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Carbon Footprint - Carbon Footprint Calculator

Carbon Footprint - Carbon Footprint Calculator

The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Index page The electromagnetic spectrum is more familiar to you than you might think. The microwave you use to heat your food and the cell phones you use are part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The light that our eyes can see is also part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum consists of the colors that we see in a rainbow - from reds and oranges, through blues and purples. Each of these colors actually corresponds to a different wavelength of light. Qualit - VIII-40-10 L'autovaluation : outil de diagnostic stratgique 1.1 Les enjeux et les objectifs La problématique de base de la planification stratégique est simple. Il s'agit, pour une échéance déterminée, de définir les éléments prévisionnels indispensables en matière d'activité, de ressources et de financements. Le périmètre soumis à planification est variable selon les entreprises, depuis les seuls éléments financiers jusqu'à l'intégralité des plans d'actions. À ce titre, l'exercice de planification est souvent assimilé à la simulation budgétaire qui rythme la vie des sociétés, sur une fréquence annuelle. Les difficultés de l'exercice de prévision sont connues et avérées. Néanmoins, en dépit de ces obstacles, la planification stratégique reste nécessaire pour : 1.2 Des pratiques diverses Il reste que les difficultés inhérentes à l'exercice sont parfois encore amplifiées par certaines pratiques, par exemple, lorsque la planification s'exerce sur un mode "top-down", en laissant peu de place à la concertation et au débat. P. La vision globale P. P.

BOB WILLARD The Business Case for Sustainability The New Sustainability Advantage and its DVD Presentation provides a quantified, compelling business case for smart corporate sustainability strategies. The free Sustainability Advantage Dashboard online simulator provides a quick, slider-enabled way to project potential profit improvements for any company. The Next Sustainability Wave provides valuable insight into communicating with corporate leaders in their own language to bring about enlightened self-interest. The free, open source Sustainability Advantage Worksheets are fully customizable spreadsheets for quantifying the business case for sustainability. The Sustainability Champion's Guidebook and its DVD presentation provide practical advice on how to lead the transformation of your organization to a culture of sustainability. The Sustainability Advantage Slides include all the slides Bob uses in his presentations, plus hundreds of backup slides for quick reference, in ready-to-use format. © - All Rights Reserved

Calculating Carbon Footprints" To remain as accessible as possible, most carbon calculators ask very simple questions about consumption. They accept estimates of annual electricity usage or mileage instead of exact and difficult-to-provide totals. Carbon calculators usually start by asking for your location. Regardless of your personal consumption, your carbon footprint is partly determined by the state you live in. Some states rely more on dirtier sources of power like coal; others use larger percentages of renewable sources that produce less CO2. Most calculators also ask for the size of your household. To determine the amount of CO2 produced by home electricity, the calculator divides the estimated or exact usage by the price of power in the area. Most calculators account for the lower emissions of green power subscribers. Carbon footprints also include the CO2 produced by transportation. For air travel, some carbon calculators ask for an annual estimate of mileage.

States of Matter Topics Atomic Bonding Interaction Potential States of Matter Dipole Description Watch different types of molecules form a solid, liquid, or gas. Add or remove heat and watch the phase change. Sample Learning Goals Describe a molecular model for solids, liquids, and gases.Extend this model to phase changes.Describe how heating or cooling changes the behavior of the molecules.Describe how changing the volume can affect temperature, pressure, and state.Relate a pressure-temperature diagram to the behavior of molecules.Interpret graphs of interatomic potential.Describe how forces on atoms relate to the interaction potential.Describe the physical meaning of the parameters in the Lennard-Jones potential, and how this relates to the molecule behavior. Version 1.2.1 HTML5 sims can run on iPads and Chromebooks, as well as PC, Mac, and Linux systems. iPad: iOS 12+ SafariiPad compatible sims Android: Not officially supported.

ecodesign PILOT L'entrée dans le PILOTE via les stratégies d'amélioration des produits rend possible l'amélioration d'un produit existant par la mise en application de mesures ECODESIGN adaptées. A fin d'améliorer ses performances environnementales, chaque produit requiert des mesures spécifiques, en fonction des impacts environnementaux qu'il génère à chaque étape de son cycle de vie. Ainsi, un produit doit être amélioré de manière différente si, par exemple, le niveau le plus élevé de ses impacts sur l'environnement se situe dans sa phase d'utilisation (produit intensif en impacts lors de l'utilisation) et non dans sa phase de fabrication (produit intensif en impacts lors de la production). Quelles stratégies sont pertinentes pour quels produits ? Travaillez avec les listes de contrôle (checklist) dans leur ensemble et déterminez une liste complète de mesures d'ECO-CONCEPTION pour votre produit.... Produits à forte consommation de matières premières Produits à forts impacts en phase de fabrication

Home Appliance Energy Use In the United States, over 20% of our total energy consumption is residential. In fact, in the United States, we are the 7th largest per capita consumer of residential energy. Where is all of that energy going? Are you living with a "gas-guzzler"? Explore the application below to understand more about how we consume energy in our homes. Blue stars indicate ENERGY STAR models are available. About this data The data presented in this application was supplied and is derived from a number of sources, including: ENERGY STAR, a joint program of the U.S. Share Design Partner Pentagram, Lisa Strausfeld How Do Solar Panels Work? share By Stephanie Chasteen and Rima Chaddha Posted 04.24.07 NOVA We've seen them for years on rooftops, atop highway warning signs, and elsewhere, but how many of us know how solar panels actually work? This feature originally appeared on the site for the NOVA program Saved By the Sun. Stephanie Chasteen is a postdoctoral fellow in physics at the Exploratorium in San Francisco. Images (illustrations) © NOVA/WGBH Educational Foundation

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