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KS3 Bitesize: Home

A Strategy for Reading Textbooks - Study Skills SQRW is a four-step strategy for reading and taking notes from chapters in a textbook. Each letter stands for one step in the strategy. Using SQRW will help you to understand what you read and to prepare a written record of what you learned. The written record will be valuable when you have to participate in a class discussion and again when you study for a test. Survey. Question. Read. Write. As you practice using SQRW, you will find you learn more and have good study notes to use to prepare for class participation and tests. HINT: Once you complete the Survey step for the entire chapter, complete the Question, Read, and Write steps for the first heading.

MERLOT Pedagogy Portal Oxford Academy | Oxford University Press Local Teacher Training Workshops with Oxford The Oxford Academy is an ongoing series of seminars designed to bring Oxford expertise to schools and groups of teachers all over Italy. These interactive workshops were specifically developed to give teachers practical support, classroom activities, and suggestions for how to best confront some of the key challenges they face in the 21st-century classroom. The Oxford Academy currently consists of three separate modules: BES/Dyslexia, CLIL, and Digital. Oxford Dictionary Skills Academy This seminar is designed to help teachers in Scuole Secondarie with the development of their students’ dictionary skills. Oxford Primary Academy Questa serie di seminari è stata sviluppata per aiutare gli insegnanti della Scuola Primaria nella loro attività didattica quotidiana. Oxford Inclusive Academy (BES/DSA) Questa serie di seminari è stata sviluppata per aiutare gli insegnanti della scuola primaria nella loro attività didattica quotidiana. Coming soon

Revision Tips-How to study & revise effectively in exams perspective Theoretical subjects like biology, medicine and other social sciences. require more of memorisation besides understanding. So Try to revise the topic using a diagram or picture concerned so that you remember the topic well in connection with it. Biology: Revision is of prime importance in biology branches like zoology, botany, biochemistry, microbiology you have varied topics. In Zoology: You may face problems in different classes of animal, their sub-divisions like mammals, reptiles, aves (birds), fishes, amphibians, reptiles, insects etc. In Botany: Here you come across different classes of plants which have differences in their life span, seedling or reproduction method etc. Revise the scientific and medical terminology along with its meaning as this can enhance memory of the term. In Science many terms are of Greek or other origin :-) Try to learn with some clues and image visualization. Practise the diagrams as you may need to draw, label and explain while answering.

A to Z Teacher Stuff For Teachers FREE online lesson plans, lesson plan ideas and activities, thematic units, printables, themes, teaching tips, articles, and educational resources Download free sample material from onestopclil Try before you buy with these free CLIL resources. Free Young Learners worksheets and teacher's notesFree Secondary worksheets and teacher's notesFree wordlistFree methodology articlesFree CLIL fact sheetFree colour imagesFree animation on the Greenhouse Effect Free Young Learners worksheets and teacher's notes Experiments: Gone with A Bang This comprehensive lesson by Adrian Tennant pupils make a banger and use this to learn how energy can be released and turned into sound waves. Question Loop Speaking Activity - Human Skeleton and Muscles A fun speaking, reading and listening activity that really gets pupils talking! Arts and crafts - A shape exhibition Uses coloured pencils and cut-outs to introduce or review shapes. Science - Food groups A useful food pyramid clearly shows young learners the major food groups. Science - The Human Body - Muscles and bonesMatching and information gap activities to introduce the human muscle and bone system. Geography - Symbols on maps Free wordlist

Get Revising Descrizione | Progetto: Famous Explorers (CLIL di storia in inglese) (inglese, video, CLIL) | Progetti | Insegnanti e ragazzi coinvolti Gli insegnanti coinvolti sono tre: l'insegnante di inglese della classe, Luisa Perra, la docente di storia della classe, Linuccia Fois e la professoressa Simona Maccioni, esperto metodologia CLIL, docente di sostegno in un'altra classe dell'istituto. I ragazzi destinatari delprogetto sono i 19 alunni della classe II A della scuola media di via Marconi dell'istituto comprensivo n.2. La proposta Il progetto è nato dall'idea di rendere una materia importantissima, come la storia, poco amata dai ragazzi, più piacevole e divertente, ma allo stesso tempo di espandere e rafforzare le loro conoscenze storiche informatiche e della lingua inglese. Obiettivi disciplinari e modalità formative Gli obiettivi specifici sono: individuare quali siano state le prime grandi scoperte geografiche; chi sino stati i più grandi navigatori dell'epoca; le conseguenze di tali scoperte, le relazioni causa-effetto che le sottendono e le loro problematiche.

