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A Step-by-Step Guide To Hosting or Joining a Twitter Chat

A Step-by-Step Guide To Hosting or Joining a Twitter Chat
A few months ago we started up a new Twitter chat series, #Bufferchat. So far, we’ve talked about everything from productivity to social media monitoring and lots of other topics in between. These days, we have up to 185 participants each week, sending out nearly 2,000 tweets. It’s a true delight! Along the way, I’ve been learning the ins and outs of operating a Twitter chat and testing new tools and ideas to optimize our chat even further. It’s amazing how much there is to know, both for the chat host and the chat participants! Whether you’re a Twitter pro or newer to the network, whether you plan to host your own chat or if you look forward to participating in others, a bit of advance preparation could help. Twitter chat basics What is a Twitter chat? A Twitter chat is where a group of Twitter users meet at a pre-determined time to discuss a certain topic, using a designated hashtag (#) for each tweet contributed. Why participate in a Twitter chat? How to find a Twitter chat Tweetchat Nurph

TweetDeck Teams. Gérer Twitter à plusieurs TweetDeck Teams est une nouvelle fonctionnalité du client TweetDeck qui permet de gérer simplement et en toute sécurité un compte Twitter à plusieurs. TweetDeck est un client Web pour gérer un ou plusieurs comptes Twitter à partir d’un simple navigateur qui gagne à être connu. Il avait en tout cas su convaincre Twitter lui même qui l’avait racheté en 2011. TweetDeck s’utilise à partir de votre navigateur web et c’est un service gratuit. Il permet de gérer plusieurs comptes sur un tableau de bord unique avec des volets dédiés façon hootsuite.

Tweets to Treasure: Better Trend Analysis There’s something intriguing about wandering anonymously through the day, going wherever you want, doing whatever you want — no questions asked, no calls from the office. Too bad that rarely happens anymore. Thanks to social networks like Twitter, a worldwide broadcast of your every move and mood is just 140-characters away. Nope, we've learned that Twitter really is the gateway to deeper, more meaningful communication — and allows people to more deeply connect, share resources, share online opportunities and collaborate. And now researchers at the University of Missouri claim they've found a way to make Twitter even more useful for those who believe there's actually a lot of treasure in those tweets. Context Counts Every marketer who studies social media wants to understand how to use it to the best advantage. That's why UM researchers have developed and validated a software program that analyzes event-based tweets and measures the context of tweets rather than just the quantity.

TweetDeck Multiple timelines Keep track of several topics, accounts and Tweets at once. Scheduled Tweets Custom timeline Saved search Liste 10 outils en ligne pour gerer ses followers sur Twitter Plusieurs d’entre vous m’ont demandé des conseils et des outils pour mieux gérer au quotidien leurs comptes Twitter. Je commence aujourd’hui une série d’articles consacrés au réseau de micro blogging. Voici une première liste de dix outils en ligne qui permettent de mieux gérer une liste d’abonnés sur Twitter. 1 – FriendOrFollow. 2 – JustUnfollow. 3 – ManageFlitter. 4 – ReFollow. 5 – NotFollowMe. 6 – UnTweeps. 7 – Tweepi. 8 – Qwitter. 9 – Contaxio. 10 – UnFollowersMe.

Don't post another Twitter image, until you have read this. - powerfully simple Back in 2013 Twitter made photos and videos show up in our streams by default; you know, just like Facebook? Apart from enabling you to see mildly amusing pictures of cats more easily when sneakily scrolling through your feed in the office, Twitter’s latest update does have some more worthwhile benefits. A more visual timeline provides you with more opportunities to connect and engage with your users. Social media scientist Dan Zarrella found, in research prior to this change, that Tweets using links were 94% more likely to be retweeted; with such a significant improvement in user engagement it really is a shame that many companies are missing out. Not too big, not too small, but just right! However, although adding an image to a tweet really is a quick and easy way to improve your engagement levels, it’s important not to forget about The Goldielocks Principle. An example of an image that is too large, and has been cropped by Twitter. Kindest Regards,

The Teacher's Guide To Twitter Twitter has proven itself to be an indispensable tool for educators around the globe. Whatever skill level you may be, Twitter is downright fun and worth your time. So here’s a useful guide that we curated from Edudemic’s archives in an effort to put something together that was a bit easier to read than random blog posts. Our Biggest Twitter Tips For Teachers For many teachers making a foray into the edtech world, Twitter is an excellent tool for consuming and learning. Many are also harnessing Twitter as a part of their PLN (personal learning network) to connect, share, and network. Check out our biggest Twitter tips for teachers below! Create, Don’t Just Consume The best way to get the most out of Twitter is to use it. Connect and Network When you’re just getting started on Twitter (or perhaps trying to add to or refine your feed), a resource for educational hashtags or guides to great accounts to follow are excellent resources to point you in the right direction. Share Your Resources

5 Steps to Improve Your Customer Service Using Twitter : Social Media Examiner Do your customers use Twitter to ask questions and request support? Need a better way to manage your Twitter support? By following the steps in this article, you’ll deliver a superior customer service experience on Twitter. In this article, you’ll discover how to create a better Twitter customer service process for your business. Discover steps to improve your Twitter customer service. Listen to this article: Listen now: Play in new window | Download #1: Create Internal and External Policies Create two policies: one to clarify what’s expected from internal staff, and the other to address customer expectations and how to ensure their concerns are being heard. What Is the Journey When People Tweet You or Your Brand? Think about the entire journey from the tweet to response and then action. How Will You Respond and What Will You Say? Customer service can be tricky. Decide whether to discuss customer concerns within Twitter or move them offline. What Is Your External Policy?

12 Mistakes You Shouldn't Make on Twitter If You Want More Followers You have successfully made an official Twitter account… what’s next? You need to grow your followers. Twitter is one of the many social media platforms that allow businesses to market and advertise itself without the use of additional manpower or expensive resources. The concept around Twitter is that you tweet with a limited character count of 140 which forces you to think about your tweet. You then put some #hashtags into your tweets, which simply work as tags grouping together tweets containing the same thought. But no one follows me For your business to gain popularity on Twitter, you have followed different social media marketing strategies. But when you look at your profile again, it seems that the number of your followers are way lower than those whom you are following. But are you sure you are doing the right thing? 1. The main goal of tweeting and having followers retweet your post relies greatly on the time it was posted. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Yes, you heard me right. 8. 9. 10. 11.
