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Animated stereoviews of old Japan

Animated stereoviews of old Japan
28 Oct 2009 In the late 19th and early 20th century, enigmatic photographer T. Enami (1859-1929) captured a number of 3D stereoviews depicting life in Meiji-period Japan. [Sumo wrestlers] A stereoview consists of a pair of nearly identical images that appear three-dimensional when viewed through a stereoscope, because each eye sees a slightly different image. [Meeting at gate] [Buddhist ornament dealer] [Geisha washing their hands in the garden] [Chujenji Road, Nikko] [Geisha playing music] [Firewood dealers] [Great Buddha of Kamakura] [Torii gates at Inari shrine, Kyoto] [Geisha girls with flowers and cat] [Traveler in the mountain fog near Chujenji] [Clam diggers having lunch] [Tokyo Industrial Exposition, Ueno Park, 1907] [Campfire on the peak of Mt. [Geisha in a tearoom] [Kitano temple, Kyoto] [Road along the Fuji river] [Geisha drinking beer in the park] [Buddhist priest in full dress] [Geisha looking at stereoviews] Related:  Dictionnaires, Essais et Blogs littéraires ou le "gai savoir"...

VIDEO. L'expo événement sur Neandertal ouvre au Musée de l'Homme Le diorama bleu vert luit doucement, passant des saisons chaudes aux saisons froides, un ours montre son museau, un loup hurle, un feu crépite dans la plaine. Pas de doute, cette animation aura un bel "effet immersif " et permettra au public de voir passer plus de 300.000 ans en accéléré. Marion Paquié, régisseuse des objets et son aide débarrassent un puissant bison empaillé de son voile de plastique… en faisant bien attention à ne pas piétiner les minuscules lemmings. Ici, un ouvrier fixe le socle d'un lagopède et d'un renard blancs… Plus on loin, on peint, on découpe, on dispose les objets en vitrine, dans des bruits de marteau et de scie. Nous sommes dans les coulisses de Neandertal l'expo, la prochaine grande exposition temporaire du Musée de l'Homme qui nous invitera, à partir du 28 mars 2018, à poser un œil neuf sur cet " autre ", ce cousin préhistorique disparu il y a 40.000 à 35.000 ans. Episode 1 : La mauvaise réputation Episode 2 : Un stratège… amateur de galettes

<< artomat >> 3D Gif Photography Check out the photos in KEXP's review here Lost Marvels of Revolution-Era Russian Theater Unfortunately, the photographs of the actors are all that remain of this 1908 premiere of Maeterlinck’s Blue Bird, produced by Stanislavsky. A descriptive play-by-play of the performance can be found in the 1920 book The Russian Theater Under the Revolution by Oliver Sayler (thanks, Google book search!), but all other images of this art noveau-inspired production have been lost to time, despite Sayler’s valiant attempts to preserve more for posterity, recounted in the book: I asked Stanislavsky eagerly for photographs of scenes from “The Blue Bird” or else for the original designs of the scenic artist so that I might have them copied… the photographs, I was told, were not available – except those of the players themselves – for the originals had been made by Fischer, a German, and had been destroyed in the pogrom at the beginning of the war in 1914. Yep, 1908 is definitely going to the top of my “If I Had a Time Machine” list. Well, not really!

Sharpie Art on Styrofoam Cups (79 pics) Category: Pics | 4 Nov, 2009 | Views: 713628 | +1952 | Tweet See the site of the author for more - Les chats et la litterature française, zola, maupassant, colette, boris vian "Si vous voulez être écrivain, ayez des chats."Aldous Huxley (1815-1895) Le chat est le grand ami des écrivains et des poètes. Il les a fascinés, ils lui ont rendu hommage. L'un des premiers chats à se faire connaître dans la littérature est le chat botté, dans le conte de CHARLES PERRAULT (1628-1703), publié dans "Les contes de la mère l'oye" en 1697. Le chat botté, lithographie du XIXe siècle, de Gustave Doré Lire le conte de Charles Perrault CHATEAUBRIAND (1768-1848) vécut entouré de chats. Le poète, romancier, peintre et critique d'art THEOPHILE GAUTIER (1811-1872) fut lui aussi un grand adorateur des chats. Extrait de "La ménagerie intime" : "C'est une bête philosophique, tenant à ses habitudes, amie de l'ordre et de la propreté. (...) A lire absolument si vous avez le temps : "La ménagerie intime" EMILE ZOLA évoque à plusieurs reprises, et avec justesse, les petits félins. Lire la nouvelle "Le paradis des chats" On retrouve un chat dans "Thérèse Raquin" : le chat tigré François.

