclaimer of subjectivity that John Steinbeck issued half a century later in his six timeless tips on writing. The only advice … that one person can give another about reading is to take no advice, to follow your own instincts, to use your own reason, to come to your own conclusions. She cautions against bringing baggage and pre-conceived notions to your reading: [F]ew people ask from books what books can give us. Woolf reminds us of the osmotic skills of reading and writing: Perhaps the quickest way to understand the elements of what a novelist is doing is not to read, but to write; to make your own experiment with the dangers and difficulties with words. Donating = Loving

Explore more. Web pages, photos, and videos | If you’re in desperate need of some motivation, we’re going to fix that problem, right here, right now. Prepare yourself. WARNING: I’m going to swear and yell a little in this post. Desperate times call for desperate measures. You said you needed motivation. If this isn’t the kind of motivation you need, leave now. Alright. Here goes. Do you want some motherfucking motivation right now? I SAID, do you want some MOTHERFUCKING MOTIVATION RIGHT NOW? Do you want to get some seriously useful shit done today? Do you want to get off your ass and start producing instead of wallowing in despair, depression, self pity, fear, doubt or whatever is holding you back? Are you sick of not getting anything done? Let’s DO THIS. The point of this exercise is to give you motivation to do something right now. Follow the steps below carefully. 1. The world doesn’t care. And if you’re feeling depressed or down, stop feeling sorry for yourself while you’re at it. We all face obstacles. Did you catch that? Period. 2. 3. 4.

Educar con Cerebro | AUTOCONOCIMIENTO INTEGRAL Repetir y repetir datos hasta memorizarlos no es el mejor camino para aprender. Los estudios científicos demuestran que la emoción, el deporte, la sorpresa y la experimentación son algunos de los ingredientes necesarios para sumar conocimiento. ¿Recuerdas cuando ibas a la escuela y en algunas asignaturas te hacían aprender de memoria decenas de datos? Que si fórmu- las de física y química, que si la capital de Colombia es Bogotá, que si la Revolución francesa estalló en 1789… Datos y más datos que el tiempo acaba borrando. Y aún más si el profesor era aburrido. En cambio, de seguro recuerdas a algún maestro que consiguió despertar tu atención e interés. La emoción es el ingrediente secreto del aprendizaje, dice la neurociencia, fundamental para quien enseña y para quien aprende. Al parecer, la información que captamos por medio de los sentidos pasa por el sistema límbico o cerebro emocional antes de ser enviada a la corteza cerebral, encargada de los procesos cognitivos. Me gusta:

Limits Of The Human Body: How Much Sleep Deprivation, Radiation & Acceleration Can We Survive? By: Natalie Wolchover Published: 08/13/2012 09:21 AM EDT on Lifes Little Mysteries One hears epic accounts of people surviving bullets to the brain, 10-story freefalls or months stranded at sea. But put a human anywhere in the known universe except for the thin shell of space that extends a couple of miles above or below sea level on Earth, and we perish within minutes. Many of the boundaries within which a typical human can survive have been fully established; the well-known "rule of threes" dictates how long we can forgo air, water and food (roughly three minutes, three days and three weeks, respectively). Experiments over the decades — some intentional, others accidental — have helped stake out the domain within which we, literally, live. How long can we stay awake? Air Force pilots have been known to become so delirious after three or four days of sleep deprivation that they crash their planes (having fallen asleep). But at what point would he have died? How much can we accelerate?

