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Andy the Android Emulator

Andy the Android Emulator
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Blog d'école avec tablettes sous Androïd Guides de responsabilité sur les réseaux sociaux En cette rentrée 2012, la Commission scolaire des Patriotes (au Québec) a mis en ligne 2 guides de qualité élaborés dans un cadre pédagogique qui comprennent des conseils pratiques pour agir de manière responsable sur les médias sociaux : Guide à l’intention des élèves et leurs parents : Vivre sur les médias sociaux comme dans la vraie vie! et Guide à l’intention des employés des écoles. Pratique et responsabilité Si la pratique des réseaux sociaux en ligne peut présenter certains avantages (notamment en terme de rapidité de communication avec des personnes), leur utilisation inadéquate peut être problématique : traces ineffaçables, données personnelles et vie privée dévoilées, réputation des utilisateurs mise en branle… Guide à l’intention des élèves et leurs parents : Vivre sur les médias sociaux comme dans la vraie vie! Le Guide à l’intention des élèves et leurs parents : Vivre sur les médias sociaux comme dans la vraie vie! Guide à l’intention des employés des écoles Licence :

عشر نصائح مهمة لحماية جهاز الكمبيوتر | علوم وتكنولوجيا | DW.DE | 15.07.2012 باتت الهجمات الفيروسية والاختراقات الأمنية لأجهزة الكمبيوتر أمراً شائعا هذه الأيام، ومن ثم فإن حماية جهازك الشخصي صارت في غاية الأهمية. فعندما يتصل المستخدمون بشبكة الإنترنت، تزداد فرص إصابة أجهزتهم. وبدون علم المستخدم، ربما يتمكن قراصنة الإنترنت من الحصول على معلومات مهمة من جهازه. وفيما يلي أهم عشر نصائح لحماية جهاز الكمبيوتر: -تنصيب برنامج مناسب لمكافحة الفيروسات: فهذا البرنامج يشكل أحد أهم الدفاعات اللازمة لحماية جهازك الشخصي من الفيروسات، بما في ذلك الفيروسات الدودية (وورم) وأحصنة طروادة (تروجان). سواء من الفيروسات أو المرفقات المصابة في الرسائل الإلكترونية. -تنصيب برنامج جدار الحماية "جدار النار" (فايروول): تهدف برامج الحماية من الاختراقات وهجمات قراصنة الإنترنت (هاكرز)، والتي تعرف باسم برامج الجدار الناري "برنامج الحماية"(فايروول)، إلى التحكم في حركة مرور البيانات عبر الشبكة، حيث تقوم بفحص حزم البيانات التي تمر عبر الشبكة والاختيار بين السماح لهذه الحزم بالمرور إلى جهاز الكمبيوتر أو لا. -تحديث الجهاز أولاً بأول: من الأفضل أن تقوم بتحديث جهازك أولا بأول. -إزالة الملفات المؤقتة "كاشي":

Android-x86 - Porting Android to x86 vs-android v0.94 Released « It’s been a while! I’ve been pretty busy in recent months. Some of the press about Neversoft last month may give some clues. I’ve been sitting on a new vs-android for a very long time now, which contains some nice improvements. As well as it seemingly always stuck at the top of my “TODO” list, what also prompted me to get it done was a breaking update in the r8b NDK. The latest NDK also added support for GCC 4.6, as well as the MIPS architecture toolchain. vs-android – Working For Free I must admit I grow weary of working on vs-android. I think a product like vs-android is immediately attractive to people who might have tinkered a little with C++ in Visual Studio, and want a ‘quick-start’ into Android programming. That said, I do intend to keep working on it. v0.94 Changes Here’s a list of the changes made in the v0.94 revision: Completely reworked the deploy and run portions of vs-android. You can get the latest vs-android here:

Mirroring PC: Diffuser le contenu de sa tablette ou de son smartphone sur un ordinateur Pour compléter l’article Mirroring sur TV, je vous propose ici de faire un tour d’horizon des solutions techniques permettant d’effectuer du mirroring PC, c’est à dire : afficher le contenu d’une tablette ou d’un smartphone sur un PC. Cette démarche peut entre autre avoir de l’intérêt lors d’ateliers pédagogiques, pour de la démonstration client ou tout simplement pour diffuser sur un écran plus grand une application ou un jeu. A l’air du » tout sans fil », on n’y pense pas forcément du premier coup, mais il s’agit de l’une des solutions les plus simples pour diffuser le contenu d’un terminal mobile (tablette ou smartphone). La connexion filaire ou plus simple l’usage d’un câble adapté permet de rapidement partager le contenu de vos appareils. Connexion VGA par câble pour tablette Ipad Si vous désirez effectuer un mirroring pc avec des terminaux sous Android ou Windows 8, il y a de fortes chances que vos appareils disposent d’un port micro USB. adaptateur micro-USB vers HDMI, Reflector

50 Unique and Useful Websites on the Internet In the internet world when we surfing the browser we can see millions of websites, blogs, gaming sites. Websites are categorized as personal resource, travel, education, general internet etc. But if you visit a website that may be useful and interested for you but another one feels that’s not special for him. Internet is an amazing source and they offer some useful websites for the users. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Updated: 100 Unique and Useful Websites on the Internet 2015 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

