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Darmowy dostęp do artykułów naukowych – Open Access Journals - Uwaga: ten wpis został opublikowany dość dawno (17.12.2007) i jego treść może nie być aktualna. Dodawanie komentarzy zostało zablokowane. Dostęp do elektronicznych wersji zagranicznych czasopism naukowych (także historycznych) jest z reguły płatny. Nawet jeśli cena za ściągnięcie jednego konkretnego artykułu nie jest wysoka, sprawę utrudnia forma płatności (karta kredytowa). Na szczęście co jakiś czas duże serwisy baz artykułów naukowych udostępniają tymczasowo wszystkie swoje zasoby (lub ich część) za darmo. Kilka słów o Open Access Journals Na tym miejscu można by napisać jeszcze kilka słów o samej idei Open access journal, czyli czasopism naukowych, z których korzystanie nie jest limitowane niczym innym niż możliwościami dostępu czytelnika do internetu. Bazy artykułów naukowych dostępnych za darmo Poniższa lista zawiera odnośniki do zasobów artykułów naukowych dostępnych za darmo. – baza 1,834,301 pełnotekstowych artykułów naukowych (w tym socjologicznych).

25 BEST WEBSITES FOR LEARNING ENGLISH I want the new e-book! How do you learn English in your free time? Do you meet internationals in cafés, do you self-study using books, do you get on the internet? When it comes to learning many people have realized they are not going to acquire the language just by sitting in classrooms. But not everyone has the opportunity to walk out to the street and start practising with the passers-by. Most of us, who are learning English, don’t live in an English-speaking country. If you are reading this blog post you know what the answer is already… We are in English learning heaven these days as tons of interactive resources and platforms to communicate live with others are available online. So here is my pick of the best of the best, tested on me and hundreds of my students in my English courses. For language cuddlers 1. 2. 3. 4. For gamers 5. 6. 7. For Facebookers 8. 9. 10. For Youtubers 11. 12. For conversationalists 13. For readers and listeners 17. 18. For disciplined students 19. For travellers 21.

ERIC – World’s largest digital library of education literature Safe Search for Kids. The Google safe search engine for kids with friendly search. Sweet Search BAZTECH Baza danych o zawartości polskich czasopism technicznych Websites That Make You Smarter New Resources - FREE Teaching and Learning Resources FREE Features These features originally appeared on the features blog. The features highlight resources and ideas related to holidays, awareness months, anniversaries and seasonal topics. January February March April May June July August Back to School: 7 Ways to Help Kids Transition Back to the Classroom September October November December About FREE Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE) offered a way to find digital teaching and learning resources created and maintained by the federal government and public and private organizations. FREE was conceived in 1997 by a federal working group in response to a memo from the President. Technology has made it increasingly easier to find information from government agencies or with custom search tools, like FREE Disclaimer The U.S. - The Kid Safe Search Engine - V11.12 Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask 1. What can the URL tell you? Techniques for Web Evaluation : 1. Before you leave the list of search results -- before you click and get interested in anything written on the page -- glean all you can from the URLs of each page. 2. 2. 1. INSTRUCTIONS for Truncating back a URL: In the top Location Box, delete the end characters of the URL stopping just before each / (leave the slash). Continue this process, one slash (/) at a time, until you reach the first single / which is preceded by the domain name portion. 3. Check the date on all the pages on the site. 3. 1. What kinds of publications or sites are they? Are they real? 3. Expect a journal article, newspaper article, and some other publications that are recent to come from the original publisher IF the publication is available on the web. Look at the bottom of such articles for copyright information or permissions to reproduce. 4. 1. a. Type or paste the URL into's search box. b. 1. 2. 5. 1. 2. WHY?
