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10 Websites to Watch in 2011

10 Websites to Watch in 2011
There are more than a trillion URLs in Google's index. Yes, that's a one with twelve zeros after it. And Google crossed that milestone two and a half years ago. With so many sites on the web in 2011, how do you know which to pay attention to? Mashable's editors haven't quite visited a trillion pages, but we've checked out a lot in the past year, and we've compiled a list of 10 websites we think are poised to have big years in 2011. Check out our list below and let us know in the comments which websites you have your eye on for the coming year. 1. Kickstarter, a crowdfunding platform for creative endeavors, was founded in April 2009 and had what many would consider a break-out year in 2010. -Josh Catone, Features Editor 2. OpenLeaks may very well be the WikiLeaks alternative in 2011, not as a destination, but as an enabler for media organizations to do the same as WikiLeaks. -Vadim Lavrusik, Community Manager 3. -Jehangir Irani, Multimedia Producer 4. -Ben Parr, Co-Editor 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Lists of Bests 30+ Mind Mapping Tools We all need to organize our thoughts sometimes, and there seems to be no better way to do it than in a visual fashion. We've got 30+ mind mapping tools to help you do just that. And since we know some of you are on a budget, we've got free and paid suggestions for you. Don’t forget to check out our post where you can suggest future toolbox topics! (This list, for example, came from one of the suggestions.) Free - A flash based brainstorming tool that you can share with others and also embed in to your site. - A desktop-only app that runs on Windows XP or Vista. CmapTools - Free to universities, students, federal employees, and individuals for personal use. - A free mind mapping and brainstorming tool from the Open University. - A bit of a different mapper in that it focuses on mapping out debates, whether they be political or business. - Draw & share all sorts of diagrams and mind maps. - Free for personal use.

100 Infographic Tools and Resources This post is #6 in DailyTekk’s famous Top 100 series which explores the best startups, gadgets, apps, websites and services in a given category. Total items listed: 112. Time to compile: 8+ hours. Follow @DailyTekk on Twitter to make sure you don’t miss a week! Update: Be sure to check out our latest post on infographics: Infographics Are Everywhere – Here’s How to Make Yours Go Viral. I love a good infographic! You might also like: Post Navigation The Best Blogs and Websites about Infographics Back to top Data Visualization Tools and Software Piktochart – Transforms your information into memorable - Create interactive charts and infographics.Gephi – Like Photoshop for data. Data Sources Infographic Articles and Tutorials Other / Miscellaneous / Overflow

40 Excellent Examples of Single Page Websites Several months ago, we published a list showcasing 40 Inspiring Single Page Websites, and as we had a lot of comments and everybody really loved the post, we decided to gather a new list, showing some new and fresh examples to inspire you. Single page websites are still a big hit this year, and we see new examples of this trend popping up everyday. To put this list together I was able to find many great examples on One Page Love, which is a great source for those who like to stay tuned in on the single page world. Jeroen Homan haatch creative design Brian Plemons mobily Uncle Pear The Brand Crew jephfernandez cahoona Manjo Graphics Catalytic Design Giuliano Liker BaileyArtStudio Sonny Langers Matthias Last Paths of Design niche Komrade Viktor Shvaiko fatih tanriverdi Social-IT-e Media mnmly Vision 18 Marko Cvetkovic Michał Ptaszyński swearjar Bowtie. Who is Leon Flyer App Goslingo Kardo Ayoub altitude Adrian Crellin Creating Heroes Sirulian Design Studios Hayley Smith Conway Anderson Daniel Moir Source:

Now More Than Ever: 50 More Excellent Blog Designs | Design Show Advertisement Designing blogs is easy. Designing blogs in a unique way is hard. Whatever blog engine you are using, there are literally thousands of templates available which you can apply directly, without any significant code modifications. That’s efficient, but it’s not creative, because using a default blog-template you risk to end up with some wide-spread look which has actually nothing to do with you. To convey your personality effectively, you need a design which reflects who you are and what you are doing. In fact, beyond the template-design-culture exists a field of creative, individual and impressive blog designs. Apart from “usual” minimal designs, one can observe more rather complex graphic works. You can also have a look at our previous showcases: Excellent Blog Designs Narfstuff4Perfect integration of visual elements in a standard 2-column blog structure. Viget Labs5A pretty, clean, light and fresh blog design. coda.coza7The sixth version of Damien du Toit’s blog.

Listal - List the stuff you love! Movies, TV, music, games and books 1000 Awesome Things | A time-ticking countdown of 1000 awesome things by Neil Pasricha Freshmantips - SUPERLIST: What to bring to college The 36 Absolute Best Things in the World Email There are somethings in the is world which are just so much better than others. We are talking about those little things in life which really do make life worth living. Here we are looking at The 36 Absolute Best Things in the World. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 35. 36. Unfortunately… For more hints, tips, news and all things technology and geek related please follow us on Facebook or Twitter or subscribe to our feed. [via -] Be Sociable, Share! Related posts:

10 sites Web aussi originaux que pratiques Voici une liste de 10 sites Web originaux, pas trop connus et aussi pratiques qu’intéressants. Cette liste est bien entendu subjective. Elle est classée par ordre alphabétique. AbandonWare : le site des jeux vidéo disparus. : Toutes les polices de caractères pour votre PC ou votre Mac. Internet Archive : Remontez le temps et surfez sur le Web tel qu’il était à l’époque que vous choisissez. Jamendo : Téléchargez et écoutez de la musique libre. Mes notices : Site regroupant un nombre incroyable de notices et de modes d’emploi d’appareils courants. Openrunner : Planifier vos itinéraires de courses à pied, vélos ou randos sur des cartes Google Maps avec distance et dénivelée. PhotoFunia : Créez des photos amusantes avec votre visage ou avec celui de vos proches. The Big Picture : Les reportages photographiques avec des photos remarquables du journal le Boston Globe. TV Replay : Regardez toute la télé de rattrapage française.
