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50 Powerful Photos Capture Extraordinary Moments In The Wild

50 Powerful Photos Capture Extraordinary Moments In The Wild
These amazing photos show animals in a way that you’ve never seen them before. Each image serves as a reminder that we share the planet with some truly awe-inspiring creatures. John Chaney / National Geographic Ian Schofield / National Geographic Goat kids playing at 14,000 feet Simon Chandra / National Geographic Related:  LISTES

Too Beautiful To Be Real? 16 Surreal Landscapes Found On Earth These bizarre locations may seem like a series of elaborate movie sets, but they are real destinations that you might want to see for yourself. Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park, U.S. The Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park is the largest hot spring in the United States, and the third largest in the world, after Frying Pan Lake in New Zealand and Boiling Lake in Dominica. It is located in the Midway Geyser Basin. Travertines, Pamukkale, Turkey Pamukkale, meaning “cotton castle” in Turkish, is a natural site in Denizli Province in southwestern Turkey. The Wave, Arizona, U.S. The Wave is a sandstone rock formation located in the United States of America near the Arizona-Utah border, on the slopes of the Coyote Buttes, in the Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness, on the Colorado Plateau. Red beach, Panjin, China Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia Salar de Uyuni is the world’s largest salt flat at 10,582 square kilometers (4,086 sq mi). Sossusvlei, Namibia

26 das imagens mais marcantes de todos os tempos. O #6 definitivamente me deu um nó na garganta. Essa coletânea de imagens roda a internet faz um bom tempo e não é a toa: aqui estão algumas das imagens mais marcantes de todos os tempos. São registros de momentos únicos da humanidade. Aproveite. 1. Veterano revê o tanque que usou para lutar durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 6 de junho de 1944, EUA Army Corps em terra durante o dia “D”, na Normandia 25. 26. Fonte: Compartilhe essas imagens com seus amigos e familiares.

74 Banques d'images gratuites Toute image trouvée sur Internet et que vous pouvez télécharger est gratuite et vous pouvez en faire ce que vous voulez pour un usage privé, Il est donc inutile de se poser la question. Puis-je utiliser telle ou telle photo que j’ai trouvée sur Internet? Réponse : oui. Oui à partir du moment où l’usage de la photo est strictement totalement entièrement privé (répétition volontaire). En revanche, si vous commencez à bloguer, à vous servir d’une photo pour faire de la pub, créer des encarts publicitaires, les choses sont un peu moins évidentes et il ne s’agit donc pas de rigoler sous peine d’avoir quelques ennuis, même si la probabilité d’avoir des problèmes avec la justice est minime, je ne tenterais pas trop le diable. Pour utiliser des photos pour votre travail, il y a trois solutions : Fabriquer vos photos vous-même. En tout état de cause, l’usage d’une photo de façon publique doit être premièrement régi par le bon sens. . y a t’il une personne ou plusieurs personnes sur la photo?

100-Year-Old Negatives Discovered in Block of Ice in Antarctica - My Modern Met For the past 100 years, a box of never-before-seen negatives has been preserved in a block of ice in Antarctica. Recently, Conservators of the New Zealand Antarctic Heritage Trust came across the 22 exposed, but unprocessed, cellulose nitrate negatives during an attempt to restore an old exploration hut. The negatives are believed to be from Ernest Shackleton's 1914-1917 Ross Sea Party, a group that was stranded in the hut during a blizzard when their ship blew out to sea. They were eventually rescued, but the box remained buried until now. A Wellington photography conservator carefully processed the negatives in order to reveal the historic mysteries on each frame. New Zealand Antarctic Heritage Trust website via [PetaPixel]

