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International Monetary Fund

International Monetary Fund
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., of "188 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world."[1] Formed in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference, it came into formal existence in 1945 with 29 member countries and the goal of reconstructing the international payment system. Functions[edit] According to the IMF itself, it works to foster global growth and economic stability by providing policy, advice and financing to members, by working with developing nations to help them achieve macroeconomic stability and reduce poverty.[8] The rationale for this is that private international capital markets function imperfectly and many countries have limited access to financial markets. The IMF's role was fundamentally altered by the floating exchange rates post-1971.

public data Indicateurs de développement humain Rapport sur le développement humain 2013, Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement Les données utilisées pour calculer l'Indice de développement humain (IDH) et autres indices composites présentés dans le Rapport sur le développement humain ... Eurostat, Indicateurs démographiques Eurostat Indicateurs démographiques annuels. Chômage en Europe (données mensuelles) données sur le chômage harmonisé pour les pays européens. Salaire minimum en Europe Salaire mensuel brut minimum en euros ou parités de pouvoir d'achat, données semi-annuelles. Dette publique en Europe Statistiques sur les finances publiques des pays européens.

Matt Stoller: The Corrupt Establishment Begins Smearing Eric Schneiderman By Matt Stoller, the former Senior Policy Advisor to Rep. Alan Grayson and a fellow at the Roosevelt Institute. You can reach him at stoller (at) or follow him on Twitter at @matthewstoller Last month we had New York Fed Board Member Kathryn Wylde whining and meddling about Eric Schneiderman’s investigation into big banks. That seriously backfired. HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan put pressure on him as well, and that didn’t go over so well. Two editorial boards are coming out and using innuendo to paint Schneiderman as a self-promoter looking to make a name for himself by unfairly tarnishing banks. The majority of the other attorneys general, led by Tom Miller of Iowa, have kicked Mr. Notice the lie (repeated below in the other editorial) – that the majority of Attorneys General threw Schneiderman off the 50 state task force. So why is the Post lying about this situation? Mr. Oops. Schneiderman’s gotten on the wrong side of some very aggressive and very powerful people.

Suippes Géographie[modifier | modifier le code] Suippes se situe à l'est du département de la Marne, dans une région géographique que l'on appelle « la Champagne crayeuse » (jadis « Champagne pouilleuse » par opposition à la Champagne des vignes et des viticulteurs). Cette région a bénéficié de l'essor d'une agriculture productiviste aux lendemains de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le rôle stratégique de la Champagne a aussi permis l'installation et le développement d'équipements militaires : le camp de Suippes est le deuxième camp militaire de France en superficie, ainsi que le camp de Mourmelon qui se trouve de l'autre côté de Suippes La commune a aussi abrité un centre de test des fusées Véronique avec cinq lancers effectués entre 1950 et 1951. Toponymie[modifier | modifier le code] Histoire[modifier | modifier le code] La devise de la ville est « Pax Lana et Aratro », la paix par la laine et de la charrue. Politique et administration[modifier | modifier le code] Bronze industriel.

Tragedy of the commons The tragedy of the commons concept is often cited in connection with sustainable development, meshing economic growth and environmental protection, as well as in the debate over global warming. It has also been used in analyzing behavior in the fields of economics, evolutionary psychology, anthropology, game theory, politics, taxation, and sociology. However the concept, as originally developed, has also received criticism for not taking into account the many other factors operating to enforce or agree on regulation in this scenario. Lloyd's pamphlet[edit] In 1833, the English economist William Forster Lloyd published a pamphlet which included an example of herders sharing a common parcel of land on which they are each entitled to let their cows graze. In English villages, shepherds had sometimes grazed their sheep in common areas, and sheep ate grass more severely than cows. Garrett Hardin's article[edit] [edit] As a metaphor, the tragedy of the commons should not be taken too literally.

Task Force on Finance Statistics (TFFS) It's Time to Break Up Bank of America - Business The largest bank in the United States is going through a complexity crisis. Faced with the continued consequences of its bad behavior during the financial crisis, Bank of America is embarking on a massive effort to streamline the company after reporting an astounding $8.8 billion loss last quarter. Reports emerged Thursday morning that 600 branches would close, and earlier this week, CEO Brian Moynihan sent top executives Sallie Krawcheck and Joe Price packing as part of a process he described as "de-layering and simplifying." The entire reorganization initiative is known as Project New BAC, and though the full details of the plan won't emerge until Moynihan addresses shareholders on Monday, we're starting to hear scattered cries to split the company up. "At some point, it gets too big to manage," money manager Brian Wenzinger told The New York Times. Some big-time investors seem to sense that and believe that both Bank of America and Merrill Lynch would be better off on their own.

