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Lingzhi mushroom Taxonomy and naming[edit] Names for the lingzhi fungus have a two thousand year history. The Chinese term lingzhi 灵芝 was first recorded in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25–220 CE). Botanical names[edit] There are multiple species of Lingzhi, scientifically known to be within the Ganoderma lucidum species complex and mycologists are still researching the differences among species within this complex.[4] Chinese names[edit] In the Chinese language, lingzhi compounds ling 灵 "spirit, spiritual; soul; miraculous; sacred; divine; mysterious; efficacious; effective" (cf. Since both Chinese Ling and Zhi have multiple meanings, Lingzhi has diverse English translations. Japanese names[edit] Japanese language Reishi 霊芝 is a Sino-Japanese loan word from Lingzhi. Reishi synonyms divide between Sino-Japanese borrowings and native Japanese coinages. Korean names[edit] Korean language Yeong Ji or Yung Gee (영지,灵芝) is a word from hanja of lingzhi. Vietnamese names[edit] English names[edit] Description[edit]

Why and How to Use Ring Instead of Skype on Linux | The source for Linux information I'm fed up with the word "alternative." There, I said it. When you use alternative to refer to an open source application, you are sure to get on my wick. "Linux is an alternative to Windows," "GIMP is an alternative to Photoshop," "LibreOffice is an alternative to Microsoft Office," and so on. The word “alternative” gives a subtle connotation of inferiority to the thing it’s describing. It suggests it’s what we have to make do with, because for Linux there's nothing better. It is like when you say Ring is an alternative to Skype. Installing Installing Ring is pretty straightforward on many Linux distros. On the likes of Debian and Ubuntu, you add a repository, update, and install using APT. sudo sh -c "echo 'deb ring main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ring-nightly-man.list"sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys A295D773307D25A33AE72F2F64CD5FA175348F84 sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ring-gnome Likewise for Fedora: Placing a Call

Wikiversity Fitness Equipment, Exercise Equipment, Exercise Machines, Weight Equipment, Home Gyms How to Install and Configure Conky | The source for Linux information At first blush, Conky is a system monitor that will display pertinent information on your desktop. When you peel past the top layer, you will see Conky is actually much more than that. Not only can Conky display information about your CPU, memory, swap, disk space, temperature, top, upload, download, system messages… it can display things like world time, calendars, email notifications, weather, battery status… the list goes on and on. Conky works in conjunction with themes. I will show you how to install Conky and then how to make use of one of the many themes to configure Conky to suit your needs. Installation Because we’re working with a Ubuntu-based distribution, the installation of Conky couldn’t be easier. Adding a Theme Naturally, you’re not going to want to stick with that generic out-of-the-box theme. To install the qlocktwo-conky theme, you need to follow these instructions: With the .conkyrc file in place, run Conky with the command conky. Configuring Conky Get GUI Conky Rocks

Laboratorio de innovacion democratica Get fit with get fit fitness websites 10 Linux Distributions and Their Targeted Users As a free and open-source operating system, Linux has spawned several distributions over time, spreading its wings to encompass a large community of users. From desktop/home users to Enterprise environments, Linux has ensured that each category has something to be happy about. This guide highlights 10 Linux distributions and aims to shed light on who their targeted users are. 1. Debian Debian is renowned for being a mother to popular Linux distributions such as Deepin, Ubuntu, and Mint which have provided solid performance, stability, and unparalleled user experience. Note that Debian 10.5 does not constitute a new version of Debian Buster and is only an update of Buster with the latest updates and added software applications. The Debian project provides over 59,000 software packages and supports a wide range of PCs with each release encompassing a broader array of system architectures. The unstable distro is the active development phase of Debian. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Conclusion

La Ciencia por Gusto Home Linux / Unix: Test Internet Connection Speed From Console Over SSH Command Line – nixCraft I have recently rented a dedicated server for my hobby projects and learning CentOS Linux server. I was informed that I am connected to the 100M/s port. How do I test my Internet connection download speed from the console over the ssh session without using HTML5 or Adobe flash/Java applets based websites? How do I test my upload speed from the console? [a] wget – Retrieves files from the web (download speed test). [b] wput – A tiny wget-like ftp-client for uploading files (upload speed test). [c] axel – Another light download accelerator. [d] iperf – Perform network throughput tests. Installation You can use the following yum command to install lftp and iperf under RHEL / CentOS / Fedora Linux: # yum install lftp iperf OR use the following apt-get command under Debian or Ubuntu Linux: $ sudo apt-get install lftp iperf Step #1: Find out download url You need a large size file to test download speed. Step #2: Use lftp command to test download speed The syntax is: Sample outputs:

COMPARTE | Comunidad de Aprendizaje How to Get Healthy For Free Decide how exercise will fit into your daily schedule. For weight loss, 250 minutes per week of exercise is ideal, according to This could be 50 minutes per day, five days per week, or 35 minutes per day on all seven days during the week. According to "Body for Life," exercising in the morning on an empty stomach will provide the most reliable and consistent weight loss results.

Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet by DaveChild - Download free from Cheatography - Cheat Sheets For Every Occasion A cheat sheet of the commands I use most for Linux, with popup links to man pages. bash nano linux ls commandline ubuntu server sysadmin shell Download the Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet 2 Pages Like this cheat sheet? is a collection of tools to make your writing better. Click Here To Get Started!
