Salad-Making Robot Gives Us a Creepy View Of the Future
If ever you wanted a dead-eyed robot wielding a knife to be your next personal chef, you're in luck. The Korean Institute of Science and Technology recently unveiled CIROS, a robot that can make you salad. CIROS is designed to help out around the house; it can grasp items from the refrigerator, serve tea, scrub dishes and slice vegetables... very, very slowly. In the below video from Robot World 2012, CIROS slices a cucumber for a salad at a glacial speed, then dumps a load of dressing atop it. Gizmag writes that CIROS' head contains stereoscopic cameras and a 3D IR sensor that helps it recognize objects, like microwaves, sinks, refrigerators and dishwashers. Watch CIROS in action in the below video. Also on HuffPost:
BugFest - Homepage
BUG-FEST Artificial Life Experiment (primary coding: Jan 5 '98 to Jan 9 '98) Welcome to Bug Fest!! Latest version: BUGFEST 1, v1.13 ( [97k] [System Requirements] Eureka! I have found it! I've been quite pleased with this experiment, even though it did not balance itself the way I would have hoped at first (therefore requiring a few "cheats", which are now optional "failsafes"). Anyway, on with the screenshots... The following sequence of 4 images shows a very interesting situation. The information below is the same information that you will find in the documentation for the program, as of version 1.01. BugFest runs in DOS (though it is somewhat windows-friendly, meaning running under windows will not fry the system). Welcome to the Bug-Fest! My goal was to make a self-sustaining system that would also be interesting to watch. In this simulation there are a variety of bugs (when I refer to "bugs" here, I mean "critters" not "program flaws"). Now, a few specifics... The stats:
Carl Sagan on Pot
This account was written in 1969 for publication in "Marihuana Reconsidered (1971)". Sagan was in his mid-thirties at that time. He continued to use cannabis for the rest of his life. The cannabis experience has greatly improved my appreciation for art, a subject which I had never much appreciated before. The understanding of the intent of the artist which I can achieve when high sometimes carries over to when I'm down. This is one of many human frontiers which cannabis has helped me traverse. Thanks Josh!
Thinking Machine 4
Thinking Machine 4 explores the invisible, elusive nature of thought. Play chess against a transparent intelligence, its evolving thought process visible on the board before you. The artwork is an artificial intelligence program, ready to play chess with the viewer. If the viewer confronts the program, the computer's thought process is sketched on screen as it plays. A map is created from the traces of literally thousands of possible futures as the program tries to decide its best move. Those traces become a key to the invisible lines of force in the game as well as a window into the spirit of a thinking machine. Play the game. Image Gallery View a range of still images taken from Thinking Machine 4. About the work More information about the project and answers to common questions. Credits Created by Martin Wattenberg, with Marek Walczak. About the artists Martin Wattenberg's work centers on the theme of making the invisible visible.
RSLSteeper launches third version of its bebionic myoelectric hand
Nigel Ackland could be mistaken for a cyborg. He has a high-tech robotic hand that looks like it started life as a Formula 1 car and its movements are alarmingly lifelike. It’s called the “bebonic3” and is the latest version of bebonic series of artificial hands produced by RSLSteeper of Leeds, U.K. The myoelectric hand has been under development for a couple of years now, but the bebonic3 is moving prosthetic limbs from Captain Hook to Luke Skywalker territory. View all Artificial hands have come a long way in recent years, but it turns out the human hand is amazingly complex. While there have been a lot of advances over the past fifty years (as evidenced by the i-LIMB, ProDigits and SmartHand), many artificial hands are little more than powered hooks or pincers that often require a great deal of effort to work. The bebionic3 is designed to not only look human, but also to provide the wearer with a large degree of natural movement. The bebionic3 hand's silicone glove
Main page - Introduction to Genetic Algorithms - Tutorial with Interactive Java Applets
These pages introduce some fundamentals of genetic algorithms. Pages are intended to be used for learning about genetic algorithms without any previous knowledge from this area. Only some knowledge of computer programming is assumed. You can find here several interactive Java applets demonstrating work of genetic algorithms. As the area of genetic algorithms is very wide, it is not possible to cover everything in these pages. But you should get some idea, what the genetic algorithms are and what they could be useful for. Now please choose next to continue or you can choose any topic from the menu on the left side. There are translations of these pages available as well - Portuguese one (original mirror here) by Hermelindo Pinheiro Manoel, Japanese one by Ishii Manabu and Bulgarian one by Todor Dimitrov Balabanov. You can also check recommendations for your browser or read about the background of these pages. (c) Marek Obitko, 1998 - Terms of use
5 Ways To Hack Your Brain Into Awesomeness
Much of the brain is still mysterious to modern science, possibly because modern science itself is using brains to analyze it. There are probably secrets the brain simply doesn't want us to know. But by no means should that stop us from tinkering around in there, using somewhat questionable and possibly dangerous techniques to make our brains do what we want. We can't vouch for any of these, either their effectiveness or safety. All we can say is that they sound awesome, since apparently you can make your brain... #5. So you just picked up the night shift at your local McDonald's, you have class every morning at 8am and you have no idea how you're going to make it through the day without looking like a guy straight out of Dawn of the Dead, minus the blood... hopefully. "SLEEEEEEEEEP... uh... What if we told you there was a way to sleep for little more than two hours a day, and still feel more refreshed than taking a 12-hour siesta on a bed made entirely out of baby kitten fur? Holy Shit!
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