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A Visual Dictionary of Philosophy: Major Schools of Thought in Minimalist Geometric Graphics

A Visual Dictionary of Philosophy: Major Schools of Thought in Minimalist Geometric Graphics
by Maria Popova A charming exercise in metaphorical thinking and symbolic representation. Rodin believed that his art was about removing the stone not part of the sculpture to reveal the essence of his artistic vision. Perhaps this is what Catalan-born, London-based graphic designer Genis Carreras implicitly intended in chiseling away the proverbial philosopher’s stone to sculpt its minimalist essence. Skepticism True knowledge or certainty in a particular area is impossible. The skeptics (in the colloquial sense of the word, although its roots are, fittingly, philosophical) should remember that rather than an exercise in reckless reductionism seeking to dumb down some of humanity’s most complex ideas, the project is instead a playful and thoughtful celebration of symbolic and metaphorical thinking — that distinctly human faculty that is the hallmark of our imagination. Carreras writes: Relativism Absolutism An absolute truth is always correct under any condition. Stoicism Positivism Humanism Related:  Filosofie

Systems philosophy Systems Philosophy is a discipline aimed at constructing a new philosophy (in the sense of worldview) by using systems concepts. The discipline was founded by Ervin Laszlo in 1972 with his book Introduction to Systems Philosophy: Toward a New Paradigm of Contemporary Thought.[1] It has been described as the "reorientation of thought and world view ensuing from the introduction of "systems" as a new scientific paradigm".[2] Overview[edit] Soon after Laszlo founded Systems Philosophy it was placed in context by Ludwig von Bertalanffy, one of the founders of General System Theory, when he categorized three domains within the Systemics namely: Systems Philosophy consists of four main areas: The term "Systems Philosophy" is often used as a convenient shorthand to refer to "the philosophy of systems" (e.g. here), but this usage can be misleading. Origin and development of Systems Philosophy[edit] The Founding of Systems Philosophy[edit] Laszlo and Evolutionary Futures[edit] Perspectivism vs.

Christopher Columbus was awful (but this other guy was not) Sources: All of the information in this essay came from A People's History of the United States, by Howard Zinn, and Lies My Teacher Told Me, by James W. Loewen, both of which uses primary sources such as eyewitness accounts, journal entries, and letters from Christopher Columbus himself. A very important note about Bartolomé de las Casas and the African slave trade This issue keeps coming up and, despite my footnotes, I keep seeing commentary about it so I'm going to address it here. I soon repented and judged myself guilty of ignorance. I know that the discovery of the New World means a lot of different things to a lot of different cultures. But please, oh please do not call it Columbus Day. Less than a year after the publication of this comic, Columbus Day was renamed to Indigenous People's Day in Seattle.

Against happiness: Why we need a philosophy of failure In Hawaii, people are expected to be too happy. Is Britain going the same way? © Hakilon While in Hawaii on a quest for the perfect wave, I once bumped into a psychiatrist who asked me where I came from. She gave a sigh of respect at my answer. It turned out that she was a specialist in depression. She pointed out to me that: (1) In Hawaii the same ratio of people are depressed as anywhere else; (2) The problem with Hawaii is that you are expected to be happy—by idiots like me, for example—so that when you are depressed, you are not just depressed, you feel guilty about being depressed too, so you’re doubly screwed; (3) And, finally, because Hawaii is technically the United States too, if you’re depressed, guilty and broke as well, when you’re supposed to be affluent, then you’re in triple trouble. “Yep,” she concluded, “Hawaii really sucks.” But the spread of depression is partly a side-effect of our addiction to happiness. Bougainville stresses two things.

Visual Social Network Analysis in R and Gephi Part II | Design and Analytics Resuming from last time, I've made some updates to the philosophers' social network including publishing two interactive maps. Quick introduction: you know that sidebar on wikipedia where it tells you someone was influenced by someone else, linking to them? These graphs are generated from asking wikipedia for a comprehensive list of every philosopher's influence on every other. There are some sample-bias issues and data problems I went over in the first part of the series, but overall it's both beautiful and interesting. Interactive visuals The first lets you zoom dynamically and makes it easier to see local networks. Go ahead, click it. The second lets you actually grab nodes and move them around. Click this, too. Moral of the story The first graphs were pretty, but interactivity is a pretty big deal. Live world tour (of Chicago) day only. I'm presenting this general topic at the Chicago R User Group's meetup October 3rd. Next up And the code

