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After Reading This You Will Never Throw Your Banana Or Orange Peels Away Again

After Reading This You Will Never Throw Your Banana Or Orange Peels Away Again
Did you know the peels of some fruits hold some of the most powerful nutrients in the world? There are many uses, both medicinal and practical, for orange and banana peels that aren't known by many. So, next time you think about throwing away one of these peels, you may want to remember this information. Orange Peels It's always a good idea to minimize pesticide levels by choosing organic oranges. An Orange's peel and apple's skin are similar because most of the nutrients are in the skin of these fruits. Medicinal Properties of Orange Peels As per Ayurveda, orange peel is tikta (bitter) and it improves digestion and can speed up your metabolism. Due to its pacifying properties, orange peel powder helps dissolve phlegm in respiratory systems, alleviate coughs, and asthma. Most of the beneficiary aspects of orange peels come from their essential oils, which have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that orange peel can dissolve cholesterol and triglyceride. Warts Related:  Medicinal plants & herbsNEED TO KNOW INFORMATIONsarathsiripala

19 Herbs for Vision and Eye Health Wake Up World By Tony Isaacs What you consume has a tremendous affect on the health of your eyes, and vision problems can often be addressed by giving the body what it needs. A largely plant-based diet that provides ample amounts of vitamins, minerals and carotenoids is the first step in maintaining and restoring your eyesight. Here is a list of the top herbs for vision and eye health. Herbs that keep eyes healthy * Pycnogenol is a powerful antioxidant derived from French maritime pine tree bark and the subject of more than 180 studies. * Coleus forskohlii, Pilocarpus jaborandi, and Triphala have all been used to lower intrarocular pressure via parasympathetic relaxation of the body. * Saffron is better known as the kitchen spice that gives curry its yellow color; however, it can have wonderful results for eye problems, including cataracts. * Silymarin, the primary component of milk thistle, is a major liver support compound. Remedies for the eyes Remedies especially for cataracts

California Poppy Seed As Effective As Prescription Pain Killers - Living with chronic pain can be a daily struggle. On top of the physical discomfort, there is the endless cycle of medication. Prescription pain medications can also become addictive, posing additional health risks when taken in excessive doses for extended periods of time. California poppy seed is a natural alternative to pain medication that is non-addictive while producing the same life-changing results. Where It Comes From The California poppy is the official state flower of California, but it can also be found in Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. California poppies are also referred to as "golden poppies" due to their golden orange in color and are legal to pick. Other Benefits of California Poppy Seed While California poppy seed acts as a pain reliever, it also has other health benefits: Improves sleep: Many people use California Poppy Seed as a natural sleep inducer.

Pineapple Enzyme and its Benefits :: Pineapple Enzyme is a member of the bromeliad family. It is extremely rare that bromeliads produce edible fruit enzymes. The pineapple enzyme is the only available edible bromeliad today. It is a multiple fruit. Pineapple enzyme is the most popular tropical fruit enzymes. Loaded with Vitamins and Minerals: The obvious benefits of pineapple enzymes are all the vitamins and minerals the fruit is loaded with. Strengthens Weak Bones: One of the benefits of pineapple enzymes is that it helps to build healthy bones. Good for Gums: Your gums are very important to keep healthy. Prevents Macular Degeneration: Pineapple enzymes contain a lot of beta-carotene that is good for the eyes and for your vision. Helps Arthritis: Bromelain is also considered an effective anti-inflammatory. Coughs and Colds: While many people often take extra vitamin C or drink extra orange juice when they have a cold, few consider eating pineapple. Digestion: The bromelain found in pineapples aids in digestion.

Healthy herbs nutrition facts and the health benefits of herbs Healthy herbs have long held an important place in our wellness. Prized since ancient times, and today we even more depend on them to purify our body, mind, and soul! Of course, we all use herbal parts in our daily lives, one way or the other, whether for their fragrance, for their healing power, or in lovely recipes. Herbal benefits are many; be it for spiritual reasons or to spice up your taste buds, or as a home remedy for ailments like cold, or sore throat... herbs are handy for each need! Although, the herbs been in use in our diet since antiquity, only recently have taken the center-stage of nutrition scientific world for their potential health benefiting and detoxification properties. Here is the complete list of healthy herbs with their health benefits, nutrition value, culinary and medicinal uses: Why herbs in our diet...? Culinary herbs

Dandelion Please Share This Page: Other names for Dandelion, past or present: English - Swinesnout, Dashelflower, Pissa-bed Latin - Taraxacum officinale; also Taraxacum Leontodon, Dens LeonisFrench - Dents de LyonGerman - Löwenzahn. (Pfaffenblatt, Runnichstopff - archaic)Dutch - PapencruytSpanish - Diente de LionItalian - Dente di Cane, Piscia al letto Dandelion (Taraxum officinale / Taraxacum erythrospermum) is a very well known plant that grows all over the world. The dandelion, sadly, is considered by many to be a weed - especially on lawns - and great lengths are gone to by many gardeners to be rid of it. Dandelion - General Herbal Uses: Dandelion is a cleansing herb with a bitter taste. Dandelion is, interestingly, higher in nutrient content than most vegetables. Dandelion root, leaf and stem can be brewed as tea (approximately 1 tbsp. per 1 cup water). Dandelion - Scientific Studies: Dandelion - Taraxacum officinaleImage from an old book of medicinal plants Dandelion Active Ingredients Dandelion

Six natural alternatives to ibuprofen - Phoenix Alternative Medicine The saying used to be, “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning,” but many people turn to ibuprofen to relieve inflammation, pain, and fever. This nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), available both over the counter and by prescription, is commonly used to treat arthritis, menstrual symptoms, headache, general aches and pains, and various inflammatory conditions. Side effects of ibuprofen Although many people think of ibuprofen as being rather benign, it is associated with an increased risk of heart and circulation problems, including stroke and heart attack, as well as gastrointestinal problems, such as bleeding or perforation of the stomach or intestinal tract. Curcumin Natural alternatives to ibuprofen Many studies have been done on various natural pain killers and anti-inflammatories that can be used as alternatives to ibuprofen. Boswellia: This anti-inflammatory remedy comes from the Boswellia serrata tree that grows in India.

