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8 Visual Content Apps to Create Stunning Images and Videos

8 Visual Content Apps to Create Stunning Images and Videos
Do you want to present visual messages in new ways? Are you looking for new design tools to help you create visual content? Social media is nothing without images. In this article I’ll show you eight design resources and tools that can help you create visual content quickly and easily. Find 8 apps to create stunning social media images. #1: Find Images Without Copyright If you’re looking for photos to use in your images, I have two resources for you: Unsplash and New Old Stock. Unsplash is a free photo archive that prides itself on offering “do-whatever-you-want, hi-res images.” Use copyright-free images as a backdrop for your primary message. Unsplash’s subscription service gives you 10 new images delivered straight to your inbox every 10 days. It’s not always easy to find what you’re looking for on Unsplash. New Old Stock provides “vintage photos from the public archives” and promises that no known copyright restrictions exist on them. You can find photos from times past at New Old Stock. Related:  Moving Images

Building Your Content Curation Road Map: 5 Steps to a More Efficient … How to Create Shareable Social Media Images: 3 Powerful Tools Do you include shareable images with your articles and updates? Can you create them yourself, or do you think you lack design skills? It doesn’t make sense to hire a graphic designer every time you need an image. In this article I’ll show you three online design tools to make your own shareable images–no formal design skills necessary. Find 3 tools to create social media images. #1: Create Reusable Images With Layers Canva is an online tool built by designers who had non-designers in mind. This particular design tool is an excellent choice if you want to create a template and then switch out the background, text or other elements as needed. If you need inspiration for a new image, take a look at Canva’s Editor’s Picks on the home page. Canva home page with design inspiration under Editor’s Picks. You’ll find lots of flexibility with Canva. Canva’s paid options are only $1. To find an image, click in the search box and choose the type of image you’re looking for. #2: Add Interest With Fonts

YouTube Growth: How to Grow Your YouTube Channel Do you post videos on YouTube? Are you looking for ways to increase your traffic and subscribers? To explore how to grow your YouTube audience, I interview Steve Dotto for this episode of the Social Media Marketing podcast. More About This Show The Social Media Marketing podcast is a show from Social Media Examiner. It’s designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing. The show format is on-demand talk radio (also known as podcasting). In this episode, I interview Steve Dotto, who produces Dotto Tech, a YouTube show designed to help you “discover your inner geek,” by focusing on productivity, apps and more. Steve shares how he transitioned from hosting a tech TV show to a popular YouTube channel. You’ll discover how to grow your YouTube channel. Share your feedback, read the show notes and get the links mentioned in this episode below! Listen Now Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed YouTube Growth Steve’s show format Discovery of the Week

Content Marketing At Scale: An Introduction to Creating Quality Content Quickly Marketers are having a hard time with content creation. This isn’t a secret. In fact, B2B marketers - a group responsible for producing a significant portion of some of the web’s most confusing content - have a pretty good idea of why it’s happening: they don’t have a plan. A recent survey by the Content Marketing Institute / MarketingProfs found that while 93% of B2B marketers use content marketing, only 42% say they are effective at it…and within the ineffective group, 84% also admitted that they have no documented content strategy. It’s not entirely their fault - with an array of established and emerging channels at play, the amount of content a brand needs increases exponentially every year. In that context, it’s not surprising that marketers aren’t taking time to craft a 652 step content strategy. Image credit: Content Marketing Institute While quantity and speed are crucial, the other, less talked about byproduct of not planning is poor quality content. Well developed “Sort of”

Infographics: Everything You Need to Know Are you ready to use infographics in your social media marketing? Do you know how to get started? Creating infographics is getting easier. When you illustrate a concept with images, you’re likely to find a bump in social media visibility. In this article you’ll discover how to create and promote infographics to put your content front and center. Find out everything you need to know about creating and marketing infographics. Why Infographics? Infographic marketing offers vast potential for growing your audience, generating engagement, earning links, enhancing brand recognition and improving Google rankings. People seek out infographics for quick bites of information. Sounds pretty good, right? The most common model of infographic marketing is this: Research. Below I show how you can improve and streamline that model so you leave nothing to chance. #1: Determine Audience Interests If you’re looking to create an infographic that has audiences thinking, “Wow, that’s so cool! #2: Find a Killer Topic