Violent metaphors Filosofie wiki In het dagelijks spraakgebruik wordt de term filosofie gebruikt om elke vorm van wijsheid of levensbeschouwing aan te duiden (zoals in "iemands filosofie") of iemands uitgangspunten (zoals in "het sluit niet aan op de filosofie achter dit plan"). Dit verschilt van het begrip filosofie in een academische context, zoals deze in dit artikel gehanteerd wordt. Oorsprong van het begrip filosofie[bewerken] De introductie van de term "filosofie" werd toegeschreven aan de Griekse denker Pythagoras: "De vita et moribus philosophorum", I, 12; Cicero: "Tusculanae disputationes", V, 8-9). Filosofie en 'filosoferen' was volgens Aristoteles de meest verheven en meest goddelijke activiteit voor de mens, die ze van nature voltooit en die een bron van vreugde is. Mogelijke definities en afbakening[bewerken] Voor sommigen is de definitie van filosofie eenduidig, terwijl deze voor anderen zelf weer een metafilosofisch probleem vormt. Thema's binnen de filosofie[bewerken] Stromingen[bewerken] Wat kan ik weten?

Visualizing the History of Philosophy as a social network: The Problem with Hegel | Design and Analytics Introduction This is Part I of a series. Part II is available here, and has an updated graphic. How Important is Hegel?! I was surprised I hadn't seen this graphic at Drunks and Lampposts made with Gephi until a friend posted it on facebook last week. The original is here, and here's my version: Using a scrape of the data behind wikipedia's sidebar for philosophers, Simon Rapier put together a fantastic visualization of the schools and interconnections among philosophers. That's a solid aggregation of a lot of humanities information. However, looking at the original graphs on D&L and Griffs, I was struck that Hegel seems far too influential in the domain of philosophers---if you've ever taken the singular continental philosophy course offered by your local analytic university department, you'll know what I mean, that that simply isn't his status in the field. So, to explore why this was the case, I replicated this graph based on Simon's excellent instructions. What happened when I ran it?

21 GIFs That Explain Mathematical Concepts “Let's face it; by and large math is not easy, but that's what makes it so rewarding when you conquer a problem, and reach new heights of understanding.” Danica McKellar As we usher in the start of a new school year, it’s time to hit the ground running in your classes! Ellipse: Via: giphy Solving Pascal triangles: Via: Hersfold via Wikimedia Commons Use FOIL to easily multiply binomials: Via: mathcaptain Here’s how you solve logarithms: Via: imgur Use this trick so you don’t get mixed up when doing matrix transpositions: Via: Wikimedia Commons What the Pythagorean Theorem is really trying to show you: Via: giphy Exterior angles of polygons will ALWAYS add up to 360 degrees: Via: math.stackexchange If you’re studying trig, you better get pretty comfortable with circles. Via: imgur If an arc of a circle is the same length as its radius, the resulting angle is one radian: Via: Wikimedia Commons Visualizing sine (red) on the Y axis and cosine (blue) on the X axis. Via: reddit Cosine is the derivative of sine:

Wat filosofie is (en wat het niet is) | Jan Dirk Snel [Vrijdag 4 juli 2014] Wat is filosofie? Een beetje filosoof begint dan met op te merken dat dat nou al een echte filosofische vraag is, maar het lijkt me nog maar de vraag of het nou zo’n heel erg andere vraag is dan die naar wat meteorologie is of wat sociologie is. Hooguit kun je zeggen dat die laatste twee vragen geen typisch meteorologische of sociologische zijn. FilosofieFilosofie gaat volgens mij vooral over verheldering. John Locke (1632-1704) was lijfarts van Lord Anthony Ashley-Cooper. Filosofie gaat in concreto onder andere over de vraag hoe mensen redeneren. Filosofie gaat ook over de vraag wat kennis is, epistemologie dus, al is het de vraag of die discipline in onze dagen, nu de wetenschappen zich ver ontwikkeld hebben, nog wel zo spannend is. Filosofie kan ook gaan over het geheel van onze werkelijkheid. Filosofie gaat ook over het menselijk handelen en de vraag wat me moeten doen. Maar de wetenschappen hebben zich verzelfstandigd. Het gaat om verheldering.

Philosophical Quotes The SCP Foundation What is Philosophy – and what’s it for? © Getty People are understandably confused about what philosophy is. From a distance, it seems weird, irrelevant, boring and yet also – just a little – intriguing. But it’s hard to put a finger on what the interest really is. Luckily, the answer is already contained in the word philosophy itself. Though a rather abstract term, the concept of ‘wisdom’ isn’t mysterious. So a philosopher or ‘person devoted to wisdom’ is someone who strives for systematic expertise at working out how one may best find individual and collective fulfilment. In their pursuit of wisdom, philosophers have developed a very specific skill-set. 1. What is the meaning of life? But these questions matter deeply because only with sound answers to them can we direct our energies meaningfully. Philosophers are people unafraid of the large questions. © AFP/Getty 2. Public opinion – or what gets called ‘common sense’ – is sensible and reasonable in countless areas. © Rex 3. That’s why we need to examine our own minds. 4. 5.

Philosophy of Cosmology
