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Mayan Oracle - Calendars Date Viewer, Dreamspell Audio

Mayan Oracle - Calendars Date Viewer, Dreamspell Audio
Printing InstructionsThese instructions are for a desktop printer which prints on the back of the paper as to when fed into the printer. You may have to manually re-order each paper sheet order before printing the backs depending on your printer. Download the image archive and the Daykeeper rtf file above. Unzip the image archive and save the files in the locations specified for your operating system. The images need to be stored in the exact folders, the Daykeeper rtf file looks for the images there. The Daykeeper rtf file may be located anywhere. Test how to turn over the papers to print on the back. Print the entire day planner.ONLY USE 12 SHEETS OF PAPER.There are 12 pieces of paper used when printed on both sides. Make sure the wavespell numbers are in order. Fold the day planner and staple on the crease.Use a long reach stapler or open a small stapler up and manually bend the staples or make holes in the crease and stitch.

You are a Myth You are an Archetype who is constantly evolving and changing and recreating yourself. Your signature is the energetic template or baseline for your personal evolution and transformation. As you live the myth of your life, you encounter other mythological figures on this journey. You can connect on a deeper more archetypal level with these mythological characters, if you know your signature! As there are those along the path who can help you, you can be a mythological example for others.

Cimi (Death) Native Names: CIMI [kee'mee], KEME Common Mayan Usage: death Qualities: surrender, release, death, transmutation, forgiveness, humility, revelation Symbols: six-sided crystal in roots, evergreen tree, moss (growth in death), owl Number: six (organic balance) Color: forest green Element: air Direction: north Shadow Wisdom: feeling the need to be in control; fear of death; depression; struggle and resistance Shadow Transformation: Surrender to the pattern of perfection. Listen to the part of you that is calling for death and transformation. Receive its wisdom.Harmonic Wisdom: serenity Mudra: hold hands together under right cheek, as if sleeping; then cross arms on chest while bowing; finally, raise head with crossed arms in front of eyes Meditation: “I am the fuel, mulch, and fodder for the destruction of all obstacles to reconstruction in God.”

Tone-the creative process Your tone is how you create yourself it is your contribution to the creative process. Any creative process. We all fit in somewhere, and the tones help us to be more lucid to how we can more effectively contribute to the world and the lives of others. The Multidimensional Universe In regards to ascension, this section will briefly outline the structure of the multidimensional universe, which will help you understand the term “Dimension.” Please note: there is no requirement that you need to believe and accept this model for understanding the universe and dimensions. The structure of our physical universe is geometrically shaped as a tetrahedron, which consists of 12 different layers called “Dimensions.” Tzolkin 101 Please put your pencils down! This is Indigenous Knowledge and no notes are required! Welcome to the Ancient timing frequencies of the Maya as expressed through the Dreamspell Matrix Each day is a new day with new and unexplored domains of imagination and possibility.

Harmonic Concordance and planetary alignments! So, About this concordance thing... On saturday November 8th 2003 gregorian we will have the following events A full moon a Lunar Eclipse the end of the current tzolkin count in the Dreamspell the Harmonic Concordance Slam bam thank you Ma'am! Basic 13 Moon Calendar Primer Basic 13 Moon Calendar Primer: The natural cycles of time are : The Day - The Earth revolves on its axis to create day and night. The Moon - The Moon revolves around the Earth through it's cyclical phases.The cycle of the moon from new moon to new moon is called the synodic cycle. It is 29.5 days in length. The sidereal lunar cycle, measuring the moon from where it reappears in the same place in the sky, is only 27.1 days in length.

Mesoamerican Long Count calendar The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar is a non-repeating, vigesimal (base-20) and base-18 calendar used by several Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures, most notably the Maya. For this reason, it is sometimes known as the Maya (or Mayan) Long Count calendar. Using a modified vigesimal tally, the Long Count calendar identifies a day by counting the number of days passed since a mythical creation date that corresponds to August 11, 3114 BCE in the Proleptic Gregorian calendar.[n 1] The Long Count calendar was widely used on monuments.

13 Moon Calendar Web Page Welcome to the 13 Moon Calendar Home Page ! by Randy Bruner Blue Cosmic Hand TLATELOLCO MASSACRE: DECLASSIFIED U.S. DOCUMENTS ON MEXICO AND THE EVENTS OF 1968 Washington, D.C. – Mexico's tragedy unfolded on the night of October 2, 1968, when a student demonstration ended in a storm of bullets in La Plaza de las Tres Culturas at Tlatelolco, Mexico City. The extent of the violence stunned the country. When the shooting stopped, hundreds of people lay dead or wounded, as Army and police forces seized surviving protesters and dragged them away. Although months of nation-wide student strikes had prompted an increasingly hard-line response from the Diaz Ordaz regime, no one was prepared for the bloodbath that Tlatelolco became.
