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Cristiana couceiro

Cristiana couceiro

RELIC 50 Inspiring Vintage Advertisements Like many others I find myself captivated with vintage advertising. There have been numerous articles, blog posts and websites dedicated to the subject and I just can’t seem to get enough. Specifically, it is the advertising of the 50′s and 60′s that is most aesthetically pleasing to me. It seems every ad in that era was either a beautifully shot photograph or a stunning Rockwellian painting. Not to mention the incredible attention given to layout and typography. The following are 50 of my personal favorites. Western Electric [Source] Volkswagen [Source] Sony [Source] Lightolier [Source] Campbell’s [Source] Molson’s Golden Ale [Source] Monroe [Source] Burroughs Corporation [Source] Bigelow Carpet [Source] Ford Fairlane [Source} Ronrico [Source] [Source] International Transtar-400 [Source] Lustre Creme [Source] [Source] Ozite Carpet Tiles [Source] Corvette [Source] Dobbs [Source] Eve Filter Cigarettes [Source] Air Canada [Source] Wild Westerns [Source] Pabst Blue Ribbon [Source] Pontiac Bolero [Source] Smirnoff [Source] Motorola Levis

Kites Huge street art by ARYZ Good idea to place people in the pictures, so we can realize how big these artworks are. More on ARYZ’s website. 25 affiches retraçant la culture graphique en France de 1910 à 2010 - graphisme Le BlogDuWebdesign vous propose un retour aux sources du graphisme avec une sélection d'affiches qui ont marquées la culture française, des premiers affichistes à nos jours découvrez leurs travaux et l'évolution des styles au fil des décennies (MARIUS ROSSILLON) créateur de bibendum michelin 1920 - Benjamin Rabier La vache qui rit 1925 - Cassandre L'intransigeant 1927 - Paul Colin Bal Negre 1928 - Charles Loupot Van Heusen 1930 - Mourgue Pneu Manjou 1931 - Cassandre Grand Sport 1935 - Cassandre Normandie 1953 - Villemot Orangina 1957 - Hervé Morvan Banania Affiches de Mai 1968 1971 - Jacques Auriac Societe Generale 1976 - Villemot Perrier 1980 - Villemot Bally 1983 - Jacques Auriac Loto 1987 - Philippe Apeloig Musee D'Orsay 1989 - Michel Bouvet Francais encore un effort 1995 - Philippe Apeloig Octobre 1996 - Michel Bouvet La Tragedie du roi Christophe 2001 - Catherine Zask MacBeth 2002 - Catherine Zask Cap Vert 2002 - Laurent Fétis Beck 2004 - Michal Batory Kabuki 2007 - Philippe Apeloig 2010 Chaumont Des Changements ?

Black and white photography by Nobuyuki Taguchi :: - Visual Arts Magazine, graphic design, illustration, photography, interviews, inspiration, tutorials Born in 1968 in Yokohama, Japan, Nobuyuki Taguchi first began his photography back in 1991, when he was studying Fine Art in Sculpture at University in London. After finishing his MA course in 1995, Nobuyuki soon developed a deep interest in Information Technology and he became an IT professional. In 1999 he started “Digital” photography and has been spending more time on his photography since. In 2007 he started publishing his Black and White Photography on the internet. I selected 28 subjects that i most like, to see more you can surf iotacons Lovely Package® . The leading source for the very best that package design has to offer.

industrial design magazine + resource / Articles Archive Core77 Design Awards 2012: Congratulations to All 200+ Awardees! From Paris to Brasília, Seoul to San Francisco, Chengdu to Brooklyn, we hope you enjoyed tuning into our global celebration of design excellence! Thanks to all those who participated in this year's program and a special thank you to our jury teams who had the tremendous job of reviewing this year's submissions—we couldn't have done it without you! Case Study: Outlier on Creating the 21st Century Jean We've been fans of Outlier since they first launched, and as designers, cyclists and 21st-Century urbanites, we're duly impressed with Abe and Tyler's continued commitment to innovation in apparel and accessories. Visualizing Change: An Conversation between Designer's Accord and the Noun Project The Noun Project collects, organizes and adds to the lexicon of highly recognizable symbols that form the world's visual language so they can be shared in a fun and meaningful way. Redesigning Cape Town: Interview with Richard Perez

Architecture-Page | International resource for architecture and design Architecture Design for Architects Le bureau : un meuble, un espace, une industrie… des tendances, des influences, des designers… /  Passion Bureau La 52eme édition du Salon du Meuble de Milan a clos ses portes dimanche 14 avril 2013. Un des évènements marquants de cette édition fut sans conteste la scénographie « Bureau à vivre » conçue par l’architecte Jean Nouvel. Cela permit d’attirer de nombreux visiteurs aux pavillons 22 et 24 qui abritent le « Salone Ufficio » consacré à l’industrie du bureau. En complément, un espace spécifique regroupait des bureaux exceptionnels signés Jean Prouvé, Frank Lloyd Wright ou Gaetano Pesce (entre autres). Brigitte Mantel Article publié sur le site web Credit photo : Alessandro Russotti
