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Photography Cheatsheets

Photography Cheatsheets
CheatSheet Roundup: How to use your Camera You are here: Photography, ResourcesBy Michael Cerdeiros Here is a collection of 19 hand picked photography cheat sheets that will help you further your career and hobby. Click on each of the images to make them larger Related posts 28 Tips For AdWords Beginners I Wish Someone Had Told Me [Infographic] 15 Awesome Things Google Can Do For You 70 of the Most useful Websites on the Internet 14 Websites you never knew about 21 Food Hacks That Change Everything 23 Awesome Things You Didn’t Learn In School. 4 Comments Leave Comment Related:  Hacks | Tutorials

A Clever Visual Representation Of Famous Quotes From Albert Einstein to Bob Marley, the world has heard some pretty stellar quotes. What Toronto based artist, Ryan McArthur, is doing with them is adding meaningful visual representation that helps get those same great messages across on a artistic platform. His minimalist designs will surely inspire you! Cómo Fotografiar un Cielo Lleno de Estrellas Hoy hablaremos de la fotografía nocturna de cielos y estrellas. Concretamente te traigo un tutorial calentito el cual si lo aplicas al pie de la letra conseguirás impactantes fotografías de cielos llenos de estrellas, fotos de esas que siempre viste en revistas y enciclopedias pero que pensaste que jamás una persona “no profesional” podría conseguir. Hoy te enseñaré lo equivocado que estabas. Antes de partir Para una experiencia fotográfica de un bello cielo lleno de estrellas, necesitas disponer del siguiente material: 14 pasos para fotografiar un cielo lleno de estrellas Desactiva el enfoque automáticode tu objetivo, utilizaremos el enfoque manual. Fotografía de EstrellasUna vez seleccionado el modo de enfoque manual, elige un enfoque de infinito.Escoge una sensibilidad ISO elevada. Advertencia: El movimiento de la tierra, aun siendo lento, acaba reflejándose en este tipo de fotos si dejamos que el tiempo de exposición sea excesivamente largo. Bonus Track Ahí lo tienes todo amigo.

Every War On Drugs Myth Thoroughly Destroyed By A Retired Police Captain Retired police Capt. Peter Christ is about to make more sense about the War on Drugs than anyone you've ever heard in the past. His basic premise is that we need to legalize drugs, but if you're skeptical, just give him a few minutes to convince you. Highlights include a very honest answer to a commonly asked drug question at 0:54, the easiest question to answer about the War on Drugs at 4:48, the complete destruction of the biggest argument anti-drug advocates use at 7:23, using the Bible to prove the ineffectiveness of prohibition at 13:55, and a rapid-fire debunking of several myths all in one breath at 14:20. If you have to leave right now, just skip to 5:58 for the thesis statement in a single sentence. Like Upworthy on Facebook Dude throws down like a pro, right? There are drugs in every prison. — Well, it's kinda hard to prove that there are totes drugs in every single prison, but there's some anecdotal data that suggests so. Mississippi didn't end prohibition until around 1970.

Cómo hacer un Time-Lapse: antes de empezar Limpek Viendo que muchos de vosotros nos habéis pedido que os enseñemos a hacer Time-Lapses, hemos decidido lanzar un especial en el que primeramente os daremos las pautas previas para hacer las fotografías, y en la segunda parte os enseñaremos a montarlo en el ordenador para conseguir un vídeo. Para empezar, ¿qué es un Time-Lapse? Ten en cuenta que debes de ser paciente y intentarlo muchas veces para conseguir algo decente. Consideraciones previas Iseemooi Para empezar, necesitamos una cámara de fotos que permita disparar automáticamente durante intervalos de tiempo determinados. Tomando fotografías Philipp Klinger Antes que nada, te recomendamos que no vayas sólo porque te aburrirás como una ostra. Bien, ahora que estamos en el sitio que queremos para tomar fotografías, encendemos nuestra flamante cámara y la programamos para que dispare automáticamente cada X segundos. clay.wells En el caso de que tengáis una réflex, tened en cuenta que sufren mucho para este tipo de práctica.

The Mushroom/LSD Experience Explained & Explored | High Existence Anyone that has tried a psychedelic drug know that it’s impossible to fully explain the experience to someone who hasn’t tried one. The entertainment industry completely misrepresents these experiences with dragons flying out of people’s faces and walls melting into nothing, which never occur even with strong doses. So, here is my best attempt at explaining the psychedelic experience. I’d like to start this off with an anecdote from Ram Dass, who was talking about working with a member of the anti-drug coalition on a book about LSD. In choosing pictures for the book, they agreed on only one: “It was a picture of a guy on the floor, looking at some spilled Coca-Cola. The General Sensation While tripping, you realize that Shakespeare’s idea that “All the world’s a stage” was excitingly true. Furthermore, your appreciation for absolutely everything is exponentially magnified. The Visuals For the most part, you do not see things that are not actually there. Perception Rules for Tripping

