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Animated stereoviews of old Japan

Animated stereoviews of old Japan
28 Oct 2009 In the late 19th and early 20th century, enigmatic photographer T. Enami (1859-1929) captured a number of 3D stereoviews depicting life in Meiji-period Japan. [Sumo wrestlers] A stereoview consists of a pair of nearly identical images that appear three-dimensional when viewed through a stereoscope, because each eye sees a slightly different image. [Meeting at gate] [Buddhist ornament dealer] [Geisha washing their hands in the garden] [Chujenji Road, Nikko] [Geisha playing music] [Firewood dealers] [Great Buddha of Kamakura] [Torii gates at Inari shrine, Kyoto] [Geisha girls with flowers and cat] [Traveler in the mountain fog near Chujenji] [Clam diggers having lunch] [Tokyo Industrial Exposition, Ueno Park, 1907] [Campfire on the peak of Mt. [Geisha in a tearoom] [Kitano temple, Kyoto] [Road along the Fuji river] [Geisha drinking beer in the park] [Buddhist priest in full dress] [Geisha looking at stereoviews] Related:  Dictionnaires, Essais et Blogs littéraires ou le "gai savoir"...

VIDEO. L'expo événement sur Neandertal ouvre au Musée de l'Homme Le diorama bleu vert luit doucement, passant des saisons chaudes aux saisons froides, un ours montre son museau, un loup hurle, un feu crépite dans la plaine. Pas de doute, cette animation aura un bel "effet immersif " et permettra au public de voir passer plus de 300.000 ans en accéléré. Marion Paquié, régisseuse des objets et son aide débarrassent un puissant bison empaillé de son voile de plastique… en faisant bien attention à ne pas piétiner les minuscules lemmings. Ici, un ouvrier fixe le socle d'un lagopède et d'un renard blancs… Plus on loin, on peint, on découpe, on dispose les objets en vitrine, dans des bruits de marteau et de scie. Nous sommes dans les coulisses de Neandertal l'expo, la prochaine grande exposition temporaire du Musée de l'Homme qui nous invitera, à partir du 28 mars 2018, à poser un œil neuf sur cet " autre ", ce cousin préhistorique disparu il y a 40.000 à 35.000 ans. Episode 1 : La mauvaise réputation Episode 2 : Un stratège… amateur de galettes

Prague TV Tower - 18 Gigapixel Spherical Panorama About this Photo This is a super high resolution photo. Use your mouse to zoom in and see a startling level of detail. This image is currently (as of 12/2009) the largest spherical panoramic photo in the world. It is 192,000 pixels wide and 96,000 pixels tall. That’s 18.4 billion pixels, or 18.4 gigapixels! Read more about how this panorama was created on our blog here. About 360 cities 360Cities is dedicated to promoting geo-referenced, VR panorama photography and VR photographers around the world. If you are a photographer and you want to publish your own panoramas on 360Cities, you can join us. Sign up for 360Cities About the photographer Jeffrey Martin is an obsessive panoramic photographer who lives in Prague and is the Founder of Buy / License this image Buy a print here! This image is available for printing or licensing for both personal and commercial usage. We are also able to create images similar to this one in size and quality as commissioned work. Contact us

BEST of BTS | photography by Angus R Shamal A selection of some of the most awesome Behind-the-scenes shots I’ve seen from some famous movies. Back when set designs were huge and hand made, when special effects where mechanical and photographic and film stars were risking their lives on the set. source: Ain’t It Cool News. A self portrait of Stanley Kubrick with his daughter, Jack Nicholson and the crew @ the set of The Shining. on the set of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis — the actress inside the Maria robot taking a breather. The Empire Strikes Back – filming the Crawl. Sesame Street Rebel Without A Cause — James Dean, Natalie Wood and director Nicholas Ray. Requiem for a Dream — Jennifer Connelly strapped into a SnorriCam. The Gate (1987) — Giant special effect set. © Craig Reardon The Birds (1961) — Tippi Hedren with Hitchcock. Rio Bravo — Hawks and Angie Dickinson. Set of Alien Ghostbusters II – Marshmallow man. Superman seems flying on the set. On the set of Mothra (1961) – special effects director Tsuburaya Eiji. Dr. The Howling – 1981.

3D Gif Photography Check out the photos in KEXP's review here | Your source for gaming maps and mapping objects Les chats et la litterature française, zola, maupassant, colette, boris vian "Si vous voulez être écrivain, ayez des chats."Aldous Huxley (1815-1895) Le chat est le grand ami des écrivains et des poètes. Il les a fascinés, ils lui ont rendu hommage. L'un des premiers chats à se faire connaître dans la littérature est le chat botté, dans le conte de CHARLES PERRAULT (1628-1703), publié dans "Les contes de la mère l'oye" en 1697. Le chat botté, lithographie du XIXe siècle, de Gustave Doré Lire le conte de Charles Perrault CHATEAUBRIAND (1768-1848) vécut entouré de chats. Le poète, romancier, peintre et critique d'art THEOPHILE GAUTIER (1811-1872) fut lui aussi un grand adorateur des chats. Extrait de "La ménagerie intime" : "C'est une bête philosophique, tenant à ses habitudes, amie de l'ordre et de la propreté. (...) A lire absolument si vous avez le temps : "La ménagerie intime" EMILE ZOLA évoque à plusieurs reprises, et avec justesse, les petits félins. Lire la nouvelle "Le paradis des chats" On retrouve un chat dans "Thérèse Raquin" : le chat tigré François.

