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Life Without Money

Life Without Money
Is it possible to live comfortably in today’s American culture without money or a job? The thought of living without money conjures up images of homeless people in rags pushing their junk-filled shopping carts around the dirty centers of cities, sleeping under bridges and begging for food. Yes, some people do live this way, but it’s hardly desirable. John (not his real name) has lived a nearly moneyless life for the past seven years, yet he enjoys a freedom that others, slaving at their jobs, only dream of. Liz (not her real name either) owns a house that she rents out. These are just two examples of people living in America on little or no monetary income yet they are far from suffering. Air and Water The first needs are for clean air to breathe and for clean water to drink. Food The next need is for food. 1. 2. 3. 4. Clothing A tremendous amount of clothing can be found for little or no money. Shelter You don’t have to live in a cardboard box to have free shelter.

Letting Go of Attachment “Most of our troubles are due to our passionate desire for and attachment to things that we misapprehend as enduring entities.” ~Dalai Lama Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Lori Deschene of Tiny Buddha. If there’s one thing we all have in common it’s that we want to feel happy; and on the other side of that coin, we want to avoid hurting. We pin our happiness to people, circumstances, and things and hold onto them for dear life. We attach to feelings as if they define us, and ironically, not just positive ones. In trying to hold on to what’s familiar, we limit our ability to experience joy in the present. When you stop trying to grasp, own, and control the world around you, you give it the freedom to fulfill you without the power to destroy you. It’s no simple undertaking to let go of attachment—not a one-time decision, like pulling off a band-aid. The best approach is to start simple, at the beginning, and work your way to Zen. Experiencing Without Attachment Call yourself out.

The Sacred Reiki Symbols - Brigid's Flame I received my first reiki attunement in November 2003 and my last in January 2006. After my first reiki attunement, I dedicated a lot of time to researching and studying reiki before deciding to move on with my training. One of the major discussions I came across during that time was the debate about the reiki symbols - in particular whether they should be kept secret or not. All of this research happened before I took my second level reiki course in April 2005 - I wanted to know a bit more about what I was getting into if I was going to continue with studying reiki. My training now complete, I reviewed what I learned in my second and third level reiki courses with what I learned about the Japanese tradition of reiki (as by this time, I had started reading books by Frank Arjava Petter, who had gone to teach reiki in Japan and was surprised to meet real Japanese reiki practitioners who retained some knowledge of what Usui taught). This symbol is commonly called the "distant symbol".

HISTORY OF REIKI AND USUI REIKI "Someone who studies hard and works assiduously to improve body and mind for the sake of becoming a better person is called `a man of Great Spirit`. People who use that Great Spirit for a social purpose, that is, to teach the right way to many people and do collective good, are called `teachers`. Dr. On August 15, Mikao Usui (his pen name was Gyoho) was born in Taniai-mura (now Miyama-cho) Yamagata-gun Gifu-ken. Historic point: `The Meiji Restoration` so-called by the Meiji Emperor, began. At the age of 4, it is believed that Usui was sent to a Tendai monastery, where he remained for a period of years. Historic Point: Ban on Christianity officially lifted. At the age of 27, it is believed that Usui converted to Shingon Buddhism from the Tendai sect. Usui was extraordinarily gifted in academics, studying under adversity. Historic Point: During `The Meiji Restoration`, society went from an agrarian economy to industrial one. Usui began training as a Zen Buddhist, studying for 3 years. Ms.

The Good Drug Guide justgivemepeace Badge creator Use Flickriver Badge Creator to create a badge linking to your photos, your group or any other Flickriver view. You can place your badge on your Flickr profile, Blog or Website. Add to your iGoogle or Netvibes page Flickriver widget for iGoogle or Netvibes can display almost any Flickriver view - most interesting today, by user, by group, by tag etc. Clickr on one of the buttons below to install: Embed on your Web site To embed this view, Copy and Paste the following HTML code: Black background ( preview ) : White background ( preview ) : Firefox and Chrome addons Adds a 'Flickriver' button to your browser. Install in Firefox Install in Chrome Search plugin Add 'Search on Flickriver' to your browser's search box. "View on Flickriver" Greasemonkey script A Greasemonkey script that adds Flickriver links to various Flickr photo pages - user photos, favorites, pools etc, allowing to quickly open the corresponding Flickriver view. Install "View on Flickriver" script Bookmarklet

DMT Candy for the mind INTENSITY: 9 to 10 SAFETY FACTORS: 5-MeO-DMT is an MAO inhibitor. See list of items not to take with MAO inhibitors on page 19. [Erowid Note: This is probably wrong. Although 5-MeO-DMT is metabolized by MAO and occupies some amount of the enzyme, it is not considered an MAO-inhibitor in the normal sense.] Since DMT takes effect almost immediately, users normally lie down or sit in a reclining position prior to taking a hit. MATERIAL: N,N-Dimethyltryptamine and 5-Methoxy-Dimethyltryptamine are naturally occurring psychedelics found in a variety of plants around the world, several of which are native to the Amazon region. N,N-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT are also manufactured synthetically, as separate compounds, and sold on the underground market And although it's quite rare in the psychedelic underground, synthetic DMT is used much more often than DMT from natural sources. HISTORY: There are several plant sources of DMT, many of which have uniquely different histories of use. 1.