رؤية اخر الملفات التي تم التعديل عليها في ويندوز Description OpenSaveFilesView is a simple tool that displays the list of files that you previously opened with the standard open/save dialog-box of Windows. For every file in the list, the following information is displayed: Filename, Extension, Order (The order that the files were opened for every file extension), Open Time (Available only for the last opened file of every file type), File Modified/Created Time, File Size, and File Attributes. System Requirements This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 2000 and up to Windows 8. Data Source The data displayed by this tool is taken from the following Registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\OpenSaveMRU HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\OpenSavePidlMRU Start Using OpenSaveFilesView OpenSaveFilesView doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. The 'Order' Column Command-Line Options License Disclaimer

Hyperlink Parallels: The best Android Emulator I've ever used If you're doing Android development, a non-default VM is a must; the ARM Emulator is a complete pain to work with. There are several options based on QEMU and VirtualBox (Intel HAXM and Genymotion, respectively), and both of them are vastly better than the default. At my day job, I do a lot of Windows development on Parallels Desktop - for Windows, I find it to be the best VM software for Mac. Super fast, and the integration features are great. In the past, I've had problems installing >1 VM software on my machine at the same time, so I've been on the lookout for a way to get Parallels working with Android. Fortunately, the Android-x86 Project has done a ton of awesome work in order to enable running Android on laptops and virtual machines - they've recently released a KitKat image that works great; hit up that link to get started. Setting up Android-x86 Setting up an installation of Android-x86 is pretty straightforward, especially if you've installed Linux before. Pick Write, then Quit.

Le « App Smashing » pour optimiser le potentiel créatif du iPad Le App Smashing est un concept popularisé par Gregory Kulowiec qui est un ancien enseignant d’histoire du Plymouth South High School et du Virtual High School. Il est maintenant associé sénior au EdTechTeacher. J’ai eu l’opportunité de le rencontrer et d’assister à sa conférence au iPad Summit de Boston 2013. Le concept du App Smashing est simple.Créer du contenu avec une application;Créer du contenu avec une autre application;Fusionner les contenus ensemble (Smashing);Publier le résultat sur Internet. La plupart du temps on demande aux élèves de réaliser quelque chose sur le iPad avec seulement une application. La grande majorité des applications de création de contenu offre la possibilité d’enregistrer dans le iPad. Les possibilités sont énormes. Vous pourriez aussi utiliser l’application Explain Everything si vous voulez ajouter de l’animation comme dans l’exemple suivant. 1) Trouver les fonds d’écran En premier lieu, il a trouvé deux fonds d’écran de couleurs bleu et vert.

Beginner's guide to Construct 2 Well done for choosing Construct 2! Let's get started making your first HTML5 game. We'll be making the 'Ghost Shooter' demo game. Try it out here first so you know what we're aiming for: a player who looks at the mouse, moves with arrow keys, and shoots monsters with the mouse. Note: please don't ask for help in the comments of this tutorial! Alternative tutorials There is an alternative beginner's guide: How to make a platform game, aimed at making a jump-and-run platformer rather than a top down shooter. There's also How to make an Asteroids clone in under 100 events by Kyatric which is a little more advanced but also very detailed. Installing Construct 2 If you haven't already, grab a copy of the latest release of Construct 2 here. Getting started Now you're set up, launch Construct 2. You will see the 'Template or Example' dialog box. This shows a list of examples and templates that you can investigate at your leisure. Inserting objects Tiled Background Let's survey our work.

WinDirStat Portable know what's on your drive WinDirStat Portable is a disk usage analyzer and cleanup tool packaged as a portable app, so you can see exactly what's on your device or a host computer's hard drive and easily free up space. Version Rev 3 for Windows, Multilingal 1MB download / 2MB installed (Details) - Support's development and hosting WinDirStat Portable works best with the Platform Features WinDirStat is a disk usage stats viewer and cleanup tool with many handy features: Directory list, Treemap and Extension list views so you can view your files the way you wantCoupling. Learn more about WinDirStat... Support For help getting WinDirStat Portable up and running, visit: Language Note: To change WinDirStat's language, select Options, Configure WinDirStat from the menu. Download Details Publisher: (John T.

How to Install and Use Genymotion Android Emulator In Ubuntu Installing the Genymotion android emulator is not hard, but is not easy too. Before installing this useful software in your machine you need to sign up for an account on the website, but first let me introduce you guys to some features of the Genymotion software. Note: If you haven't red our article about Genymotion testing you should check it out before going any further. For thus that don't want to read our previous article and go straight to the installation, Genymotion is a multiplatform android emulator software which is being created to help users and developers run android applications in their machines without the need of a physical device. There is a free version of Genymotion software for personal usage, but if you plan to use it in commercial projects you should go for the paid version. All you need is a free account, sign up for free and download this amazing emulator. Genymotion features: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. chmod +x genymotion-2.0.1_x86.bin . . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
