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World Simulation - Simgua Live (Beta)

World Simulation - Simgua Live (Beta)

Action for a sustainable world | Forum for the Future SILK For the past couple of years we've been working on the Kent Dementia Friendly Communities project. Covering the whole of Kent the project has inspired local community projects and dementia action alliances to form. The past few months we've been hard at work creating a website that captures all the activity that has happened under the Kent Dementia Friendly Communities project. The website quietly went live a few weeks ago and we wanted to share it on here: The site is not finished, in the future we hope it will be updated by the local alliances and project teams to continue to share the work they are doing, inspiring other communities along the way. We're still editing and adding to the site so if anyone has any comments please do get in touch.

Transition Town Totnes - Bringing people together to build a future beyond oil Accueil | Centre d'analyse stratégique Futuribles Diagnostic stratégique et analyse stratégique - cours, articles et exemples Articles Pourquoi penser global Introduction : "Le monde est ressenti comme de plus en plus complexe en raison de la perception d’incohérences ou de paradoxes, de la présence de phénomènes de bascules et de ruptures, de la multiplicité de stimuli et de liens. Bref, le monde qui nous entoure devient complexe à mesure que l’on prend conscience de ses interactions. Penser global, c’est avoir pris conscience des interactions implicites." AnablepsLa décision agile par les effets L'approche par les effets pour aider les décideurs dans leurs prises de décisions stratégiques... Anableps Cours Diagnostique stratégique - La technologie Cours vidéo en accès payant (peu onéreux) avec au sommaire : qu'est-ce qu'une technologie, technologie et stratégie, connaître l'environnement technologique, position concurrentielle... Comptalia.tvMener un diagnostic Managmarket Etudes de cas Cas en management stratégique : autour du diagnostic Editions ems Fiches pratiques Diagnostic de l'activité Outils

Pour penser et agir autrement : La prospective Our Human Development Initiative Sustainable human development will occur when all humans can have fulfilling lives without degrading the planet. This, we believe, is the ultimate goal. Two leading indicators have identified how we can get there. Ecological Footprint data tells us that, given current population and available land area, an Ecological Footprint of less than 1.8 global hectares per person makes a country’s resource demands globally replicable. The United Nations’ Human Development Index (HDI)—which measures a country’s average achievements in the areas of health, knowledge, and standard of living—tells us that an HDI higher than 0.8 is considered “high human development.” Combining these two indicators gives clear minimum conditions for sustainable human development and shows how much more we need to “think inside the box.” (Build your own development index using UNDP's suite of indicators) Despite growing commitments to sustainable development, most countries today do not meet both minimum requirements.

Inspire Institut, réconcilier développement économique et biosphère. | Réconcilier développement économique et biosphère