10 Maneras de Conseguir Fotos Creativas Jugando con la Apertura de tu Cámara La apertura, aún sin saberlo, es una de las cosas que más nos llaman la atención cuando empezamos en el mundo de la fotografía. Si venimos del Smartphone o de las antiguas y sencillas compactas, o si siempre trabajamos en automático, no somos conscientes de cómo están hechas esas imágenes que tanto despiertan nuestro interés. Vemos esas fascinantes fotografías, esos retratos de mirada extremadamente nítida, tan aislados y perfectos, esos paisajes de foco infinito. Es en ese instante, cuando pensamos ¡Menuda foto!, ¡Qué preciosidad!, ¡Qué profesional! A pesar de que son múltiples factores los que influyen en una imagen, uno de los más destacados es la apertura del diafragma de nuestro objetivo, y también es uno de los primeros que deberíamos empezar a conocer por su utilidad a la hora de controlar tanto la luz como la profundidad de campo (zona enfocada en la imagen). Es con estos dos conceptos iniciales, con los que, una vez aprendidos, podrás jugar para crear imágenes creativas. 1. 2.

Multimodal Ganzfeld Gives Mild Hallucinations » Mind Modifications » Archives What is a Ganzfeld effect? The Ganzfeld (German for “complete/full field”) effect happens when the sensory system is steadily overloaded with a uniform signal. For example, a uniform, steady and all-encompassing soft light to the eyes will cause a “loss of vision”. This happens because, essentially, there is no change in the signal going to the brain, so the brain stops processing the signal. The Ganzfeld is interesting because it is a simple, yet effective tool which provides a mild form of sensory deprivation. Mild sensory deprivation through the Ganzfeld effect gives mild effects. Anyway, to enhance the effect, the basic idea is to extend the Ganzfeld idea to other senses than vision. While trying out the Ganzfeld with a big blank wall in a darkened room, for a short period of time I saw myself in a snowy parking lot. Experimenting with the Ganzfeld Effect A simple “Ganzfeld device” is easy to build; first, cut a uniform colour ping-pong ball in two. Uses of Ganzfeld

El sorprendente timelapse a 360º con seis cámaras GoPro, de Jonas Ginter A Jonas Ginter, fotógrafo aficionado alemán le apasionaban los mini planetas en 360º. Y, además, los timelapse. Así que durante dos años ha estado dando vueltas en su cabeza a cómo podía combianar una cosa con otra. Finalmente, lo ha conseguido. Y el resultado es, como poco, sorprendente. El principio de los "mini planetas" es bastante simple. Pero tenemos una sola imagen fija. Cuenta Jonas, que tras experimentar con gomas, cables, madera y poliestireno tuvo que construirse, finalmente, un soporte a medida con una impresora 3D, gracias a dos compañeros suyos ( Andrees y Michaels) que le prestaron soporte en este aspecto. Respecto al resto del proceso de creación del timelapse en sí y cómo editarlo poco nos cuenta este fotógrafo, posiblemente pensando en darle una salida potencialmente comercial a su curioso invento. En Xataka Foto | Creando planetas a partir de panorámicas Vídeo | 360° Video using 6 GoPro Cameras - spherical panorama timelapse de j0n4s en Vimeo.

3 World Wars Planned by Illuminati Albert Pike in 1871 - Everything About NWO | Humans Are Free This letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order, and we can marvel at how accurately it has predicted events that have already taken place. It is a commonly believed fallacy that for a short time, the Pike letter to Mazzini (33 rank mason who founded the Mafia in 1860) was on display in the British Museum Library in London, and it was copied by William Guy Carr, former Intelligence Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy.The British Library has confirmed in writing to me that such a document has never been in their possession. Furthermore, in Carr's book, Satan, Prince of this World, Carr includes the following footnote: "The Keeper of Manuscripts recently informed the author that this letter is NOT catalogued in the British Museum Library. It seems strange that a man of Cardinal Rodriguez's knowledge should have said that it WAS in 1925". In 1785, Restif coined the phrase four years before revolution broke out.

Free Photography Tutorials | Beginners to Advanced Mind Uploading: Brain Facts What's the scale of things here? The following lengths (from Posner p. 305) give approximate sizes for structures in the nervous system: 0.001 mm: synapses (tip of a connection between neurons) 0.1 mm: neurons (brain cell) 1 mm: local circuits (small networks of cells) 10 mm: maps (spatially organized topographic maps) 100 mm: systems (e.g., the visual system) 1000 mm: the central nervous system (including spinal cord) How many things are we talking about? Short answer: a LOT. Long answer: Per cubic millimeter (mm^3), there are about 10^5 neurons and 10^9 synapses. How fast does the brain work? Not very fast by computer standards. How are memories stored in the brain? This is one of the great questions of neuroscience, and research has nearly converged on an answer. OK, so neurons and connections, is that it? Well, there's more in the brain than that. More Brain Facts and Figures are available from the University of Washington.
