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Online Music Games Lego Fusion Is Digital Joy and Real-World Fun [REVIEW] It isn’t easy being mayor of a small, but growing town. People always want something or are hurting themselves in random accidents. You have to build, build, build and constantly remind the townspeople that there’s good stuff all around. Yet, in the end, nurturing your own miniature community is a joy. These are the lessons of the highly-entertaining Lego Fusion: Town Master set, which I’ve been playing with for the past few days. Lego Fusion is Lego’s first foray into virtual reality and I’d say they’ve pretty much got the knack of it. Inside Town Master is the first of four sets Lego will eventually ship (three by late August). I started by launching the game, which asked me if I had the physical set. In Lego Fusion, you never build a complete structure, just a façade on a special Lego platform. With my first structure built, the Town Master app, guided me to scan it in. Throughout the game I built a half-dozen façades and learned that the Fusion app can be a bit finicky on the scan.

English Vocabulary Word Lists with Games, Puzzles and Quizzes This is a collection of English vocabulary word lists with online activities that use these word lists. Instead of studying the word list first, you can choose which game you want to play, then choose the set of words. Any Device - No Special Requirements Every Other Letter Game See a word with every other letter missing, guess what the word is, then see the answer. First & Last Game See a word with only its first and last letters, guess what the word is, then see the answer. No Vowels Game See a word without the vowels, guess what the word is, then see the answer.

Official Kids Guide to the Smithsonian Links to Online Activities Awesome Adventures at the Smithsonian features QR codes that direct readers with smart phones to great activities online. Below are links to access those activities from your computer. Museum Dos & Don'ts p. 5, Awesome Adventures at the Smithsonian: The Official Kids Guide to the Smithsonian website National Museum of Natural History p. 56, Explore the Hall of Mammals p. 63, Learn What It Means To Be Human p. 71, Explore the Dynamic Earth p. 72, The Dynamic Earth: Why the Hope Diamond Glows p. 81, Insect Identification Guide p. 85, Wrap-Up: What's New National Museum of American History p. 98, Star-Spangled Banner p. 100, President for a Day p. 104, First Ladies p. 106, First Ladies' Gowns p. 109, Pets in the White House p. 110, Americans at War p. 113, Pointers on Interviewing a Veteran p. 120, American Stories p. 125, Wrap-Up: What's New Additional Information

Theta Music How Video Games and Social Media Fuel Students’ Passion for Art The average teenager consumes about 10 hours of media per day according to a Kaiser Family Foundation report, and that’s often through a gadget like smartphone or tablet. But depending on what we choose to focus on, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The same devices that are used to consume art have also allowed students to create on their own, often with little instruction or direction. This trend of interest-driven art creation comes at a time when public schools are cutting art programming, and it offers a promising new way to reach and mold budding artists. “A lot of times we think we need to have programs that cultivate learning in the art form, but what we are finding is that through the continued production of art, and reflection on it, the kids are actually improving their skills over time,” said Kylie Peppler, assistant professor of learning sciences at Indiana University. “For the very first time, kids enrolled in free violin lessons,” Peppler said. 1. 2. 3. 4. Related

Social Studies Learn the US States while playing Pacman. Gobble up power pellets showing the correct answer to each US Geography question shown. Don't eat the wrong answer or you will lose a life. The objective of the game is to sell as many lemonades as you can. Do you have what it takes to make millions from lemonade? Can you name all of the countries on the map? Grab your shovel and compass! A simple "What is the capital of this country" knowledge game. Use your mouse to choose the correct flag. Use the mouse to place the states in their correct location. How well do you know your U.S. Greetings friends, I am Smokey Bear, the national fire prevention icon. Answer each question by clicking on the correct name of the country's capital. You see an iconic building. Run your own coffee shop, coffee stand, and coffee empire in this coffee simulation game. Joust against King Henry's toughest knights or battle your friends via email in this addictive game of skill. Click on the buttons to reveal the pictures.

Jheronimus Bosch - the Garden of Earthly Delights About this project The interactive documentary Jheronimus Bosch, the Garden of Earthly Delights provides an in-depth tour though The Garden of Earthly Delights. In a web interface the visitor will be taken on an audio-visual journey, including sound, music, video and images to enrich the storytelling. Synopsis The interactive documentary Jheronimus Bosch, the Garden of Earthly Delights provides an in-depth tour though The Garden of Earthly Delights. Besides the exploration of the art historical story of the painting we will give insight to the creative process of Jheronimus Bosch. The Garden of Earthly Delights is a story about moral and sin in a particular time. The interactive documentary Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Delights is part of the transmedia tryptich: 'Hieronymus Bosch'. Help How does the interactive documentary 'Hieronymus Bosch, the Garden of Earthly Delights' work? Audio is a key element of the website information, so please turn on the sound. Freely Explore Tour

Crickweb Every Exhibition Held at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) Presented in a New Web Site: 1929 to Present Images courtesy of MoMA We all hate it when we hear of an exciting exhibition, only to find out that it closed last week — or 80 years ago. New York’s Museum of Modern Art has made great strides toward taking the sting out of such narrowly or widely-missed cultural opportunities with their new digital exhibition archive. The archive offers, in the words of Chief of Archives Michelle Elligott, “free and unprecedented access to The Museum of Modern Art’s ever-evolving exhibition history” in the form of “thousands of unique and vital materials including installation photographs, out-of-print exhibition catalogues, and more, beginning with MoMA’s very first exhibition in 1929,” a show of post-Impressionist paintings by Cézanne, Gauguin, Seurat, and Van Gogh. The photograph of Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe portraits at the top of the post comes from a much more recent exhibition, 2015’s Andy Warhol: Campbell’s Soup Cans and Other Works, 1953–1967. Related Content:
