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L'Archéologie sous les mers

L'Archéologie sous les mers

Musée du Louvre Staatliche Museen zu Berlin SCHLOSS BAU MEISTER. Andreas Schlüter und das barocke Berlin Skulpturensammlung und Museum für Byzantinische Kunst | Fr 4.April - So 13.Juli 2014 Marsden Hartley - Die deutschen Bilder / The German paintings 1913-1915 Nationalgalerie | Sa 5.April - So 29.Juni 2014 Rembrandt Bugatti Alte Nationalgalerie | Fr 28.März - So 27.Juli 2014 Die Acht Aspekte des Kostbaren Lehrers - Padmasambhava in Kunst und Ritual im Himalaya Museum für Asiatische Kunst | Do 28.November 2013 - So 29.Juni 2014

Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project The City of Sardis // Provide alternate content for browsers that do not support scripting // or for those that have scripting disabled. Alternate HTML content should be placed here. This content requires the Macromedia Flash Player. Sardis, Sardeis, Sardes, Sparda, and Sart are all names of a settlement in Anatolia located 60 miles east of Izmir, Turkey. The Harvard University Art Museum's exhibit, "The City of Sardis: Approaches in Graphic Recording" (2003), explores the topography and architecture of Sardis and approaches to graphic recording of the city since the middle of the 18th century. Explore the role of graphic recording over the last few centuries in preserving and recreating the ancient city of Sardis.

Ashmolean Museum The Museum's Vision Statements To be an open door to the excellence of Oxford, sparking in everyone a curiosity for the beauty, diversity and intellectual richness of our collections. Opening minds to the joy of learning, Opening doors to the excellence of Oxford Our Objective The Ashmolean Museum aims to be recognised as part of the world’s leading university museums group. We are a world-class museum of art and archaeology; a centre for object-based teaching and research with internationally acclaimed galleries and display spaces. Ashmolean Policies For details of the Museum's policies, please click on the documents below: Board of Visitors Mr Bernard Taylor – ChairmanLord Sainsbury of Preston CandoverDr Andrew Hamilton (Vice-Chancellor)Prof Ian Walmsley (Pro Vice Chancellor)Dr Michael BurdenProf Craig ClunasMr Chris JonesMs Hilary LadeSir Martin SmithMr Jon SnowDr Peter StewartProf Shearer WestDr Paul ThompsonProf Andrew Wilson

Aphrodisias The ancient city of Aphrodisias is one of the most important archaeological sites of the Greek and Roman periods in Turkey. Aphrodisias lies in the Maeander River basin, in a fertile valley 100 miles southeast of the port of Izmir. Famous for its sanctuary of Aphrodite, the city's patron goddess, Aphrodisias enjoyed a long and prosperous existence from the first century B.C. through the sixth century A.D.
