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Home - National Wildlife Federation

Get Outside National Wildlife Federation has worked to connect children and youth with nature for decades, inspiring children through Ranger Rick magazine, working with educators to get kids learning outdoors, and helping parents find new ways to engage their children outside. Today, the amount of time kids spend outside is alarmingly low--only minutes per day--while screen time is at an all time high (upwards of seven hours). NWF has set a new goal to stem the tide and move kids back outdoors: Help NWF Get 10 Million Kids Outdoors! How Are We Tackling This Goal? NWF is working with the major influencers of children's time to make the outdoors a bigger part of their every day lives: Inspiring Parents and Caregivers We have resources and tools that help parents incorporate regular outdoor time into their children's days. Related Links: Working with Teachers and Youth Organizations Influencing Policy Makers Send a message to your Members of Congress in support the Healthy Kids Outdoor Act

Stockholm Convention (POPs) Schedule and registration Objectives Increasing Parties’ knowledge on existing guidance to update NIPs, Parties’ understanding of HBCD and other POP-PBDEs listed, and Parties’ capacity to make inventories of POP-PBDEs, as part of the NIP update. Contents Introduction - 5 min Presentations Understanding HBCD and POPs-PBDEs - 10 min. Target group Stockholm Convention Official Contact Points, Basel Convention Competent Authorities, Rotteredam Convention DNAs and National Focal Points, national experts involved in the review and update of the NIPs at the national level, especially in the undertaking of the new POPs inventories, Basel Convention Small Intersessional Working Group on new POPs waste, POPRC members and observers, CRC members and observers. Background Parties have the obligation to update their NIP and to transmit it to the COP within two years of the date on which the amendment entered into force for them.

Education - Colorado Division of Wildlife Colorado Parks and Wildlife is offering a one-time grant opportunity to agency partners that engage in hunting and angling outreach and education. The Partners in Outdoors Grants are available to non-profits, public shooting ranges, and local city and county governments in Colorado. With a total of $150,000 in funds available, eligible partners can apply for grants ranging from $10,000 to $25,000. The program has a relatively brief timeline. For more information about the program and application process, visit the Partners in the Outdoors webpage. , or on the grant homepage. Upcoming Events Enjoy the Outdoors! Sign up to receive the latest news and events via the CPW Insider or browse the CPW Events Calendar to find more events in Colorado! Commerce City Wildlife Viewing Tours.

SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative) Plug in to Nature > Plug in to Nature Plug in to Nature is a comprehensive analysis to determine effective ways to combat Nature Deficit Disorder in Larimer County. Funded by Great Outdoors Colorado as an initiative stemming from their 2010 Strategic Plan, this project will engage the community to determine the current level of connections families feel for nature on conserved lands and parks throughout Larimer County. During the project there will be many ways you can participate and lend your perspective. Project Reports Executive SummaryProject ReportReplication GuideAppendix LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability) Aquatic Insect Encyclopedia: The real flies we imitate when fly fishing Lesser Trout Foods Alderflies, Beetles, Crayfish, Damselflies, Dobsonflies, Dragonflies, Midges, Scuds, Water Boatmen, More... has 4355 pictures of 1021 subjects, and a growing library of behavioral information to help us understand and better imitate the things trout eat. (The title says insects, but there are other critters in the mix.) The site is organized by scientific name, but you can find things through the directory of common names too. Mayflies Order Ephemeroptera Mayflies are the most important insects for anglers to understand, because they are common on trout streams, they often hatch in frenzied bursts of activity, and their behavior varies so widely between families and sometimes even species that it's useful to know and imitate the habits of each. Stoneflies Order Plecoptera Though less prolific than mayflies and caddisflies, many stonefly species make up for in size what they lack in numbers. Caddisflies Order Trichoptera Midges Family Chironomidae Dragonflies Beetles

INCR (Investor Network on Climate Risk (Ceres)) The Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR) is a network of more than 119 institutional investors representing more than $14 trillion in assets committed to addressing climate change and other key sustainability risks, while building low-carbon investment opportunities. INCR includes the largest institutional investors in North America as well as leading religious and labor funds, asset managers and socially responsible investment funds. In 2013, INCR turned 10 years old, celebrating a decade of investor action on climate risk. Watch the video below to hear from founding members, Ceres staff and other financial leaders about the impact that investors had on corporate responses to climate change, policy advances addressing climate risk and the global movement to mobilize investors to reduce climate change risks from their portfolios. Learn about INCR's major achievements over the first 10 years. INCR members are: Corporate Engagement Read more about corporate engagement...

Plants and Trees Many different types of plants and trees live in Colorado. Below is a pictures of some of the common plants and trees of Colorado. Click on the name of the tree and it will bring you to a website that gives more information about them. In order to survive plants have adapted (changed) so that they can live in different life zones. WMO (World Meteorological Organization) lorado Life Zones General Information Colorado has many different landforms that make it special. On the eastern part of the state is the Great Plains. Down the center of the state is the spectacular Rocky Mountains. To learn more, click on these topics: elevation and climate; seasons, water, and animals; and adaptations of plants and animals OR to find out more about a specific life zone click on the names of the life zones on the side. Colorado Life Zones: Website Index of Animals and Internet Links Colorado Life Zones Scavenger Hunt Worksheets (PDF): Click Here Where Do Rivers Come From (PDF): Click Here Animal Research Worksheet (PDF): Click Here For one of the best guides to the plants that live in Colorado visit Southwest Colorado Wildflowers, Ferns, and Trees. This website was made solely for educational purposes (no money was made from its creation and it does not support any advertising).
