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CcMixter - Welcome to ccMixter

CcMixter - Welcome to ccMixter
ccMixter is made possible by YOU. By supporting us with even the most modest contribution, you help us continue to create free music for the world. artists freely contribute their music and talents to the collective for co-creation. is operated by volunteers. ccMixter is free of ads and free to listen. And, you can freely use our creations in your videos, remixes and apps as long as you Attribute. Thank you for helping keep ccMixter free. Let's keep on rockin'!

Downhill Battle presents the Reasons Music diversity will grow. The major labels' business model requires them to have a steady stream of consistent products. The very nature of their operation produces homogenized music designed for specific radio formats and scientifically honed to hit-making models. Music Store As of November 1st, 2016, the Music Store on Vimeo is no more. However, there are many places on the web where you could find music to use in your videos, particularly music made available under a Creative Commons license. We recommend checking out these FAQs — you'll find lots of information about using CC-licensed music and which kinds of licenses would work for the purposes of your video.

Where Will You Find Your Next Favorite Band? hide captionCould Austin's Quiet Company break big in 2012? If beards are a metric for success, it's a shoo-in. Leah Muse Could Austin's Quiet Company break big in 2012? Video What It Is Short videos are used to communicate all kinds of information by way of websites and popular online video-sharing services. Government agencies use video to convey how-to information (such as the videos in the Resources section below), scientific and cultural resources, and news. Why It's Important Video is an effective communication tool for reaching our target audiences. Short videos can be produced inexpensively and played on computers and many mobile devices.

This Will Make You Fall In Love! Level 1 Congratulations! You leveled up, but you aren't logged in so we can't save your points. Login Self Promote Your Music - How to Promote Your Music - How to Self Promote Your Music - In House Music Promotion Unless you have major label money behind you, the ability to self promote your music is one of the most important skills you can have. When you don't have money to hire PR people to run media campaigns for you, it is up to you to make sure people know about the music you are making. Getting started can be a little overwhelming, however. These steps will help you start out on the right foot, to make sure all of the right people are standing up and taking notice of you.

Live Sound Services Music Recording Studio, TSC / TRINITY SOUND COMPANY Ontario, CA Grounding Improper grounding can create a lethal hazard. Even if you advert danger, ground loops are the most common cause of AC line frequency hum in sound systems. So it pays to learn about grounding, and use what you learn. What is a ground loop? A ground loop occurs when there is more than one ground connection path between two pieces of equipment. Ground loop problems and how to get rid of them Written and copyright by Tomi Engdahl 1997-2013 NOTE: The information presented here is believed to be correct and is made available here by the author. The author of this document is not liable for any effect this information or any use thereof may have. The documents have been used and recommended by many people and are belived to be accurate. So accurate that they have also been featured as GB AUDIO Ground loops DATA SHEET on their web pages (with permission from me).
