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Ron's Evernote Tips

Ron's Evernote Tips

Evernote Occasionally you may need to archive a copy of a webpage or your cloud data for future reference. You may need to retain regular (weekly or daily) snapshots of certain sites that change regularly, for example stock listings. Not just that, a snapshot of your cloud data can be useful if the site temporarily goes down. I had this problem last week as my online to-do list app, Wunderlist, went offline for several hours. No big deal you might think, but I use Wunderlist as my go to reference of tasks I have to complete next day. Fortunately, there are a myriad of free apps that will archive webpages or cloud data to your preferred online storage option. Email Applications like Wunderlist allow you to email the page to yourself so that’s one option I could use to back-up my to-dos at night. Evernote Still in Evernote, another alternative is to clip the to-do list using the Evernote Web Clipper browser extension. Minus Here’s a recent Wunderlist to-do list captured in minus. Instapaper