6 Ways to Use Short Video for Social Marketing Have you considered sharing short video content as a social marketing tactic? Do you think video is only for the big brands with big budgets? If you haven’t explored short video for your business, you may be missing out on an opportunity for more reach and shares. In this article you’ll discover six ways you can use short video to grab attention. With the examples below, you’ll find plenty of inspiration. Why Short Video? While you might naturally think of YouTube when you think of video, it’s not the only platform embracing video content. From the moment the first movie trailer was released on Instagram, it was only a matter of time until marketers and businesses began to embrace the power of short video—and the ease of sharing it in places other than YouTube. In fact, short-form video content is streamed to us in a range of formats on a variety of social platforms—6-second Vine videos, 15-second Instavids on Instagram, 2- to 3-minute videos on Facebook and news feed videos on Google+. 1.

Searchmetrics Ranking Factors 2014: Why Quality Content Focuses on Topics, not Keywords The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. Searchmetrics recently launched their yearly Ranking Factors Study that bases numbers on rank correlation and averages of top 10 SEO rankings, and this year's analysis shows that content on top-performing sites is much more holistic and less keyword-focused. Everybody talks about how "content is king." People are advised to "create quality content for users," and not ever since keyword (not provided), some have said "the keyword is dead." Though these phrases may convey somehow understandable approaches, they are often nothing more than empty clichés leaving webmasters alone with without any further information. Making relevant content measurable What is quality content? In a nutshell: To what extent have Panda, Penguin, and not least Hummingbird influenced the algorithm and therefore the search results? The "Fall" of the Keyword? The "rise" of content

Five Ways Brands Use Visual Content for Maximum Impact Do you want to stimulate online growth and engagement? Are you using visual marketing in your business? Understanding how other businesses use visual content can help you integrate new tactics into your own marketing strategy. In this article I’ll show you how five brands are using visual content successfully. Why Use Visual Content in Your Marketing? When it comes to marketing your business, pictures speak volumes. Find 5 ways to use visual content for maximum impact. Add that to the fact that 93% of all human communication is nonverbal and it becomes clear that a visual online presence is critical. While many companies may understand this on a conceptual level, few have capitalized on the opportunity to effectively combine text and visual content. Here are five brands that are using visual marketing in innovative and unique ways on various social media platforms. #1: Volkswagen on Facebook Volkswagen uses Facebook to create a visual timeline of their storied past. #2: AMC Theatres on Pinterest

5 Video Apps to Boost Your Social Media Reach Do you want to increase your Social Media reach and make your message go viral? Are you tired of Facebook limiting the reach of your posts? Video content is one of the best ways to increase your followers’ engagement on Social Media; and when engagement rises, your reach will also grow. The power of video as highly engaging content is the reason why most Social Media platforms are implementing new video products: video ads on Facebook, animated gifs on Twitter, the launch of Hyperlapse for Instagram, etc… However, if you just create the same type of videos as everyone else, chances are, your followers will also ignore these posts. Users pay more attention to content that is unusual and unique. In this article, I will describe some apps for smartphones that will allow you to create outstanding and unique videos that will surely increase your engagement by making your videos stand out of the mass. 1. Magisto solves this problem by doing all the work for you. That’s it. Price & Platforms 2.

How to Optimize Your Content for the Top 5 Social Networks Are you sharing content on different social networks? Do you know the best way to share it for each platform? Sharing your social media content isn’t a one-message-fits-all exercise. In this article I’ll show you how to share content the right way for the top five social media networks. Find out how to optimize content updates for the top 5 social networks. #1: Use Brief Summaries on Twitter Twitter has always stood apart from other social media networks because of its 140-character limit (which includes spaces and the characters in links and images). A good way to repurpose content for Twitter is to comb through your best summaries or stats. For example, instead of tweeting the title of their article, FastCompany tweeted a summary of it. Make Twitter’s 140-character rule work in your favor with succinct summaries. Key takeaway: As you’re choosing and refining the summaries you’ll share, ask yourself this: “Would I click on this tweet?” #2: Be Conversational on Facebook Conclusion inShare721