Top 48 Photographers To Follow On 500px Even the best photographers need inspiration. 500px is a beautiful playground for some of the best photographers in the industry, and also one of the most powerful tools for motivation. There’s no sifting through rubbish to find quality work in your feed, which is often a problem with various social media platforms, like Facebook. Here's a list of photographers and their mind-blowing work in 4 different genres you MUST be following. Before I go to bed every night, I scan 500px to sweep through a handful of images uploaded by some of my favorite artists. When I first discovered 500px, I had no idea who to follow. Each and every person I followed ended up in "My Flow," which is your own personalized news feed. Every photographer starts somewhere. Inspiration is everywhere—you just have to know where to look. To make things easier, you will find a sample collage for each photographer. Portraits/Fashion/Beauty | City/Architecture | Landscape | Fine Art Portraits/Fashion/Beauty ^Alyssa Framm^

These 60 Rare Photos Will Destroy Everything You Knew About The Past. Mind = Blown. These stunning photos reveal relationships and sides of famous people you've never seen before and capture the essence of eras that have come and gone. I'm sure more than a few of these will surprise you...and some might even make you laugh. Share1195583People Sharing Thanks for visiting Distractify today, and I hope you enjoyed. Download the Distractify app for more historical photos and human stories.

10 most Influential Active Street Photographers Update After quite a few suggestions from you, the Readers, we added an extra section at the bottom of the post called “Influential Active Street Photographers recommended by our Readers”. Enjoy! Introduction During the past years Street Photography has become widely accepted as a form of art and expression. The team decided to make a list of those influencers as a way to say “thank you” for their contribution to the world of Street Photography. Eric Kim Introduction: Eric Kim is a street photographer that maintains one of the most -if not the most- informative blogs about Street Photography. Why is he influential: If you visit his blog you’ll understand how much Eric Kim has offered to Street Photography. Website / blog: John Free John Free has been around for years. Yanidel Yanidel is a Street Photographer that has been photographing for many years and has traveled all around the world to do Street Photography! Bruce Gilden Martin Parr

Série de fotos incrível mostra quem foram as últimas “sereias” do Japão No Japão da década de 20, centenas de mulheres mergulhavam nuas em busca de ostras e pérolas. Com um fôlego invejável, elas chegavam a ficar mais de 2 minutos debaixo d’água, inclusive durante o inverno. Chamadas de Amas, essas mulheres foram registradas por Iwase Yoshiyuki em sua Kodak. As fotografias são um dos únicos registros dessa milenar profissão que se extinguiu algumas décadas depois. Utilizando uma máscara para os olhos e chinelos especiais, mulheres e meninas, também conhecidas como sereias, enfrentavam os mares por toda a costa japonesa. Cada mergulho de 2 minutos em busca de ostras era intercalado com pequenos intervalos de respiro. Os homens, aliás, raramente participavam da busca por ostras. Todas as fotos © Iwase Yoshiyuki

60 photographies chargées d’histoire qui vous dévoilent le passé insolite de ... La photographie est le parfait témoignage des instants forts, parfois dramatiques ou encore touchants qui peuvent se produire à travers le monde. Voici 60 rares clichés de personnalités qui vont vous dévoiler leur jeunesse insolite… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Ces photographies sont chargées d’émotion. Série fotográfica mostra a Ásia como você nunca viu antes por Nômades Digitais Parece que essas imagens saíram de um filme, mas fazem parte do grande espetáculo que é a vida. Esse continente tão belo e misterioso desperta a atenção e curiosidade de todos, que muitas vezes retornam dos países asiáticos completamente fascinados. Não é à toa que a região foi apontada por estudos da consultora Oxford Economics como motor do turismo mundial durante a próxima década. Toda essa beleza mística é traduzida nas imagens registradas pelo fotógrafo Weerapong Chaipuck, que largou a medicina para se dedicar à fotografia, com foco em viagens e paisagens. É evidente o uso de muitos recursos de Photoshop e outras técnicas de produção em suas imagens. Aprecie essas imagens de tirar o fôlego: Vale a pena se perder em todo o portfolio deste verdadeiro artista – aqui. Todas as fotos © Weerapong Chaipuck

