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7 Free Windows Password Recovery Tools (August 2016)

7 Free Windows Password Recovery Tools (August 2016)
Trinity Rescue Kit needs to be booted from a disc or USB stick to work. It includes many different tools, one of which is for password recovery. You can use Trinity Rescue Kit to clear a password entirely, making it blank, or to set a custom one. Some of you may find this program difficult to use because there isn't a graphical interface. Trinity Rescue Kit should work with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP. Trinity Rescue Kit v3.4 Free Download Note: The password resetting tool in Trinity Rescue Kit, called winpass, is actually just an automated script for the chntpw tool, which is what Offline NT Password & Registry Editor, listed above, is based on. - Home How I Started Learning Python Disclaimer: If you already know Python really well, this post might not be handy for you. However, I’d still love to see your comments and feedback if you have a moment to reply. Much of my recent work has centered on OpenStack and I’ve found myself overwhelmed by learning Python. Although I don’t have any formal education on anything related to computer science or programming, I’ve worked my way through PHP, Perl and Ruby. Ruby seems to be the most comfortable language for me to use due to the simplicity of the syntax and the handy features provided by the standard libraries and common gems. All of that had to change over the past few months. Learn Python The Hard Way Zed Shaw’s guide to learning Python has been the primary recommendation from every Python developer I’ve polled at Rackspace. That’s when I found the video course on Udemy. Python Documentation If it’s in Python or the standard libraries bundled along with it, it’s in the Python documentation. Stack Overflow Just Try It

PDF Bookmark apps This posting will describe the process of adding bookmarks to your PDF document using free software. Bookmarks are used in PDFs as an interactive index that can instantly transport the reader to certain pages, sections, individual elements within the documents, and even external documents or media files. PDF bookmarks add an extra dimension to PDF documents by making them interactive in ways similar to, say, a webpage, whereby you can instantly jump to the desired section or information that you want to read. PDF’s with bookmarks can be much more useful and accessible, especially for technical document and instruction manuals, but also for ebooks whereby chapters or sections can be delineated as well. The program used to do this and presented here is called “JPDFbookmarks“, and it is both free and open source. For this example I am going to go through the process of adding bookmarks to a document I am publishing to PDF, step by step. 1. 2. 3. 4. Next name your bookmark appropriately. 5. 6.

John the Ripper password cracker John the Ripper is free and Open Source software, distributed primarily in source code form. If you would rather use a commercial product tailored for your specific operating system, please consider John the Ripper Pro, which is distributed primarily in the form of "native" packages for the target operating systems and in general is meant to be easier to install and use while delivering optimal performance. This version integrates lots of contributed patches adding GPU support (OpenCL and CUDA), support for a hundred of additional hash and cipher types (including popular ones such as NTLM, raw MD5, etc., and even things such as encrypted OpenSSH private keys, ZIP and RAR archives, PDF files, etc.), as well as some optimizations and features. Unfortunately, its overall quality is lower than the official version's. Requires OpenSSL. To verify authenticity and integrity of your John the Ripper downloads, please use our PGP public key. Contributed resources for John the Ripper:

How to Clean an LCD Screen | Electronics The “L” in LCD stands for “liquid,” and what holds this liquid in is not a glass plate like you remember having on your big, heavy CRT or television. It’s soft plastic, and you’ve got to treat it very delicately. So, first of all, let’s decide what we don’t use to clean it: Anything containing bleach or ammonia, such as Windex. That will react with the plastic and make the plastic screen become cloudy and discolored.Anything sharp, pointy or abrasive. Your easiest choice is one of those LCD cleaning solutions they sell in places where they sell computers. What you’ll need: Distilled water (available at your supermarket; tap water leaves streaks and minerals).White vinegar (you may substitute isopropyl alcohol; either way, make sure these substances are diluted before they come near your screen).A clean, soft cloth (never use any kind of paper product).A spray bottle. Directions: Hands Off! Fingers leave dirt and oil smudges that must be cleaned off.

