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about | electric sheep BitTyrant VerTor Makes Torrenting Just a Little Bit Safer | In the last few months, I’ve noticed more and more infected torrents and torrent sites out there. The problem with securely downloading torrents is that many of the sites are based overseas or generally don’t get the benefit of mainstream security vetting. Here is one secure torrent site that offers safe torrent downloading. VerTor is a new site that reworks the concept of torrenting. Most torrent search engines simply track and list as many public torrents as they can find. VerTor first downloads and scans any potential torrent to make sure it doesn’t have any spyware, malware, or viruses. By first verifying all its torrents, you can feel a little bit safer when downloading torrents online. As you can see, the site is designed to be a little less like the typical “text-based search engine” and a little more like a community. VerTor offers an added feature for users who have found a torrent they want on another site. With any new technology, there are a number of potential flaws.

PolarClock PolarClock 3.0 is now available as a screen saver for Mac and Windows, and also as a dashboard widget for OSX Tiger. This release is a total rebuild from scratch using Flash CS3, Flex Builder and ActionScript 3.0. There has been a staggering amount of feedback over the past few months, all of which was very useful. There are more things to add, but there are only so many hours in the day! New Features Language Selection (28 languages so far)Text alignment (outside, centre or inside of arc)Font size 12 – 30pt24/12 hour clock modesFlipping of text when it’s in the lower half of the arc (to stop it being upside down)Guidelines behind arcsArc properties (thickness, padding, radius )A spacer Arc for padding between Date and Time ( movable to be between any arc)Continuous/Stepped motion (continuous was requested a lot, so that you can see a minute slowly stretching each second to become the next minute etc).Ordering of the arcs. A comprehensive options panel has been added, see below:

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