26 Brilliant Instagram Accounts That Will Expand Your Worldview The life of a photojournalist is not for everyone. It can be chaotic, stressful, and lead to dangerous situations in conflict zones. But many of those who have taken the plunge certainly love what they do, and they have the Instagram accounts to prove it. Adam Ferguson Australian photographer based in Bangkok, Thailand.Below: The Church of Nativity in Bethlehem, West Bank. Natalie Naccache British-Lebanese photographer based in Beirut, Lebanon, covering modern Arab society.Below: A 24-year-old Syrian refugee named Sima, whose tattoo reads "Damascus" with her family's initials. Marcus Bleasdale National Geographic photographer with a focus on human rights conflict.Below: Women care for vegetable gardens using techniques taught by the Community Markets for Conservation Co-Op. Sara Farid Reuters photojournalist based in Islamabad, Pakistan.Below: A child receives a polio vaccine in an Islamabad slum. Andreea Campeanu Katie Orlinsky Robert Clark Maggie Steber Ed Kashi Donald Weber Randy Olson Ron Haviv

40 sites d'images libres de droit et/ou gratuites Pour trouver rapidement des milliers d'images de qualité libres de droit et souvent gratuites, voici une liste incontournable de moteurs de recherche, banques d'images et plateformes de partage photos. Dans le domaine de la photographie, une image est une oeuvre protégeable au titre du droit d'auteur et il n'est donc permis de l'utiliser sans l'accord préalable de son auteur, sauf si la photo est sous licence ou contrat d'utilisation avec des droits autorisés et que les conditions de son utilisation sont respectées. Un photographe peut décider que certaines de ses oeuvres soient libres de droit, ce qui indique que leur usage sous certaines conditions peut-être réduit à un coût forfaitaire ou nul. Vous trouverez dans cette liste et sur le web de nombreuses ressources, galeries, collections, répertoires et banques de données d'images. Des Banques d'images libres de droits et souvent gratuites Les Moteurs de recherche d'images Notes [1] Crédit photo : gilbertofilho (Creative Commons By 2.0)

15 photographes brillants de moins de 25 ans Si à 25 ans t’as pas shooté pour le New York Times Magazine, c’est que t’as raté ta vie. Voilà 15 bébés photographes à surveiller de près. 1. Berta Vicente, l’autodidacte Berta Vicente À seulement 20 ans, Berta Vicente a déjà remporté le Youth Award du concours Sony World Photography Awards, en 2013. © Berta Vicente 2. Bobby Doherty L’univers de Bobby Doherty est coloré et excentrique. © Bobby Doherty 3. Diana Sagnier Diane Sagnier est parisienne, photographe mais aussi vidéaste et musicienne. © Diane Sagnier 4. Kiana Hayeri Quand Kiana Hayeri quitte son Téhéran natal pour le Canada, la photographie devient très vite pour elle un moyen de se faire comprendre. © Kiana Hayeri 5. Diana Markosian Photojournaliste, vidéaste et écrivain, la russo-américaine Diana Markosian a remporté en 2013 le PMH Grant New Generation Prize avec son travail « Goodbye my Chechnya ». © Diana Markosian 6. Lara Jade Lara Jade a grandi au Royaume-Uni où elle s’est mise à la photo très tôt. © Lara Jade 7. Ailera Stone 8. 9.

100 Ideas That Changed Photography by Maria Popova From the camera obscura to the iPhone, or why photography is an art of continuous reinvention. Earlier this year, British publisher Laurence King brought us 100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design, 100 Ideas That Changed Film, and 100 Ideas That Changed Architecture. Now comes 100 Ideas That Changed Photography (public library) — an equally concise and intelligent chronicle of the most seminal developments in the history of today’s most prevalent visual art. From technical innovations like the cyanotype (#12), the advent of color (#23), the Polaroid (#84), and moving pictures (#20) to paradigms like photojournalism (#66) and fabrication (#93) to new ways of looking at the world like aerial photography (#54), micro/macro (#55), and stopping time (#49), each of the ideas is accompanied by a short essay contextualizing its history and significance. Syracuse University fine art professor Mary Warner Marien writes in the introduction: Images and captions courtesy of Laurence King