Chadli Bendjedid Cet article ou cette section d'une biographie doit être recyclé. (indiquez la date de pose grâce au paramètre date) Une réorganisation et une clarification du contenu est nécessaire. Discutez des points à améliorer en page de discussion. Chadli Bendjedid, souvent appelé simplement par son prénom Chadli[1],[2],[3] (en arabe : شاذلي بن جديد, Shâdhlî Bin Jadîd), né le à Seba'a, dans la commune de Bouteldja (Wilaya d'El Tarf), dans le nord-est de l'Algérie (alors colonie française), et mort le à l'hôpital militaire Aïn Naâdja d'Alger[4], est un colonel, écrivain et homme d'État algérien. Militaire de carrière, membre du conseil de la Révolution de à , son accession à la magistrature suprême est décidée par le conclave du Parti unique, ainsi il fut le troisième président de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire, du jusqu'à sa démission le . Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Guerre d'Algérie[modifier | modifier le code] Carrière militaire[modifier | modifier le code]

Free rider problem In economics, the free rider problem occurs when those who benefit from resources, goods, or services do not pay for them, which results in an under-provision of those goods or services.[1] The free rider problem is the question of how to limit free riding and its negative effects in these situations. The free rider problem may occur when property rights are not clearly defined and imposed.[2] An opposite concept is that of a forced rider. Although the term "free rider" was first used in economic theory of public goods, similar concepts have been applied to other contexts, including collective bargaining, antitrust law, psychology and political science.[citation needed] For example, some individuals in a team or community may reduce their contributions or performance if they believe that one or more other members of the group may free ride.[3] In a labor union, free riding occurs if an employee pays no union dues or agency shop fees, but benefits from union representation. Notes[edit]

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Friday Finds: Bankers to Blame for Boost in Gas Bills Dalai Lama displeasure, nature’s sunscreen, lice treatment overkill Bankers on Wall Street may be driving up gas prices. Photo courtesy of epicharmus Wall Street speculation increases gas prices Subscribers to the “drill, baby, drill” mantra may want to set their sights on bankers rather than environmentalists as the culprits driving up gas prices, reports Mother Jones . According to confidential regulatory data first leaked to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Wall Street speculators that hold investments in millions of barrels of oil helped artificially raise the price of gas to $4 per gallon in 2008. Coral could be key to sunscreen pill In just a few years, sun worshippers tired of slathering sunscreen all over their pasty bodies before heading to the beach may be able instead to pop a pill that comes straight from the ocean, reports Mother Nature Network.

Pieds-noirs Un symbole : Notre-Dame d'Afrique. Le nom « pieds-noirs » désigne les Français originaires d'Algérie et, par extension, les Français d'ascendance européenne installés en Afrique française du Nord jusqu'à l'indépendance, c'est-à-dire jusqu'en mars 1956 pour les protectorats français de Tunisie et du Maroc, jusqu'en juillet 1962 pour l'Algérie française, et au-delà pour ceux qui y sont restés après l’indépendance des trois pays[2],[3]. Définitions de « pied-noir »[modifier | modifier le code] Deux définitions qui s'opposent de « pied-noir » indiquent assez bien l'imprécision de ce terme. D'après le Larousse, « pied-noir » (et « pieds-noirs ») est un nom et un adjectif qui signifie : « Français d'origine européenne installé en Afrique du Nord jusqu'à l'époque de l'indépendance[4]. » D'après le Grand Robert de la langue française, « pied-noir » est un nom masculin, dont le sens moderne, apparu vers 1955, est L'origine de l'expression fait l'objet de plusieurs hypothèses. « Je suis Pied-Gris.

Corporatism This article is about the general social theory. For business influence in politics, see Corporatocracy. For the process of reorganizing institutions on a corporate or business basis, see Corporatization. In 1881, Pope Leo XIII commissioned theologians and social thinkers to study corporatism and provide a definition for it. In 1884 in Freiburg, the commission declared that corporatism was a "system of social organization that has at its base the grouping of men according to the community of their natural interests and social functions, and as true and proper organs of the state they direct and coordinate labor and capital in matters of common interest".[5] Corporatism may also refer to economic tripartism involving negotiations between business, labour, and state interest groups to establish economic policy.[11] This is sometimes also referred to as neo-corporatism and is associated with social democracy.[12] Common types[edit] Kinship corporatism[edit] Christianity[edit] Biology[edit] and

The Moral Hazard of Underwater Zombies On a happier topic, I think Brad DeLong has come up with a brilliant hypothesis here. Regarding European policy makers, They now have a choice.They can admit that they were wrong. The thing is, this model has much wider applicability. John Quiggin had no idea how big a thing he was on to.

Chadli Bendjedid Chadli Bendjedid, (en arabe : شاذلي بن جديد), né le à Bouteldja dans l'actuelle wilaya d'El Tarf, et mort le à l'hôpital militaire Aïn Naâdja d'Alger[1], est un militaire, écrivain et homme d'État algérien. Il est le 3e président de l'Algérie de 1979 à 1992. Il est présenté aussi comme étant le père de l'initiative démocratique en Algérie à partir de 1989 : il met fin au système du parti unique en engageant le pays dans le multipartisme (quoique toujours dépendant de l'État), libère l'expression publique de la possible répression de la police politique, met fin à toute restriction de quitter le territoire, alloue une allocation annuelle en devise à tout citoyen voyageant à l'étranger pour motifs touristiques. Il meurt le 6 octobre 2012 à Alger des suites d'un cancer à l'âge de 83 ans. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Guerre d'Algérie[modifier | modifier le code] Carrière militaire[modifier | modifier le code] Chadli Bendjedid est promu au grade de colonel en 1969.
