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Richard Avedon

Richard Avedon

Alexander Gronsky Photography Holden Luntz Gallery Gilbert Garcin’s meditative images are striking in their symbolic power and their skillful blend of humor and gravity. Through Garcin’s poetic and philosophical scenes, he enables us to become better observers of our human condition; he speaks of all people while he tells of himself. By considering the hidden side of life and raising questions concerning aspects of life, such as the transience nature of our existence or the tenacity one needs to keep going, Garcin uses himself as a model of the everyman to present a resource for meditation on life’s little absurdities and the significance of the human condition. These profound and masterful compositions are from a Marseilles lamp factory owner who first delved into the photographic arts at the age of 65. It was at this late time that he met photographer Pascal Dolesmieux at a workshop in Arles and Dolesmieux immediately sparked Garcin’s fascination with photography by tutoring him in the trade.

strangers The extraordinary story of Erwin Blumenfeld The pioneering fashion photographer Erwin Blumenfeld pushed the boundaries in his art and in his life. Tamsin Blanchard recounts his extraordinary story. BY Tamsin Blanchard | 18 May 2013 Lisa Fonssagrives on the Eiffel Tower, 1939, Paris, by Erwin Blumenfeld. Photography Online What A Girl In Korea Did Has Everyone Talking. It’s Brilliantly Beautiful… See For Yourself. Home > miscellaneous > What A Girl In Korea Did Has Everyone Talking. It’s Brilliantly Beautiful… See For Yourself. JeeYoung Lee is a young artist from South Korea who specializes in creating the unseen. Instead of creating art focused around a subject, she transforms her 3 x 6 m studio into her dreams and feelings. What she creates represents her emotions; they are self-portraits filled with fear, doubt, love and hope. Who knew one could be so moved by a single room?

fotógrafos y otros animales Annie Leibovitz - Photo Gallery January 3rd, 2007 Annie Leibovitz Photo Gallery Get access to content from your local PBS station.Get sneak previews from some of your favorite shows including Masterpiece, Nova, etc.See what's on tonight at your local PBS station. YOUNGSUK SUH Bewitching Photographs Inspired By Lithuanian Forests I am a photographer-witch from Lithuania. I grew up in a place surrounded by woods and jungle-like meadows – traveling, wandering and observing every natural outburst. All this natural habitat around me created a wide imagination and ability to see things deeper than the average human eye. Over time, photography was born, where the characters in them have become as though my reflection. My work is not about a twinkle here and now that we usually see. It’s like an illusion to the eye, invisible but felt as a moment.

Akif HAKAN Celebi , Photographer. Fashion, Art, Commercial . Hong Kong , Istanbul, London, Miami .