Digital Archive Project SCHOPENHAUERS 38 STRATAGEMS, OR 38 WAYS TO WIN AN ARGUMENT Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), was a brilliant German philosopher. These 38 Stratagems are excerpts from "The Art of Controversy", first translated into English and published in 1896. Carry your opponent's proposition beyond its natural limits; exaggerate it. The more general your opponent's statement becomes, the more objections you can find against it. The more restricted and narrow his or her propositions remain, the easier they are to defend by him or her. Use different meanings of your opponent's words to refute his or her argument. (abstracted from the book:Numerical Lists You Never Knew or Once Knew and Probably Forget, by: John Boswell and Dan Starer)

Le light painting comme on ne l'a jamais vu Si vous avez déjà tenté de faire du light painting, vous savez à quel point il est difficile de réaliser quelque chose de correct. Maintenant, regardez la vidéo Lightspeed et tentez d'imaginer la complexité de conception que requière une animation de ce type. Lightspeed est l’oeuvre de Darren Pearson et chacune de ses animations comprend pas moins de 1000 photos en light painting. Un défi éffarant que vous pouvez découvrir ci-dessus. Parmi les photos et les stop-motions, on découvre un bestiaire gigantesque, une etude haute en couleurs sur la faune de Californie, allant du chameau au serpent en passant par le scorpion et autres crabes. Chaque photo, chaque frame est photographié, monté, animé et signé par l’artiste. Retrouvez ci-dessus Lightspeed en vidéo et ci-dessous en GIFs et photos. GIFs via, images via

MapTool The jewel in the RPTools crown, don't let the name fool you. MapTool is much more than just a mapping program. Included are not only powerful tools for the creation of detailed maps, but also a chat function, detailed token management (allowing you to track properties of the units placed on the map and display health and status information), and an initiative tracker. Functions not being used can be hidden out of sight. These features enable your computer screen to function as a virtual table top, filling the role of battlemats and dry-erase markers and providing for infinitely scrollable maps and the ability to use a large-screen TV or video projector. The best part is all this isn't limited to a single PC. And we don't stop there! Most impressively, MapTool includes a tremendous macro function that allows you to automate just about any facet of your game that you wish. MapTool is open-source, and is actively contributed to by a large number of gifted persons. So don't worry.

Le chat, héros de littérature et de bande dessinée Des grands classiques de la littérature française à la bande dessinée, ce félin inspire les pages blanches de nombreux écrivains et dessinateurs grâce à ses gags pleins de malice et son allure mystérieuse pour le plus grand bonheur des ailurophiles. Aujourd'hui très présent au cinéma, ce petit félin à moustache est aussi représenté dans la littérature et la bande dessinée. De Lou! ● Le Chat par Philippe Geluck - 1983 En bande dessinée, le chat a su se faire une place non-négligeable. ● Le chat du rabbin par Joann Sfar - 2002 La bande dessinée Le chat du rabbin naît en 2002, sous la directive du dessinateur et écrivain Joann Sfar. ● Lou! En 2004, la bande dessinée française Lou! ● Sugar, ma vie de chat par Serge Baeken - 2014 Sugar, ma vie de chat est une bande dessinée en noir et blanc, sortie en 2014. Le chat a également conquis le cœur de beaucoup d'écrivains au fil du temps. ● Le chat botté de Charles Perrault ● La ménagerie intime de Théophile Gautier ● Le paradis des chats d'Émile Zola

Sputnik7 | indie music, film and video on demand photos by Henri Cartier-Bresson Albert Camus, Paris, 1944. Coney Island, New York, 1946. Romania, 1975. Naples, Italy, 1960. A football game, Michigan vs. At the Le Mans Auto Race, France, 1966. Uzbekistan, 1954. Visitors from kolkhozy to the eleventh-century Alaverdi monastery, 1972. Improvised canteen for workers building the Hotel Metropol, 1954. The Arbat, Moscow, 1972. Chelny, Russia, 1973. Boston, 1947. New York, 1935. An African-American student is denied entry to a theater. Blue Ridge Mountains, Virginia, 1960. Jean-Paul Sartre, Paris, 1946. Dessau, Germany, April, 1945. Nehru Announces Gandhi's Death, Birla House, Delhi, 1948. World's Fair, Brussels, 1958. Simone de Beauvoir, Paris, 1946. New York, 1960. Bankers Trust, New York, 1960. Near Strasbourg, France, 1944. The arrival of a boat carrying refugees from Europe reunites a mother and son who had been separated throughout the war, 1946. Communist students demonstrate against the black market. McCann-Erickson Agency, Madison Avenue, New York, 1959. New York, 1947.

Stephen Vuillemin / acevee
