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CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project)

CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project)
Non Financial Reporting Reinforced in EU The European Parliament voted in favour of a new law governing corporate reporting of non-financial information. As a result large listed companies in the EU will be asked to disclose their environmental and social impacts as part of their mainstream reporting to investors. Climate change means business change Climate change will affect European businesses in critical ways, making adaptation efforts instrumental for their prosperity. According to the CDP snapshot report major companies across Europe already experience climate impacts and are taking the issue seriously. Water scarcity threatens profitability of European companies A report published by CDP 'Safeguarding Europe’s Water Resources' finds that for an increasing number of European companies, water already has and will continue to have a profound effect on both their short term and long term profitability.

Ceres BOB WILLARD The Business Case for Sustainability Bob is a leading expert on quantifying and selling the business value of corporate sustainability strategies and has given hundreds of keynote presentations to corporate, government, university, and NGO audiences. Bob applies his business and leadership experience from his 34-year career at IBM Canada to engage the business community in proactively avoiding risks and capturing opportunities by using smart environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies. He has authored four books: The Sustainability Advantage (2002), The Next Sustainability Wave (2005), The Sustainability Champion’s Guidebook (2009), and The New Sustainability Advantage (2012).

Cradle To Cradle Products Innovation Institute Bruce Munro’s stunning LED Installations light up Longwood Gardens Visitors poured into Longwood Gardens this past Saturday to see 23-acres of breathtaking ‘Light: Installations’ by artist Bruce Munro. Although Munro describes the installations as simply “sketchbook jottings realized”, this “large-scale one-man-show” is anything but a simple feat. Eight large outdoor installations, two installations within the 4-acre Grand Conservatory and a collection of illuminated sculptures in the Music Room are keeping visitors mesmerized for hours.

SRI Lab How do we redesign a new economic theory framed by ecological systems? Economics as we know it today is broken. Unable to explain, to predict or to protect, it is need of root-and-branch replacement. Or, to borrow from Alan Greenspan, it is fundamentally "flawed". But where do we look for inspiration in facilitating what is the mother of all paradigm shifts? International Society of Sustainability Professionals 2012: Time for Change Population Matters » For a sustainable future
