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638 Primary Personality Traits Positive Traits (234 = 37%) Related:  WRITING

hurricangst comments on Many women do not agree with me on this subject - but it's important. 8 Ways to be UBER Charismatic What did JFK, Marilyn Monroe and Hitler all have in common? They were all renowned charismatics that lit up every room they entered. You’ve most likely met one of these kinds before. The guy/girl at the party. They possess some strange quality that causes them to be liked by everyone and constantly at the center of attention. Their eyes and the way they carry themselves convey power and magnetism and you can’t quite figure out why. Robert Greene studied these people and detailed the methods one can use to become a charismatic in his book “The Art of Seduction.” Purpose Pick a cause, a goal, a vision and live it. Mystery Become mysterious (like Bruce Wayne) by being unpredictable. Saintliness Think Gandhi. Eloquence Speak slowly and hypnotically, with random pauses if needed. Theatricality Be larger than life. Danger/Spontaneity Radiate dangerous, rebellious sexuality. Vulnerability Have a soft side and love your followers. Magnetism Develop a piercing gaze. DO NOT COMMENT.

W R I T E W O R L D 50 of the Best Websites for Writers There are tons of reference sites on the web that can help you find a job or write a poem, essay or story. Here is a list of the best 50 websites for writers. Reference Websites Merriam-Webster Online - Merriam Webster is the perfect place to look up words and find information. The site offers a dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, podcasts, word games and a lot of other things that may be of interest to writers and word-lovers. General Writing Websites Writer's Digest - Probably one of the best all-around websites for writers, Writer's Digest offers information on writing better and getting published. Fiction Writing Websites - publishes a Guide to Fiction Writing with general information about fiction writing and a number of community forums for both current and aspiring writers. Nonfiction Writing Websites Bella Online - This site offers a large collection of resources for nonfiction writers. Websites for Freelance Writers and Authors

Germans who are 35+ years old, how did you experience the fall of the Berlin wall? : AskReddit A Simple Novel Outline – 9 questions for 25 chapters « H.E. Roulo Just as every tree is different but still recognizably a tree, every story is different but contains elements that make it a story. By defining those before you begin you clarify the scope of your work, identify your themes, and create the story you meant to write. At Norwescon 2011 I sat in on a session called Outline Your Novel in 90-minutes led by Mark Teppo. Here are the 9 questions to create a novel: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) Now, with those 9 questions answered to your satisfaction, try to fill in a 25 chapter, 75,000 word outline. Chapters 7-18 are the middle of your book. Chapters 19-25 depict the heroic act to victory. Wasn’t that easy? Okay, sure, the work isn’t done yet. Using the idea that there are 25 chapters, I outlined my current work in progress. I hope that was helpful. Tell me what works for you. Related 6 Steps to Masterful Writing Critiques June 7, 2013 In "Writing Tips" 8 Novel Editing Steps - The Basic Overview Writers love to write. December 2, 2011 In "News"

Ned Stark Lives! Chapter 1 Varys, an a song of ice and fire fanfic Ned Stark Lives! Chapter 1 Varys An alternate version of George R.R. Martin's 'Game of Thrones', based on the books, asking what would happen if Ned Stark had lived. King Robert Baratheon was dead. But Varys now faced a more difficult problem as he made his way to the meeting of the new king's small council. Varys also knew the reason Ned Stark opposed Joffery. The small council sat around the table in the room behind the throne room. "You're late, Lord Varys," said Joffrey in an insolent way as Varys made his way to the council table. "Forgive me, Your Grace," Varys replied in his most obsequious manner as he sat. "He must order his son to disband his armies and pledge fealty to me here in King's Landing," Joffrey said at once. "A prudent safeguard, Your Grace," Pycelle said at once, ever the lick spittle. Littlefinger shook his head. Cersei nodded. "Already the Stark host has crossed the Twins and marches towards the Riverlands," Varys reported. Cersei nodded. Cersei stared at her son.

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