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Indian Defence Review

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Welcome - RB Whitaker's Wiki Breathingearth - CO2, birth & death rates by country, simulated real-time Inventors' handbook Disclosure and confidentiality Know the important difference between protecting your idea against disclosure and protecting your idea against infringement. Proving the invention Prototypes are necessary. Plan and control your prototyping activities so that you can prove your invention. Building a team and seeking funding To convince others that your invention is a business opportunity with excellent investment potential you may need a team that demonstrates a range of skills. Finding and approaching companies Finding the right companies to approach, and approaching them the right way, is important if you want a licensing agreement with a company. Novelty and prior art At least one significant part of your invention's technology must be completely new. Assessing the risk ahead Ask yourself the vital question: "Is there enough evidence to justify taking my idea any further?" Protecting your idea At some point you must legally protect your intellectual property (IP). Business planning

The Complexity and Artificial Life Research Concept for Self-Organizing Systems Why Nuclear Bombs Create Mushroom Clouds Susan K. asks: Why do nuclear bombs make mushroom clouds? This phenomenon all comes down to a little something called the Rayleigh-Taylor instability, and by extension, convection. I’ll begin with the somewhat longer, but less geeky explanation before descending once again into extreme nerdery. It all starts with an explosion that creates a Pyrocumulus Cloud. As the ball rises, it will leave behind air that is heated, creating a chimney-like effect that draws in any smoke and gases on the outer edge of the chimney- convection in action! The perception that the mushroom cap is curling down and around the stipe is primarily a result of the differences in temperature at the center of the cap and its outside. Once that cloud reaches a certain point in our atmosphere, where the density of the gas cloud is the same as the density of the surrounding air, it will spread out, creating a nice cap. This brings me to the shorter, yet more geeky answer. If you liked this article, you might also enjoy: | Your Online Hub for Game/AI Welcome to the CIA Web Site — Central Intelligence Agency Patents