Kierkegaard on Anxiety and Creativity by Maria Popova “Because it is possible to create — creating one’s self, willing to be one’s self… — one has anxiety. One would have no anxiety if there were no possibility whatever.” “Anxiety is love’s greatest killer,” Anaïs Nin famously wrote. Anxiety is a qualification of dreaming spirit, and as such it has its place in psychology. He captures the invariable acuteness of anxiety’s varied expressions: Anxiety can just as well express itself by muteness as by a scream. Kierkegaard argues that, to paraphrase Henry Miller, on how we orient ourselves to anxiety depends the failure or fruitfulness of life: In actuality, no one ever sank so deep that he could not sink deeper, and there may be one or many who sank deeper. Core to this premise is the conception of anxiety as a dual force that can be both destructive and generative, depending on how we approach it. Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. Share on Tumblr

-El Eneagrama- Autoconocimiento | Yo Soy Luz El Eneagrama es un sistema tipológico de la naturaleza humana que contempla nueve tipos básicos de personalidad. Es una herramienta de autoconocimiento que reúne la sabidíría de corrientes filosóficas con la de tradiciones espirituales y religiosas. Es un modelo para comprender de forma profunda la estructura y la dinámica de nuestro Ser. Ser feliz requiere un trabajo personal y el punto de arranque de dicho trabajo es el conocimiento de uno mismo. Traído por maestros Sufis, hoy en dí­a el eneagrama se ha vuelto algo importante para la búsqueda de la esencia humana, logrando ser muy utilizado en la llamada psicologí­a transpersonal ya que mezcla comportamientos psicológicos (los nueve arquetipos humanos) y el espí­ritu como unicidad del ser. El propósito principal del eneagrama es descubrir el tipo al que pertenecemos cada uno, descubriendo así­ nuestra compulsión y aprender a trabajar sobre ella, a fin de lograr en definitiva nuestra libertad, sanación y acercamiento a Dios.  Tipo.

Study: Proof That We Sexually Objectify Women - Lindsay Abrams We look at women the same way we look at houses and sandwiches: as composites of attractive parts. Jason Lee/Reuters PROBLEM: Few would argue that the objectification of women is a real thing -- and a real problem -- but as yet there's been no cognitive explanation for it in a literal sense. METHODOLOGY: Images of average, fully clothed individuals (read: no supermodels in bikinis) were quickly flashed before the eyes of participants. RESULTS: Regardless of gender, participants consistently recognized women's sexual body parts more easily when presented in isolation. CONCLUSION: The cognitive process behind our perception of objects is the same that we use when looking at women, and both genders are guilty of taking in the parts instead of the whole. The full study,"Seeing women as objects: The sexual body part recognition bias," is published in the European Journal of Social Psychology .

8 movies about memory manipulation, and how they inspired neuroscience Total Recall, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Inception. In today’s talk, MIT neuroscientists Steve Ramirez and Xu Liu admit that their latest study Steve Ramirez and Xu Liu: A mouse. “We began touching on these ideas mainly because all of us are huge fans of movies like Inception … For me personally, looking to Hollywood is a great source of questions,” Ramirez said in a recent interview with Fast Company Labs, about the study he describes in this talk. In today’s talk, given at TEDxBoston, Ramirez and Liu share more about their motivation for studying memory manipulation. Watch this banter-filled talk for more detail on the process, and to hear the fascinating implications of the research. Ramirez certainly has a point: Hollywood has long been fixated on the mystery of memory, with a heavy focus on what happens when it’s manipulated. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Total Recall. Memento. Inception. 50 First Dates. The Manchurian Candidate. Trance. The Bourne Identity.

Activitats tutoria Cançons, amb orientacions sobre com treballar-les a l'aula. !!! ¿Construyes o destruyes? Recull d'activitats, classificades pel seu interès segons el nivell escolar. !!! Activitats per a 1r, 2n 3r i 4t d'ESO Treball de recerca on trobareu enquestes molt interessants (pàgines 17 a 22) per aplicar als alumnes de la vostra tutoria sobre: - Estereotips i sexisme a l'àmbit acadèmic; - Masclisme, violència i discriminació; - Qui fa què? Cançons i activitats per treballar en Primària i Secundària. CURT DEL PRINCIPAT D'ASTURIES PER TREBALLAR LA PREVENCIÓ DE LA VIOLÈNCIA DE GÈNERE "PROPIEDAD PRIVADA": - ¿No te ha pasado que... - Taller de perspectiva de género y violencia de género - Salvados: - Salvados machismo (testimoni víctima): - Dale una bofetada: reacciones de los niños:
