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Chemical Party

Chemical Party
Related:  Kemi

Make a Recycled Lava Lamp with Your Kids Last time I went on a household cleaning spree, I decided to clean out our family medicine cabinets. I found a lot of items left behind from previous house guests, items that my family doesn't use - but I didn't want to toss them in the trash. I started considering creative ways that I could use them. When I came across a package of Alka-Seltzer, I figured that since it fizzes and bubbles when added to water, I could use them to make lava lamps with the boys. We headed outside with the Alka-Seltzer tablets and a few other items from our kitchen cabinet and recycling bin. What ensued was an afternoon packed with learning fun as my boys created lava lamps using these ingredients. What You Will Need for Recycled Lava Lamps: empty bottlecooking oilwaterfood coloringAlka-Seltzer Step 1: Add the Oil Have your child fill an empty container 3/4 full of cooking oil. Step 2: Add the Water Then, fill the rest of the bottle with water, leaving about an inch of bottle empty. Step 3: Add a Little Color

Deer found in middle ocean What is that?! Can it be, really!!! It ‘s a DEER!!! Not too much of a struggle? He was very glad to be on board. He was sooo tired and was glad to get into our boat and rest! And yes, we turned him loose when we got back to shore. YouParent | Science Experiment: Liquid Rainbow in a Jar By Jessica Vician Photography by Jennifer Shaffer Photography Children love science, whether they know it or not. From inventing little contraptions with things they find around the house to watching what food coloring can do to hard-boiled eggs or some cake icing, activities influenced by science fascinate children of all ages. This weekend, teach your children about density by creating a liquid rainbow in a jar. Even if they are too young to understand the concept of density, your children will enjoy mixing the liquids and watching the colorful results develop. For this activity, you will need: ½ cup light corn syrup ½ cup blue liquid dish soap ½ cup vegetable oil ½ cup isopropyl alcohol blue, red, and green food coloring Let’s get started! In a glass, use a spoon to combine the light corn syrup with one drop of blue food coloring and one drop of red food coloring. Pour the corn syrup mixture into a Mason jar that can hold a little more than 2 ½ cups of liquid. Congratulations!

UK scientists invent artificial petrol - Business News Boffins at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, near Oxford have invented an ‘artificial’ petrol, which costs just 90 pence per gallon and could run in existing cars. Motorists could even be able to drive for 300 to 400 miles before needing to fill up. The breakthrough comes as average UK fuel prices have hit a record high. The new hydrogen-based fuel produces no greenhouse gases and could be available in as little as three years. Professor Stephen Bennington, the project’s lead scientist, said: “In some senses, hydrogen is the perfect fuel. It has three times more energy than petrol per unit of weight, and when it burns, it produces nothing but water. “Our new hydrogen storage materials offer real potential for running cars, planes and other vehicles that currently use hydrocarbons.” How is it made? It says: "Storing hydrogen up to now has required either high-pressure storage cylinders at up to 700 times atmospheric pressure or super-cooled liquids at -253 degree Celsius.

Edible Slime or Gak (Chemical and Borax Free!) One of the things I love to do with this blog is to use my science background (I have an M. Ed in science education and used to be a middle and high school science teacher) to create new play recipes that are safe - and if possible, that are edible (I love the idea of creating sensory play that is great for all ages so that babies and toddlers can join their siblings in play without having to miss out on the fun). So far I've developed a Safe/Edible Glow Water, and Edible Mini Water Beads (with no choking hazard!), and an Edible Pretend (Melting!) Ice Cream Dough. Like any great slime it's suuuuper stretchy! It oooooooozes. You can grab it with two hands and just pick it right up off a table. It feels so soft and slightly cool (in that way that slime always does)...sometimes you just gotta wrap your entire forearm in it. As S will tell you, it always helps to make crazy faces when you're playing with slime. :) So so so fun! This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. Water here)

The Light Bulb Effect - Bulb Candles by Helbert Ferreira & Remi Melander - SYSTEM DESIGN STUDIO The Light Bulb Effect Let me put on my monocle and tell you a story. You see long ago before Swan or Edison invented the lightbulb, people used candles. Designers: Helbert Ferreira, Remi Melander – SYSTEM DESIGN STUDIO She Begins To Pour Milk In A Bag. Seconds Later? The Best Treat Ever She Begins To Pour Milk In A Bag. Seconds Later? The... She Begins To Pour Milk In A Bag. For Aunty Acid by rozin.abbas Culture Food One of the best things about having kids around is creating fun, exciting experiments that simultaneously teach them something. Like Oobleck, this experiment will teach your kids something while making an amazing treat. The next time you're with the kids, try this out. What Did You Think? rozin.abbas For Aunty Acid I like to eat. More posts by rozin.abbas Verified Join Diply Today Connect with a social network Sign In to Diply Sign into your Diply account with your social network Report Post Select the option(s) that best described why this should be removed from Diply.

Kemilektioner för grundskolan - Tolv månadsteman- IKEM Från och med hösten 2011 gäller nya kursplaner för grundskolan. Jämfört med tidigare är det nu tydligare vad barn ska lära sig när det gäller kemi och annan naturvetenskap. Barnen ska tillägna sig ett naturvetenskapliga arbetssätt. De ska kunna göra praktiska undersökningar, designa experiment som är rättvisa, ställa hypoteser et cetera. Kemilektionerna för grundskolan togs fram med anledning av att det år 2011 var Kemins år och är inspirerade av de teman som användes under kemiåret, teman som ville göra det tydligt att kemin finns överallt och att det inom de mest skilda samhällsfunktioner behövs kemisk kunskap. Huvudexperimenten i Kemilektioner för grundskolan är valda för att passa till årskurserna 4-6. Lektionerna är sammanställda av Bodil Nilsson, som har mycket kunskap om hur man intresserar barn för naturvetenskap och lång erfarenhet av att undervisa om didaktik och naturvetenskap på Lärarutbildningen vid Stockholms Universitet (tidigare Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm).

Kemi nästa: Plast Plast är ett av vår tids vanligaste material - man kan till och med säga att vi lever i plaståldern. Men vad är egentligen plast? Vi får se hur en pantad PET-flaska återvinns och blir till en ny flaska. I experimentet får vi se vad som händer om man häller kokande vatten över en PET-flaska. Michael Mengesha undrar och NO-pedagogen Hans Persson svarar. Här kan du skapa egna klipp ur programmet Hjälp Stäng 1. Se en film om hur man skapar klipp. DelaKopiera länken genom att trycka ctrl+C på PC eller cmd+C på Mac. Så kan du använda programmet i din undervisning Lärarhandledning Ladda ner (PDF)
