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Index of Economic: Promoting Economic Opportunity and Prosperity - Waterfox

Index of Economic: Promoting Economic Opportunity and Prosperity - Waterfox

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Why I Despair - Charles C. W. Cooke - National Review Online - Waterfox An apocryphal tale tells of an American who claimed to own George Washington’s axe. “Three times,” he exclaims, the axe has “had its handle replaced, and twice had its head replaced!” This is a joke that has been rendered in more serious form by philosophers throughout the ages — perhaps most famously in Plutarch’s Life of Theseus — and it may be time now to consider it in relation to the United States. People and countries change, as they must. But, as with Washington’s axe, to change too much is to invite the possibility not merely of alteration, but of replacement. Predicated, as it is, on an established set of principles — rather than merely on geographical or racial fact — America could presumably reach a point at which it could no longer usefully be called America.

Global 3PL Market ¹CIA official exchange rate GDPs ( - The World Factbook - 12/5/2013 ²Others = Bangladesh, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Nepal Note: Amounts may be off due to rounding. Other Sources: Oops! What NOT to Do While Networking on LinkedIn I am forever grateful to my LinkedIn network and love doing whatever I can to help my connections in their networking efforts. I enjoy being a piece in the puzzle as they network to find employment, grow their businesses, hire talent, share best practices, ask questions, learn, knowledge share, reconnect with former coworkers, etc. With a large network, that’s a lot of effort and a big time investment, but it’s all worth it and I love to pay it forward.

40 maps that explain the world By Max Fisher By Max Fisher August 12, 2013 Maps can be a remarkably powerful tool for understanding the world and how it works, but they show only what you ask them to. So when we saw a post sweeping the Web titled "40 maps they didn't teach you in school," one of which happens to be a WorldViews original, I thought we might be able to contribute our own collection. China Logistics Industry Report, 2010-2011 According to the statistics of China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing (CFLP), in 2010, the total amount of social logistics in China approximated RMB125 trillion, up 1.6 folds over 2005 at an annual average growth rate of 21%; the added value of Chinese logistics industry approached RMB2.7 trillion, up 1.2 folds over 2005 at an annual average growth rate of 16.7%, and accounting for 7% of the GDP and 16% of the added value of the tertiary industry. In regard to the structure of the total amount of social logistics, industrial product logistics has maintained the lion’s share of 90% or so ever since 2010, followed by import cargo logistics with roughly 7.5% share, and other types of logistics with even fewer shares; for instance, agricultural products logistics takes only 2%, while renewable resources logistics accounts for around 0.4%, indicating uneven development of the industry with significant disparities. Table of Contents 1.

How To Write An A+ Resume Your resume is arguably the most important document in your job search. It’s the first impression you make on any recruiter, HR professional or hiring manager. It must show off your expertise in the best way possible in order to land the opportunity (or opportunities) you desire. If someone had to assign a letter grade to your resume, what do you think it would receive? RezScore, a free web app, does just that. Based on recommendations of hiring managers, HR directors, job search experts, and certified resume writers, RezScore’s algorithms read your resume and analyze it on more than a dozen metrics to determine your grade. Fifty Ways to Leave Leviathan OCTOBER 02, 2013 by MAX BORDERS, JEFFREY A. TUCKER State management of society is not only contrary to human liberty; it is also unworkable.

Move Over, BRICs. Here Come the MISTs In 2001, Jim O’Neill kicked off a decade-long investment boom with a catchy acronym for the four largest emerging-market economies—Brazil, Russia, India, and China. The Goldman Sachs (GS) Asset Management chairman is now promoting a new foursome of fast-track countries: Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, and Turkey. Loaded: 0% CPA Horizons 2025: A Road Map for the Future The AICPA on Wednesday released the findings from a yearlong initiative to examine what’s on the horizon for CPAs and the accounting profession. CPA Horizons 2025 leveraged insights from more than 75,000 comments from CPAs in all segments of the accounting profession, regulators, thought leaders and futurists to highlight key trends and chart what the profession will face in the years leading up to 2025. This major effort, undertaken in partnership with the state CPA societies, builds on the CPA Vision Project undertaken in the 1990s. The research shows that the profession—from sole practitioners to medium and large firm members to members in business and industry to those in government and academia—has a bright future and will need to respond quickly and competitively to the shifting ground on political, economic, social, technological and regulatory fronts.
