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7 Questions to Ask Parents at the Beginning of the Year

7 Questions to Ask Parents at the Beginning of the Year
As a beginning teacher I knew that it was important to connect with parents and to build a positive relationship with them, but at times I wasn't sure how to do this. Within the first week of school I'd call all my student's parents or guardians, introduce myself, and share a little about what they could expect for their kids in my class that year. In retrospect, I wish I'd asked more questions about their child and then listened more to what they had to say. After twenty years of experience and after sending my own child off to school, here are some questions I'd ask parents with the intention of building a partnership to support their child's learning. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. While ideally teachers would be able to meet with every parent and have this kind of a conversation in person, I recognize that our schools are not aligned to this priority and we just don't have the time. I write this blog less from the stance of a teacher and more from my perspective as a mother. Related:  future classroom

Common Core for Math Preparing the Environment 5 Ways to Help Your Students Become Better Questioners The humble question is an indispensable tool: the spade that helps us dig for truth, or the flashlight that illuminates surrounding darkness. Questioning helps us learn, explore the unknown, and adapt to change. That makes it a most precious “app” today, in a world where everything is changing and so much is unknown. To change that is easier said than done. How to Encourage Questioning 1. Asking a question can be a scary step into the void. 2. This is a tough one. 3. Part of the appeal of “questions-only” exercises is that there’s an element of play involved, as in: Can you turn that answer/statement into a question? 4. Obviously, we must praise and celebrate the questions that are asked -- and not only the on-target, penetrating ones, but also the more expansive, sometimes-offbeat ones (I found that seemingly “crazy questions” sometimes result in the biggest breakthroughs). 5. So ask yourself this beautiful question: How might I encourage more questioning in my classroom?

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Sign Language Photos du journal - Unimondo Face2Facebook Behavior Expectations MDM for Dummies. Quando il prof. controlla gli iPad in classe | Classi 2.0 Maurizio Nano è tecnico certificato Apple e Analista Tecnico e Project Manager presso Rekordata, al suo attivo conta centinaia di grandi progetti di implementazione di strumenti mobili e fissi in grandi istituzioni. Contatti qui. Quello che vedi non è quello che fa funzionare il servizio E’ chiaro per tutti ormai che sia possibile sapere dove ci si trova, sapere dove dirigersi per andare al nostro appuntamento fissato in un luogo a noi sconosciuto senza dover fare richieste ai passanti come quelle che il caro Totò era obbligato a fare in una sua famosa “gag”; ma non è chiaro a tutti come sia possibile tutto ciò. La tecnologia è entrata ormai in modo importante nel mondo della didattica e molte delle cose che si possono fare sono note ai più ma poche volte si ragiona in modo analitico sul come fare perchè “tutto funzioni”. Questo è proprio il caso degli MDM, acronimo di Mobile Device Management. Un esempio concreto Store personalizzato Il docente in classe

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