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Write Your Name in Elvish in Ten Minutes Write Your Name in Elvish in Ten Minutes You want to write your name in Elvish, but every place you go seems to make it harder than it ought to be. Elvish writing looks beautiful and mysterious, but does it really have to be impossible to understand? Why doesn't somebody just spell out the alphabet so you can simply substitute the letters and get straight to the result? Here's the alphabet. That's it. Generally the vowels go above the consonants, but sometimes, in the case of Y and silent E, they go below. The straight line underneath is just one way to make one character do the work of two. The line above a consonant means that a nasal N or M precedes the consonant in question. Here's one last example with two different letter combinations. I am often asked how to handle double vowel situations. That's all you need to get started. Please be aware that there are many ways to write English words in Elvish. Good luck! Ned Gulley Want an Elvish tattoo? Want an Elvish t-shirt?

Trial Click the links below to download: Mac For a complete set of Creature parts and building options, purchase the Spore Creature Creator. PC/Mac Box version PC download* Mac download* Need help? The World's Biggest PAC-MAN The Animals That Make Australia The Deathtrap It Is Theres a reason Australia is surrounded by nothing but water. God is trying to protect you from the hell trapped within&&(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident') != -1||navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE Just The Facts Australia is home to some of the worlds deadliest animals All those animals want you dead Overrated Introduction When you look at Australia in a travel brochure , it's usually described as a tropical paradise getaway (or some shit like that) but what they don't tell you is the numerous animals that can kill a human in many painful ways. Saltwater Crocodile Crocodiles. Crocodiles are ambush predators , they wait for unsuspecting pray (you) to go close enough to the riverbank so it can hurl its body out of the water and grab you in its Jaws armed with razor sharp teeth. Not Photoshopped in anyway Deadly Rating : 8 Sharks. The three most dangerous types of shark are: The Bull Shark , Tiger Shark and the big daddy of them all the Great White. "Look at that smug bastard" Box Jellyfish

Zero Punctuation Zero Punctuation is The Escapist's groundbreaking video review series starring Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. Every Wednesday Zero Punctuation picks apart the games so you don't have to. Called "hilariously cutting ... first legitimate breakout hit from the gaming community in recent memory" by Boing Boing, see why gamers love it and developers fear it. South Park: The Stick of Truth - Yes, There Really Were Crying Koalas

Incredible and Scary 3D Pencil Drawings by 17-year old Fredo Realistic pencil drawings are always interesting. It is nice to watch how artist has managed to draw something like it was photographed by camera. However, the plenty of the pencil drawings you have seen by now probably cannot be compared with the following drawings which are literally mind-blowing.Those drawings were made by Fredo, a 17-year old guy from Chile who has found an interesting way to create 3D drawings.Fredo has started to think more seriously about his drawing skills when he was 15. He has learned from some already known artists in this field like M.C.Escher. Here you can see some of his 3D realistic pencil drawings which look like they were photographed with camera rather than drawn with hand.

New Super Mario Bros. Some paradoxes - an anthology MyWii News - Wii Safety Warnings Don't beat your woman at Wii sports... She will knock you out. Madden sports will not perform better with Gatorade. Smoking may harm Wii's baby. A four leaf clover will not help you complete Zelda TP. Suicide is not an option!! Life's pretty straight without Twisty (ties) Sellotape.. need I say more? The Wii reigns supreme, 360 and PS3 in garbage bags. Do not let Angry Snowman or Asthmatic Heater play your Wii... -DoGGpound grace_poppy: mini specimens in jars I have at long last finished a set of specimens in jars, some to keep for Stephen's dispensary (though not for dispensing purpose, I hope) and the rest for my Etsy shop. I also finished another batch of mini books. I'm much more efficient now that I know what I'm doing. It's nice to know what I'm doing. No commentary, just pictures. linked at doll_houses and little_world .
