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Human Development Index

Human Development Index
The HDI was created to emphasize that people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country, not economic growth alone. The HDI can also be used to question national policy choices, asking how two countries with the same level of GNI per capita can end up with different human development outcomes. These contrasts can stimulate debate about government policy priorities. The health dimension is assessed by life expectancy at birth, the education dimension is measured by mean of years of schooling for adults aged 25 years and more and expected years of schooling for children of school entering age. The HDI simplifies and captures only part of what human development entails. A fuller picture of a country's level of human development requires analysis of other indicators and information presented in the statistical annex of the report. Related:  Geografia

Another Perspective on the Human Development Index A few days back I wrote a post claiming that “for all the work that goes into the Human Development Index, it just doesn’t tell you much that you wouldn’t learn from simple comparisons of G.D.P. per capita.” Subsequently, Francisco Rodriguez, who heads research at the UN Human Development Report Office, touched base to tell me that he thought I hadn’t told the whole story. Francisco is a terrific macroeconomist (in fact, he was the TA when I took my graduate macro classes at Harvard), and so he kindly agreed to write a guest post filling in the missing pieces. What Does the Human Development Index Really Measure? Last week, Justin Wolfers presented a simple yet apparently powerful critique of the Human Development Index (H.D.I.) — a summary index of per-capita income, health, and education indicators published by the United Nations Development Programme. The criticism that Justin levies at the H.D.I. is based on the high correlation between the rank of the H.D.I. and the rank of G.D.P.

World Health Organization Global Health Observatory Global Strategy for Women's, Children's and Adolescents' Health (2016-2030): Data portal The Every Woman Every Child Global Strategy indicator and monitoring framework includes 60 indicators from health and other sectors. 34 indicators are from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 26 from related global monitoring initiatives. From these, 16 key indicators are highlighted to provide a snapshot of progress. – Access the portal Global Observatory on Health Research and Development (R&D) Published following wide user feedback on a demonstration version, this is a centralized and comprehensive source of information and analyses on global health R&D activities. The Observatory will help governments, policy-makers, funders and researchers identify health R&D priorities based on public health needs and ensure that funds and resources are used to fill R&D gaps. – Access the Observatory fact buffet Child care Care seeking for pneumonia Health worker density Density of physicians 16.1 Violence

Italia - Scheda Paese - De Agostini Geografia - DeA WING - società, economia, lavoro, religione, moneta, risorse, governo, geopolitica, industria, PIL, turismo, giustizia, confini, nazione, capitale, densità di popolazione, divisione amministrativa, stati Infrastrutture di trasporto Si sono molto sviluppate fino agli anni 1980-90, anche se in modo non omogeneo e squilibrato sul territorio nazionale. La scelta degli anni ’50 e ’60 di privilegiare la strada a scapito della ferrovia ha ancora oggi ripercussioni significative, a causa dell’ingente traffico veicolare di persone e merci su gomma, delle problematiche ambientali, di sicurezza e di manutenzione della rete stradale e autostradale. Mentre proseguono le inchieste giudiziarie in merito al tragico crollo del ponte Morandi a Genova del 14-VIII-2018, che ha causato la morte di 43 persone e gravi disagi alla logistica e alla mobilità dei cittadini a Genova e in tutta la Liguria, il 28-VI-2019 è stata eseguita la demolizione dei monconi dell’infrastruttura. Rimane aperto il dibattito politico circa l’eventuale revoca della concessione alla società Autostrade per l’Italia S.p.A., che aveva in carico la gestione del tratto dell’A10 colpito dal crollo. Rete viaria. Rete ferroviaria. Porti.

HDR_2010_EN_TechNotes_reprint.pdf (application/pdf Object) World Bank Indicators This page in: Indicators Agriculture & Rural Development Aid Effectiveness Climate Change Climate Change Knowledge Portal Economy & Growth Household Consumption Data and Statistics Education Education Statistics: EdStatsService Delivery Indicators Energy & Mining Energy & Extractives Open Data Platform Environment External Debt Debt Data Financial Sector Financial Inclusion Gender Gender Equality Data & Statistics Health HealthStatsService Delivery Indicators Infrastructure Poverty Poverty & Equity Data Private Sector Doing BusinessEnterprise SurveysHousehold Consumption Data and Statistics Public Sector Data on Statistical CapacityCountry Policy & Institutional Assessments Science & Technology Social Development Social Protection & Labor ASPIRE: The Atlas of Social ProtectionJobs Data Trade WITS: World Integrated Trade Solution Urban Development Help us improve this site © 2016 The World Bank Group, All Rights Reserved.