camtasia for linux : kdenlive Ophcrack XP 폴더 옵션에 보안 탭이 없을 경우 여러 파일 이름을 한꺼번에 바꾸자 윈도우즈 XP는 여러 개의 파일 이름을 한꺼번에 바꾸는 재주가 있다. 파일 형식이 서로 달라도 같은 이름을 붙일 수 있다. 갑자기 재 부팅 되는 윈도우즈 XP 때려잡기 윈도우즈 XP는 너무 민감한(?) 오류 보고 창 나타나지 않게 하기 윈도우즈 XP부터는 프로그램들이 에러를 일으켰을 때 그에 대한 자세한 사항을 마이크로소프트사로 보고한다. 성인광고 나가 있어~ 성인광고 사이트도 아닌데 자꾸 성인광고가 뜬다. '개체보기’를 누르면 내 PC에 깔려있는 개체들이 보인다. 내 컴퓨터에서 ‘공유 문서’ 없애기 윈도우즈 XP에는 여러 이용자가 같이 쓸 수 있는 공유 문서가 있다. 이 레지스트리를 지우면 공유 문서가 보이지 않는다. ‘시작’에서 문서메뉴 지우기 문서 메뉴가 있으면 작업 했던 문서를 쉽게 불러올 수 있지만, 길게 늘어져 있어 지저분하다. 문서 메뉴가 없어졌다. 바탕화면에 내 컴퓨터 불러오기 윈도우즈 XP를 깔고 나면 바탕화면에 휴지통만 보인다. 휴지통을 변기통으로 바꾸자 다른 아이콘들은 이름을 바꿀 수 있지만, 휴지통은 ‘이름 바꾸기’가 없다. 재 부팅하고 휴지통 위에서 마우스 오른쪽 버튼을 누르면 ‘이름 바꾸기’가 생긴다. 입력 도구 모음 없애기 윈도우즈 XP ‘서비스 팩이 깔려 있다면 입력 도구 모음을 간단히 닫을 수 있지만 서비스 팩이 없다면 이것을 지울 수 없다. 로그 온 할 때 예쁜 메시지 띄우기 회사, 학교 등 네트워크에 연결된 PC를 켜면 ‘로그온’ 화면이 뜬다. PC사랑 홈페이지에서 지난달 기사를 찾아보고 싶을 때 주소 창에을 모두 적지 않아도 된다. ilovepc만 쓰고 Ctrl+Enter 키를 누르면 co.kr이 저절로 써진다. .com로 끝나는지, co.kr이나 net으로 끝나는지 기억나지 않을 때 활용하면 편하다. '드라이버가 맞지 않는다’는 메시지가 떠요! ‘무시’를 고르면 드라이버를 깔 때 호환성 여부를 묻지 않는다. 시스템 복원이 컴퓨터를 느려지게 한다?

사용자 계정이 사라짐. (administrator 계정) - PC정비사 실기 문제 : 네이버 블로그 아래방법이 귀찮으시면 첨부파일을 다운 받으셔서 실행 하셔도 됩니다. ^^ administrator 계정이란? administrator(관리자계정)은 Windows XP 설치시에 만들어지는 기본계정이자 관리자계정으로 PC사용에 대한 모든권한을 가지는 계정이다. 문제점 정상적인 Windows XP 설치시에는 위의 내용에서 설명한 것처럼 administrator계정 외에 추가 계정을 하나이상 생성하여야 설치가 완료되지만 개인이 자동설치로 트윅한 Windows XP 설치CD 등은 administrator 계정만 생성되어 설치가 완료되는 경우가 있습니다. administrator계정 계정선택화면에서 보이게 하기 (administrator 계정 사용하기) 해결방법 레지스트리 편집기를 이용하여 수정하는 방법 시작->실행->regedit->확인 레지스트리 편집기를 실행하여 다음 경로로 이동합니다. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList 새로 만들기-> DWORD 값을 선택합니다. 이름을 administrator로 변경합니다. 값 데이터를 1로 변경합니다. 현재 사용중인 계정 로그오프 후 계정선택 화면에서 administrator 계정이 나타납니다. 부팅시에 사용자계정 선택 화면이 나타나지 않는 경우 해결방법 시작>실행>control userpasswords2>확인 사용자 이름과 암호를 입력해야 이 컴퓨터를 사용할 수 있음 체크박스에 체크>확인 다시시작하여 적용되는지 확인합니다.

Autohotkey key list Mouse (mouse hotkeys require Windows NT/2000/XP or later) LButton - the left mouse button RButton - the right mouse button MButton - the middle or wheel mouse button WheelDown - this is equivalent to rotating the mouse wheel down (toward you) WheelUp - the opposite of the above WheelLeft and WheelRight [v1.0.48+] - these two require a mouse with left/right scrolling capability, but they have no effect on operating systems older than Windows Vista. (See mouse wheel hotkeys to detect how far the wheel has been turned.) Supported only in Windows 2000/XP or later: XButton1 - a button that appears only on certain mice XButton2 - a button that appears only on certain mice Keyboard Note: The names of the letter and number keys are the same as that single letter or digit. Space - the spacebar Tab Enter (or Return) Escape (or Esc) Backspace (or BS) Delete (or Del) Insert (or Ins) Home End PgUp PgDn Up Down Left Right ScrollLock CapsLock NumLock Help - this probably doesn't exist on most keyboards.

USB access virtualbox : Using a raw disk as a VirtualBox drive in Windows 7 | Dan Fox The other day I was listening to episode 386 of Security Now! and learned from a listener who had written in that VirtualBox was capable of using physical disks for virtual machines and that this would work with SpinRite. Using this feature it is possible to run a SpinRite scan on a secondary disk in a virtual machine while still using the host machine. So to make sure I don’t forget how this was done and to hopefully help someone else out there, here are the steps that I took to get this working. Since it was listed on the manual page and I don’t want anyone to lose data, read this: Raw hard disk access is for expert users only. For more information check out this section on creating raw disks in the VirtualBox manual Another final note: while I have not verified that this occurs, it is possible that Windows will assign a different disk number to the drive after rebooting. 1. This should be obvious. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

This works excellent.
Happy Pearling by timepeaces Feb 15