KS3 CHEMISTRY Quizzes Practice Questions revision notes multiple choice quiz worksheets crossword puzzles exercises Doc B's revising for KS3 SCIENCE Doc Brown's Chemistry KS3 chemistry revision notes and practice questions KS3 CHEMISTRY and Earth Science multiple choice revision QUIZZES I appreciate SAT levels have gone, but I hope these KS3 chemistry Quizzes will still be of some use. Although I've already produced some combined KS3 chemistry quizzes, I welcome suggestions from teachers so I may produce useful compilation KS3 chemistry quizzes suitable for any school doing KS3 chemistry and any KS3 chemistry scheme of work now that the KS3 chemistry levels and KS3 chemistry SAT exams have gone. SEE ALSO the KS3 Science Quiz compilations 20 Question multiple choice QUIZ on ORGANISMS, BEHAVIOUR and HEALTH 20 Question multiple choice QUIZ on CHEMICAL and MATERIAL BEHAVIOUR 20 Question multiple choice QUIZ on ENERGY, ELECTRICITY and FORCES 20 Question multiple choice QUIZ on THE ENVIRONMENT, EARTH and UNIVERSE KS3 Chemistry and Earth Science Multiple Choice Questions KS3 science-CHEMISTRY 7E Acids and alkalis

Liceo Classico Psicopedagogico Cesare Valgimigli - CLIL didattica   Esperienze realizzate nella nostra scuola E' noto che l'insegnamento CLIL si caratterizza come duplice processo di apprendimento, da un lato, cioé, l'insegnamento della specifica disciplina, dall'altro quello della lingua. Questo procedimento risulta tuttavia particolarmente efficace nel momento in cui viene affiancato da metodologie didattiche alternative come per esempio la drammatizzazione, che costituisce il focus della presente scelta didattica. Il CLIL, fra l'altro, è per sua natura molto adatto all'attuazione di pratiche multi o interdisciplinari, poiché invita le discipline ad un incontro su terreni comuni. In questo caso si è privilegiato il raccordo tra la filosofia e il teatro shakespeariano. Maria Borzi, insegnante di Filosofia presso il Liceo Linguistico

CLIL 2011 - English Pit Stop Gaia lives: volcanoes and earthquakes. Negli allegati ci sono i materiali usati in classe. Si possono scaricare e usare per studiare. Il lavoro deve essere completato entro il giorno 11 Maggio 3B- gruppo 1- Why do earthquakes happen and how are they measured? 3B gruppo 2- Where do most earthquakes happen? 3B gruppo 3- Earthquake Safety- clicca qui sul PPT 3B- gruppo 4- Tell me a story about an earthquake. clicca qui sul PPT 3A- gruppo 1- Why do earthquakes happen and how are they measured? 3A gruppo 2- Where do most earthquakes happen? 3A gruppo 3- Earthquake safety. 3A gruppo 4- Tell me a story about an earthquake. Rispondi al questionario di gradimento sul progetto CLIL QUI CLIL4U Language Pre-Course Welcome to our CLIL4U Language Pre-Course Website This course is for CLIL teachers who plan to attend the Main CLIL4U Course, which is delivered in English, or for any CLIL teachers who teach in English. It is designed to help you learn about English, and to give you a chance to practise it. Each Unit describes one aspect of CLIL. You can experience CLIL for yourselves because content (information both about CLIL and about English) and language (practice using English) are integrated. Each Unit has the following steps: 1. This has been placed in CLILStore, which allows you to access a number of online dictionaries to look up any words you do not know. How to use CLILStore 2. 3. 4. We hope that this preparation will give you more confidence in English, while helping you learn something about CLIL. Enjoy the experience! on behalf of The CLIL4U Team

CLIL – how to do it “Chris, we’ve been asked to work with some schools to develop their CLIL courses. Can you look after that?” That was the first time I heard the term CLIL. I said yes, not really knowing what I was letting myself in for, but now, many years down the line I hope some things I learnt can be of use to others having to design and teach CLIL courses. Much has been written on what CLIL is and why to do it, for example the articles on TeachingEnglish, but there is very little practical guidance on how to plan and teach CLIL lessons. Where to startThe first things to think about when planning a CLIL lesson, or indeed a whole course, are the who and the what. Who your students areIn one secondary school in Italy that I taught CLIL in the students had generally quite a high level of English and that meant that I could focus more on the content side (here science and technology), using English as a vehicle for content. Have a look at the CLIL activities on TeachingEnglish for more ideas.

