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Big History Project

Big History Project
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Ten Amazing Inventions From Ancient Times Dating back thousands of years are numerous examples of ancient technology that leave us awe-struck at the knowledge and wisdom held by people of our past. They were the result of incredible advances in engineering and innovation as new, powerful civilizations emerged and came to dominate the ancient world. These advances stimulated societies to adopt new ways of living and governance, as well as new ways of understanding their world. 1. Heron Alexandrinus, otherwise known as the Hero of Alexandria, was a 1st century Greek mathematician and engineer who is known as the first inventor of the steam engine. 2. The Nimrud lens is a 3,000-year-old piece of rock crystal, which was unearthed by Sir John Layard in 1850 at the Assyrian palace of Nimrud, in modern-day Iraq. 3. 4. 5. 2000-year-old metal coatings superior to today’s standards Read More Source: Ancient Origins

World Digital Library Home No other symphonic composition has met with such a broad and complex reception as Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony Number 9 in D minor, opus 125, popularly known as the Choral Symphony. The work marked an important development in 19th century music. In the finale, Beethoven set to music the German poet Friedrich von Schiller’s An die Freude (Ode to joy), the first time the human voice was included in a symphonic work. The symphony was first performed in Vienna on May 7, 1824. Its influence ever since has extended far beyond the field of music.

Livets utveckling En gång fanns ingenting, inget alls. Sedan kom en explosion. En Big bang och vårt universum skapades. Hur gick det till? Det är det ingen som vet. Det enda forskarna är överens om är att det skedde för över 13.5 miljarder år sedan och att universum har utvidgat sig och blivit allt större sedan dess. Efter big bang spreds materia och stoff ut i rymden. Jorden ursprung (4 600 000 000 år sedan) Man tror att jorden funnits i ungefär 4.6 miljarder år. Vattnet kommer Någon gång i jordens tidigaste historia tror man att planeten träffades av kometer. Det finns ett ordspråk som säger att "Samma vatten vi dricker nu fanns när dinosaurierna levde" eller någon liknande tidpunkt långt tillbaks i tiden. Hale-Bopp kometen i nutid Jorden kallnar Vartefter jordens yta svalnade uppstod haven. Livets uppkomst (3 500 000 000 år sedan) Bakterierna De allra första levande cellerna var det vi kallar bakterier. När bakterierna utvecklades och blev allt mer komplicerade tappade en del av dem sitt klorofyll. Lummer

Une eau vieille de 1,5 milliards d'années pourrait abriter la vie Une poche d’eau vieille de 1,5 milliards d’années au moins a été découverte au fond d’une mine canadienne. Selon les auteurs de la découverte, la possibilité que cette eau abrite, ou ait abrité, des formes de vie n’est pas à exclure. Une poche d’eau datée à 1,5 milliards d’année a été découverte à 2,4 km sous la surface de la Terre, au fond de la mine canadienne de Timmins (Ontario, Canada). Selon les auteurs de la découverte, il est même possible que l’âge de cette poche d’eau soit en fait encore plus élevé : il pourrait être de 2,7 milliards d’années, soit le même âge que les roches dans lesquels la poche d’eau est actuellement située. Par ailleurs, le géochimiste britannique Chris Ballentine (Université de Manchester, Royaume-Uni) et ses collègues mentionnent dans leur article qu’il est presque certain que cette eau n’a pas été en contact avec l’atmosphère terrestre pendant au moins 1 milliard d’années. Cette poche d’eau abrite-t-elle la vie ?

Mecánica Aeronáutica Malla Curricular Objetivo de la Carrera Proporcionar al sector público y privado, empresarial e industrial, tecnólogos en el área de Mantenimiento Mecánico Aeronáutico con capacidad crítica, analítica, para dar solución a los problemas que se presentas en los motores, estructuras y sistemas de aeronaves militares y comerciales a fin de mejorar la gestión de las empresas de aviación. Definición de la Carrera La carrera de mecánica aeronáutica con sus menciones en Motores y Aviones se define como una profesión altamente competitiva y de actualización continua que va de la mano con el desarrollo tecnológico de la aeronáutica mundial, para la formación del personal técnico que labora en mantenimiento aeronáutico. Importancia En aviación, una falla, sea de índole: humano, mecánico o electrónico, no brinda una segunda oportunidad; en tal razón, el personal que labora en el área de mantenimiento aeronáutico debe ser altamente capacitado, calificado y cualificado. Perfil Profesional

