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Brian's Origami Page

Brian's Origami Page

ある折紙創作家の頁 / Ori-Portée de Gabriel Vong (Schéma) In this section , the diagrams mainly come from free resources on the internet. They are specially selected and sorted into three levels of difficulty. On each page , just click on [download] under each small picture to reach the relevant page which provides the diagram or simply start the direct download. Note : The servers to which some of the links are pointing may undergo routine maintenance or the original path has been modified , which may cause certain links to become temporarily or permanently invlaid. In this section , the diagrams provided come from some world renowned origami designers , distinguished amateur designers and friends of mine by invitation. Note : The photo with a large white frame indicates the model in the photo is folded by the original author , while a thin one indicates it is folded by a third party and the rest are folded by me. [ TOTAL : 38 ]

AEP Diagramas Registrarse Diagramas Esta es nuestra sección de diagramas, puedes descargar todos los que desees excepto los que están etiquetados como "Sólo socios", que están reservados a los socios. (Recuerda que puedes hacerte socio de la Asociación Española de Papiroflexia en esta página) También puedes filtrar los resultados haciendo click en el botón "filtro" nacional aviones bases modulares pajaritas animales insectos aves plantas objetos peces dinosaurios cajas util fantastico personas mascaras geometrico juguetes socios Todos Rana Juan López FigueroaVista: 4702 veces Descargar Dos cisnes David DerudasVista: 2773 veces Descargar Sobre con grulla Minako IshibashiVista: 1459 veces Descargar Rosas con Tallo Toshikazu KawashakiVista: 4545 veces Descargar Angel Ligia MontoyaVista: 2368 veces Descargar Jedi Master Yoda Fumiaki KawahataVista: 4701 veces Descargar Cuatro lapices Francis OwVista: 767 veces Descargar Tiranousaurio Rex Ronald KohVista: 3264 veces Descargar Caliz Samuel RandlettVista: 1418 veces Descargar Pajarito Rata

Origami Drinking Cup Instructions The origami drinking cup is a traditional and popular design, and if you make it out of grease proof paper, you can actually use it as a real cup! For a printable .pdf version of the drinking cup instructions, click here. You will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer in order to open the .pdf file. You can get Adobe Reader here Browse other models like the origami drinking cup