Beautiful French Country House Presumably the workplace of an artist and the home of a creative soul, this beautiful French country house is a treat for those with a keen eye. Or those who enjoy the revitalizing mix of nature and the human mind. Cocooned in natural surroundings, this house has a rustic, pristine and a raw feel to it. Semi-clad in luxury, this French cottage is a dream home for many. With the option of working indoors and outdoors, the house inspires vision. If you come across stunning villas like these which you think need to be featured here at Home-Designing, please mention them in the comments. [Via]

Le light painting comme on ne l'a jamais vu Si vous avez déjà tenté de faire du light painting, vous savez à quel point il est difficile de réaliser quelque chose de correct. Maintenant, regardez la vidéo Lightspeed et tentez d'imaginer la complexité de conception que requière une animation de ce type. Lightspeed est l’oeuvre de Darren Pearson et chacune de ses animations comprend pas moins de 1000 photos en light painting. Un défi éffarant que vous pouvez découvrir ci-dessus. Parmi les photos et les stop-motions, on découvre un bestiaire gigantesque, une etude haute en couleurs sur la faune de Californie, allant du chameau au serpent en passant par le scorpion et autres crabes. Chaque photo, chaque frame est photographié, monté, animé et signé par l’artiste. Retrouvez ci-dessus Lightspeed en vidéo et ci-dessous en GIFs et photos. GIFs via, images via

14 Rare Color Photos From the FSA-OWI Photo by Russell Lee. Jack Whinery and his family, homesteaders, Pie Town, New Mexico, 1940. Even today, many documentary photographers will tell you they are influenced by the works of the Farm Security Administration in the 1930s and 40s. Under the direction of Roy Emerson Stryker, the FSA sent photographers to document the plight of the rural farmer during the Great Depression and the progress of New Deal programs. When the U.S. entered World War II, the photography program continued under the Office of War Information (OWI). The best-known FSA photographs are in black and white.

Drawings under the influence of LSD These nine drawings were done by an artist under the influence of LSD – part of test conducted by the US government during it’ s dalliance with psychotomimetic drugs in the late 1950s. The artist was given a dose of LSD 25 and free access to an activity box full of crayons and pencils. His subject is the medico that jabbed him. ^ First drawing is done 20 minutes after the first dose (50µg). An attending doctor observes – Patient chooses to start drawing with charcoal. The subject of the experiment reports – “Condition normal.. no effect from the drug yet.” ^ 85 minutes after the first dose and 20 minutes after the second dose has been administered (50µg + 50µg). The patient seems euphoric. “I can see you clearly, so clearly. ^ 2 hours and 30 minutes after the first dose. Patient appears very focused on the business of drawing. “Outlines seem normal, but very vivid – everything is changing colour. ^ 2 hours and 32 minutes after first dose. Patient seems gripped by his pad of paper.

Le chat, héros de littérature et de bande dessinée Des grands classiques de la littérature française à la bande dessinée, ce félin inspire les pages blanches de nombreux écrivains et dessinateurs grâce à ses gags pleins de malice et son allure mystérieuse pour le plus grand bonheur des ailurophiles. Aujourd'hui très présent au cinéma, ce petit félin à moustache est aussi représenté dans la littérature et la bande dessinée. De Lou! ● Le Chat par Philippe Geluck - 1983 En bande dessinée, le chat a su se faire une place non-négligeable. ● Le chat du rabbin par Joann Sfar - 2002 La bande dessinée Le chat du rabbin naît en 2002, sous la directive du dessinateur et écrivain Joann Sfar. ● Lou! En 2004, la bande dessinée française Lou! ● Sugar, ma vie de chat par Serge Baeken - 2014 Sugar, ma vie de chat est une bande dessinée en noir et blanc, sortie en 2014. Le chat a également conquis le cœur de beaucoup d'écrivains au fil du temps. ● Le chat botté de Charles Perrault ● La ménagerie intime de Théophile Gautier ● Le paradis des chats d'Émile Zola

Escape Into Life Stephen Vuillemin / acevee Afflicted: 11 Abandoned American Hospitals and Asylums “Open” for Exploration With some of the most disturbing and tragic histories of any buildings in the US, asylums and hospitals are way beyond creepy . Many of them were built in the late 1800s, when “mental illnesses” (such as masturbation, menopause, and teenage rebellion) were considered dangerous enough to lock someone in an asylum. A pain-inflicting misunderstanding of mental illness combined with a chronic mistreatment of its sufferers meant that many people were never released and spent the remainder of their lives in these horrible institutions. In addition to asylums, many sanatoriums were constructed around this time to care for the poor and very sick. Utilizing radical treatments that were incredibly painful yet ineffective, early hospitals often created more suffering than good for the inflicted. To make matters worse, infectious outbreaks forced patients to be quarantined from the rest of society, further isolating them. If you decide the risk is worth the reward, we didn’t send ya. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