23 maps and charts on language by Dylan Matthews on April 15, 2015 "The limits of my language," the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein once posited, "mean the limits of my world." Explaining everything within the limits of the world is probably too ambitious a goal for a list like this. But here are 23 maps and charts that can hopefully illuminate small aspects of how we manage to communicate with one another. The basics Indo-European language rootsMinna Sundberg, a Finnish-Swedish comic artist, created this beautiful tree to illustrate both the relationships between European and central Asian languages generally, as well as a smaller but still striking point: Finnish has less in common with, say, Swedish than Persian or Hindi do. Language divides Bilingualism Who in Europe speaks EnglishMany countries have more than one commonly used language, with many residents learning two or more. English American English

Teaching with Primary Sources Program- Teaching with Primary Sources About the Program The Teaching with Primary Sources Program works with colleges and other educational organizations to deliver professional development programs that help teachers use the Library of Congress's rich reservoir of digitized primary source materials to design challenging, high-quality instruction. Read more about the TPS Program TPS Regional Program The Library of Congress awards grants under the Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Regional program to school districts, universities, cultural institutions, library systems and other educational organizations who wish to incorporate TPS materials and methods into their existing education and professional development programs for pre and in-service teachers, librarians, media specialists and other K-12 educators. Read more about the TPS Regional Program The TPS Journal This Issue's Theme: Integrating Historical and Geographic Thinking Primary sources support the study of many disciplines, including both history and geography.

Livets uppkomst och djurens evolution | av Johan Eklöf Detta är den gamla och tillika gratis, men icke omarbetade texten om djur, evolution och utveckling. Den är på flera sätt ok, men boken [Djurens evolution – en kort sammanfattning] är ändå att rekommendera, trevligare och bättre helt enkelt. Liv är förknippat med ämnes- och energiomsättning, fortplantning, tillväxt och förmåga att förnimma/registrera förhållanden i omgivningen (med öppna system som inte helt omfattas av termodynamikens lagar) samt med evolution – Nationalencyklopedin. Byggstenar Jorden och vårt solsystem bildades för ca. 4,6 miljarder år sedan. I avsaknad av nedbrytande organismer tilläts både aminosyror och nukleotider att spontant bilda långa kedjor av molekyler, bland annat primitiva DNA-strängar. Celler För att verkligt liv ska uppstå krävs det dock mer än bara självkopiering. Är vi utomjordingar? De flesta forskare anser att livet uppstod nära havsytan. De första bakterierna Enkelt räknat så finns det två typer av celler, prokaryota och eukaryota. Fiskar

Des bactéries dans un milieu isolé depuis 1,5 milliard d'années ? Comparaison des tailles de la Terre et de Mars. Y aurait-il de l'eau propice à la vie sous la surface de cette dernière ? © Nasa, Wikimedia Commons, DP Des bactéries dans un milieu isolé depuis 1,5 milliard d'années ? Au cours de la formation de la Terre et de ses minéraux, des poches d’eau ont été prises au piège en sous-sol. L’eau a été découverte à 2,4 km de profondeur dans la mine de Timmins, en Ontario. Dans cette étude, les scientifiques ont découvert une eau âgée de plus de 1,5 milliard d'années et possédant des éléments permettant le développement de la vie. © Holland et al., Nature Une eau âgée d'au moins 1,5 milliard d'années Plus précisément, le liquide n’aurait pas rencontré l’atmosphère terrestre depuis 1,5 milliard d’années, voire 2,5 milliards d’années, soit l’âge estimé des roches qui le retiennent prisonnier. « C’était inattendu, relate Chris Ballentine, directeur de cette étude. Eau préhistorique favorable à la vie A voir aussi sur Internet Sur le même sujet

Daniel Quinn: The Great Forgetting (Excerpted from the book, The Story of B) With every audience and every individual, I have to begin by making them see that the cultural self-awareness we inherit from our parents and pass on to our children is squarely and solidly built on a Great Forgetting that occurred in our culture worldwide during the formative millennia of our civilization. What happened during those formative millennia of our civilization? What happened was that Neolithic farming communes turned into villages, villages turned into towns, and towns were gathered into kingdoms. We can hardly be surprised that the forgetting took place. By the time anyone was ready to write the human story, the foundation events of our culture were ancient, ancient developments - but this didn’t make them unimaginable. In the absence of any other theory, it seemed reasonable (even inescapable) to suppose that the human race must have begun with a single human couple, an original man and woman. East and West Leavers and Takers Q.

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