List of Herbs | Herb List with Pictures | Herbs Info Join Over 1,875,000 Fans On Facebook! Homepage Blog Individual Herbs Herbal Remedies Herbal Preparations Glossary of Herbal Terms Herbals Essential Oils Most Popular: Please Share This Page: List Of 150+ Herbs With Uses And Benefits - image to repin / shareHerbs background pic - Wikimedia Commons (public domain) On this page you will find our alphabetical list of 150+ 189 herbs! Please bookmark this page so that you can use it as a "quick lookup" when you want to learn all about a herb. Our method of organization intentionally follows the style of the old herbals, which listed the plants in alphabetical order and often compiled the writings of other herbalists from past times. The Herbs: If you enjoyed this page: Privacy Policy | About

Best Budget DSLR Video Shoulder Rig DSLR videos rigs come in all shapes and sizes and these days there are endless options available. But there is only one rig that is cheap, customizable and durable enough to last over 3 years without trouble. I’ve had the Cowboy Studio support rig for over 3 years and it works as well as it did the day I got it. I love a lot of things about this rig. It’s Cheap - $30 isn’t bad for a rig that lasts 3+ years (don’t know when mine will die). This gives you more room for other accessories like I mention in the reviewIt’s Tough – I’ve put this little rig through a lot. Rig Parts Lists View old video and post here.

10 Natural Remedies For The Most Common Complaints Herbs have been used for centuries by many cultures to help alleviate common complaints, but nowadays we are much quicker to rush to the medicine cabinet than our herb gardens. It’s time to go back to basics and see how much nature can heal you, naturally! You can learn about all of these remedies in video form below! Rosemary Coughing? Mint Upset Stomach? Oregano Menstrual Cramps? Curry Powder Achy joints? Dill Upset G.I. Parsley Bloated? Cayenne Congested? Basil Feeling Down? Cilantro/Corriander Feeling Tired? Ginger Having Nausea? There you have it, nature’s medicine cabinet. Stay healthy! SOURCES: (1) (2) Free 10 Day Screening: Oct 20th - 30th! The Sacred Science follows eight people from around the world, with varying physical and psychological illnesses, as they embark on a one-month healing journey into the heart of the Amazon jungle. Check out the film for FREE!

Natural Remedies: Best 50 Medicinal Herbs, Fruit & Vegetables To Grow By ALETHEIA LUNA Nature – it is the world’s largest, most eclectic and expansive pharmacy, with literally millions of species at our disposal to plant, cultivate, harvest and make use of in our everyday lives. And yet, most of us remain uninitiated into the highly practical and powerful realm of natural remedies that Nature herself offers to us with open hands. While most of us grew up disconnected from the natural world, it is never too late for us to discover the endless sources of natural remedies hidden all throughout nature – and make use of them ourselves. Whatever your personal context, natural remedies can be grown almost anywhere or in anything, from large paddocks and small patches of ground, to pots and window boxes. Having a great love for medicinal fruit, vegetables and herbs myself, I have taken the time to compile an extensive list of the best 50 natural healing plants to grow in your own personal garden or living area. 50 Best Natural Remedies Plant List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Top 13 Herbal Treatments For Toothache Top 13 Herbal Treatments For Toothache Please be sure to Join our email list and receive all our latest and best tutorials daily – free! 4K+ herbs background image © Africa Studio – (Note – this post is not medical advice nor substitute for a professional evaluation.) Toothache can really be unbearably painful. Pain in and around a tooth can really be distracting. Here are our top 13 herbal / natural home remedies for toothache: Cloves Eugenol, the principal molecular component of the oil derived from cloves, is a common ingredient in dental products – that ought to tell you something! Ginger The use of ginger root is probably one of the most common herbal remedies for toothaches that had been in use for decades now. Garlic One of the most common spices found in your kitchen, garlic also makes a very effective home remedy for toothaches. Limes and Lemons Onion Putting a piece of raw onion over the affected area is also recommended even by dentists. Lavender and Chamomile Turmeric Thyme

Rosemary - an excellent aid to digestion. Rosemary is a fragrant shrub well known for its distinctive aroma. There are several varieties that can be identified by its evergreen needle-like leaves with spikes of pale blue or lilac flowers which bloom from spring to summer. The plant is a symbol of love and fidelity and in medieval times was used at weddings. According to legend, if a man does not like the smell of the herb, he will be a lousy lover! Traditionally, it was used medicinally to strengthen memory. Key Medicinal Uses Internally – Rosemary aids digestion and has been utilized for stomach problems such as dyspepsia, appetite stimulant, stomach cramps, bloating and constipation. Externally – Rosemary oil or infusion in bath water can be rubbed onto sore and aching muscles and is good for sciatica pain and inflammation. Herbs to Combine/Supplement Rosemary can be combined with Lime flowers when headaches are linked to high blood pressure. Parts Used Flowers – gathered in full bloom and dried. Cautions Preparation and Dosage

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