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Welcome to the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

Welcome to the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

Biblioteca Virtual en Salud português | english Contacto Biblioteca Virtual en Salud Department of Health 'Making Life Better' is the strategic framework for public health. It is designed to provide direction for policies and actions to improve the health and well being of people in Northern Ireland and to reduce health inequalities. Jump to table of contents Pathophysiology of dyslipidaemia in the metabolic syndrome + Author Affiliations Correspondence to: Dr G D Kolovou Onassis Cardiac Surgery Centre, 356 Sygrou Avenue 176 74 Athens, Greece; Received 15 June 2004 Accepted 1 November 2004 Abstract The insulin resistance/metabolic syndrome is characterised by the variable coexistence of hyperinsulinaemia, obesity, dyslipidaemia, and hypertension. The pathogenesis of the syndrome has multiple origins, but obesity and sedentary lifestyle coupled with diet and still largely unknown genetic factors clearly interact to produce the syndrome. Dyslipidaemia, the hallmark of the metabolic syndrome, includes increased flux of free fatty acids, raised triglycerides, apolipoprotein B, and small dense low density lipoprotein, and decreased high density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Haute Autorité en Santé - France Contribuer à la régulation par la qualité et l'efficience Recherche Avancée Accueil Recherche Avancée Accès directs Scope santé ICSI - Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement Edwin Chadwick- Sanitation The British Medical Journal is launching a competition to decided the greatest medical breakthrough. Present-day medical experts are championing discoveries from the last 166 years. Professor Johan Mackenbach, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam is supporting sanitation. The Industrial Revolution, which led to the mass movement of people from rural living to towns, also brought with it the need for sanitation. At first the link between crowded living conditions and illness went unrecognised and infectious diseases exacted a huge toll of illness and death.

Hypertension overview - NICE Pathways Short Text Clinical management of primary hypertension in adults Introduction This pathway covers the clinical management of primary hypertension in adults. Hypertension is one of the most important preventable causes of premature morbidity and mortality in the UK, and its management is one of the most common interventions in primary care. History - Aneurin Bevan

History - Historic Figures: John Snow (1813 - 1858)

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