DMT Extraction Guide NOTE OF WARNING:QT's DMT Extraction for Students is archived by Erowid as a historical document. The process as described has been critiqued as flawed and dangerous several ways. Safer and more effective DMT extraction and purification techniques have been developed and made available in the years since the document below was created. For one such process, see Noman's "DMT for the Masses". Specific concerns regarding QT's tek, detailed below, were sent to Erowid on behalf of the community at The DMT Nexus, who note: "Time and time again, people have come to The DMT Nexus or other web forums because they were following QT's tek and it either didn't work or they ran into serious issues trying to follow it. Health and Safety Concerns 1) The tek recommends using hydrochloric acid without appropriate guidance on safe handling. 2) While the tek mentions the health hazards of working with dichloromethane (DCM), it fails to note the flammability hazards of naphtha and ether. Technical Errors

Psilocybin Mushrooms The Extraterrestrial Inflitration of Earth? INTENSITY: 3 to 7 for most experiences. MATERIAL: There are dozens of species of mushrooms which contain the psychoactive alkaloids psilocybin/psilocin in active amounts. 99% of the psilocybin mushrooms I've seen sold on the underground market are the variety known as Psilocybe cubensis (also called Stropharia cubensis), and dosage levels discussed below pertain to this variety. Some species of psilocybin mushrooms contain up to 10 times as much psilocybin by weight as cubensis, producing an equivalent experience at a much lower dose. HISTORY: The use of psilocybin mushrooms can be traced back thousands of years. Terence McKenna suggests that hallucinogenic mushroom use may be much older than 3000 years, with the mushrooms being consumed and worshipped by early forms of humankind. DOSAGE: Although some users eat just one gram of "shrooms," dried weight, I find this produces little more than threshold effects. Psilocybin can also be combined with LSD, DMT, or Nitrous Oxide.

Psilocybin mushroom Psilocybin mushrooms, also known as psychedelic mushrooms, are mushrooms that contain the psychedelic drugs psilocybin and psilocin. Common colloquial terms include magic mushrooms and shrooms.[1] Biological genera containing psilocybin mushrooms include Copelandia, Galerina, Gymnopilus, Inocybe, Mycena, Panaeolus, Pholiotina, Pluteus, and Psilocybe. About 40 species are found in the genus Psilocybe. Psilocybe cubensis is the most common psilocybin mushroom in subtropical areas and the black market. Psilocybin mushrooms have likely been used since prehistoric times and may have been depicted in rock art. History[edit] Early[edit] Archaeological evidence indicates the use of psilocybin-containing mushrooms in ancient times. Hallucinogenic species of the psilocybe genus have a history of use among the native peoples of Mesoamerica for religious communion, divination, and healing, from pre-Columbian times to the present day. Modern[edit] Occurrence[edit] Effects[edit] Sensory[edit]

Astrology & the Chakras In this article I would like to explore the exciting possibility of bridging two of history's greatest psychological systems -- astrology and the chakras. Conventionally, these two systems have been seen as having little or nothing to do with each other, the former primarily concerning the outer world, or macrocosm, and the latter involving the inner world, or microcosm. In fact, as we shall soon see, these two systems are but two sides of the same coin, each one complementing the other and thus enhancing our understanding of both. The basic system of correspondences I will be using here is drawn from teachers I have studied with in the Kriya Yoga lineage.1 The general system of "chakric horoscopes" and their guidelines for interpretation are my own, developed over more than a decade of working with these basic correspondences. With that said, let us begin by exploring some of the core ideas of chakric philosophy. What Are the Chakras? Chakra 2 is called Svadisthana. References and Notes

Fractal Lab History Fractal Lab started around the beginning of 2011 as my first explorations rendering fractals in the browser with WebGL. Previously I had created renderers using Adobe PixelBender and QuartzComposer, which both had the advantage of easy integration into Photoshop and AfterEffects but were very limited when it came to interactively exploring the fractal space. Fractals are by nature highly detailed and so the smallest change to an input parameter can often result in dramatic differences in the output shape. In order to properly explore the space (and discover hidden gems that coalesce at specific parameter combinations) I decided to build a new UI (that had to nice to use!), a control system and a new GLSL renderer in WebGL to take advantage of the parallel computing power of the GPU in a web browser. The first version of Fractal Lab was a proof of concept to show that you could modify and fly around the fractals in the browser at interactive speeds. Implementation Ray Marching