Carta geografica: aree climatiche d'Europa | Clima Valutazione attuale: Dettagli Categoria principale: Fisica Categoria: Clima Creato Mercoledì, 22 Maggio 2013 14:36 Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 22 Maggio 2017 08:44 Scritto da Giorgio Sonnante Visite: 36177 Tags: carta geografica | clima | Europa fisica L'Europa è caratterizzata, in generale, da 5 climi: subartico a Nord;alpino nelle aree montuose più elevate;atlantico lungo l'Oceano;mediterraneo lungo il mare omonimo;continentale nelle parti rimanenti. La suddivisione è molto generica, perché in realtà esistono diversi microclimi (in particolare, il clima continentale può essere di vari tipi, a seconda dei fattori del clima). Carta geografica dei climi europei Clicca per ingrandire Descrizione di ogni clima Se vuoi conoscere le caratteristiche di ognuno dei climi, consulta i seguenti articoli. descrivono le caratteristiche di ognuno dei climi contenuti in questa carta geograficacontengono un grafico di sintesi che facilita lo studio dei climirinviano a climogrammi di approfondimento

thestateofhumandevelopment.pdf (application/pdf Object) Two major MDG targets achieved It’s been a good few days for Millennium Development Goals. Not one but two targets were reported as met last week, which means that we have reason to celebrate. First, the Economist reported on March 3 that global poverty in 2010 was half the level it was in 1990, meaning that in spite of the worldwide economic downturn, fewer people are living in absolute poverty. And on March 6, the United Nations reported that in 2010, 89 percent of the world’s population enjoyed access to safe drinking water — 1 percent more than the 88 percent requirement published at the Millennium Summit in 2000. These accomplishments translate to much more than a mere check mark on the world’s proverbial to-do list. RECOMMENDED: MDGs 2.0: Why not ask the poor what they really need? But even as we break out the balloons, we must keep in mind that these great achievements represent only the beginning. A big thank you to all our ONE members for all you do to make the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) a reality.

Regno Unito - Scheda Paese - De Agostini Geografia - DeA WING - società, economia, lavoro, religione, moneta, risorse, governo, geopolitica, industria, PIL, turismo, giustizia, confini, nazione, capitale, densità di popolazione, divisione amministrativa, Settore secondarioRisorse minerarie. Il paese possiede una buona produzione di idrocarburi. Il petrolio viene estratto soprattutto dai giacimenti sulla piattaforma continentale del Mare del Nord (Claymore, Forties, Brent, Ninian, Piper, Fulmar); giacimenti minori sono quelli di terraferma di Egmanton e Bothamsell (Nottinghamshire), Plungar (Leicestershire), Gainsborough (Lincolnshire) e Kimmeridge (Dorset). Estesa è la rete di oleodotti: i principali tratti sono quelli tra Finnart e Grangemouth, tra Purbeck e Southampton, tra Cruden Bay e Grangemouth, tra Tranmere e Heysham. Per il trasporto dei prodotti dalle raffinerie alle zone di consumo sono in funzione gli oleodotti Stanlow-Manchester, Fawley-Severnside, Fawley-Londra, Walton on Thames-Londra. Altri oleodotti trasportano il greggio dai pozzi del Mare del Nord alle raffinerie della costa.

HDR_2011_EN_Table1.pdf (application/pdf Object) Raccolte cartografiche - Diacronie XIV-XX sec. » IEG-MAPS [DE]URL: Server per le carte storiche digitali: dodici raccolte di carte storiche, suddivise per periodo e area geografica, dal XIV al XX sec. XX Secolo » Historical Atlas of Twentieth Century [EN]URL: Una completa selezione di carte topografiche del 20°secolo. Europa: 1792 – XX sec. » European Maps – Europe 66 Introduction to Modern Europe [EN]URL: Carte storiche d’Europa, dal 1792 alla Guerra Fredda. Europa: VIII sec. a. » Historical Maps of Europa [EN]URL: Della Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, una vasta e completa raccolta on-line di mappe storiche di tutte le regioni europee. | The Perry-Castañeda Library map collection Carte tematiche XVIII – XIX sec. Portogallo: XIX sec. Portogallo: cartografia urbana Danimarca e area scandinava Nord America

Long-Run Growth Forecasting - Stefan Bergheim
