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Welkom op de homepagina van GBC : Liste de résultats S'adaptant à l'évolution des besoins des professionnels de l'Infodoc, Alexandrie 7 a enrichi son espace de diffusion afin de devenir à la fois un portail d'information et un système de gestion de contenus (Content Management System ou Enterprise Content Management). Le portail : Son interface d'administration pilote l'apparence et les contenus qui apparaissent à l'utilisateur. Celui-ci accède donc plus rapidement et plus efficacement à l'information qui lui est pertinente. L'édition de contenus : Les fonctions CMS d'Alexandrie 7 permettent aux gestionnaires ou à des groupes de contributeurs autorisés, d'éditer aussi bien des contenus éditoriaux que des documents numériques et d'en maîtriser le cycle de vie. La gestion documentaire : Alexandrie 7 continue d'offrir les fonctionnalités traditionnelles de gestion de documents physiques et répond à l'ensemble des besoins de gestion bibliothéconomiques.

How to Create RSS feeds with Dreamweaver You may have noticed recently that many of websites now contain little graphical buttons with the word XML on them. For example: or . RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, is a technical format that allows online publishers to share and distribute their content to other websites or individual Internet users. If a website publishes an RSS page, commonly known as an RSS "feed," this feed will contain summaries of all the recent articles posted on that site. RSS allows you to see updated content in news aggregators or web browsers (new ones have integrated this feature). RSS also solves another problem by allowing content to be syndicated (or republished) on other websites. RSS is probably the most powerful marketing tool emerging in internet publishing today. Publishing RSS Feeds There are several tools for publishing RSS feeds widely available on the Internet, with a range of prices from free on up. That's what RSS DreamFeeder does. So Tell Me How! Download the Pieces The Files in the Site

RealNetworks Accueil Website Watcher Outil de veille automatisée, le meilleur outil pour surveiller des sites web logiciel de veille informationnelle Magnetic Poetry in 10 easy steps | <tlc> Download Source Code: If you’ve ever owned a magnetic poetry set, you know what it’s like to wake up and see things written on your refrigerator that make you question the type of people you let into your home. Imagine the questionable things you might see written on your fridge if anyone with an internet connection could access it. Here’s how you can do exactly that in 10 easy steps using django, jQuery, and sqlite : 1a: create an html page with the “fridge” and magnets <div id="fridge"><div class="magnet" style="left: 10px; top: 10px;">magnetic</div><div class="magnet" style="left: 105px; top: 13px;">poetry</div></div> 1b: give it some style 1c: add some jQuery UI to make it interactive You should now have a static fridge that looks something like this So you’ve got the static dealio together, now it’s time to create the dynamic backend using django and sqlite. 2: create a django project then start an app (I call it “magneticpoetry”) 3: create a model for the magnets

Genre classifier | KB LAB The Genre classifier has been developed within the KB Researcher-in-residence project of dr. Frank Harbers, 'Discerning Journalistic Styles' (DJS). The project examines the opportunities, approaches and issues of automatically classifying historical newspaper articles from the Netherlands for ‘genre’ as an expression of the historically and culturally determined conception of journalism. Context Genre is defined as conventionalised communicative forms that express a specific set of communicative goals. The DJS project The DJS project aims to examine genre as a mode of expression of newspapers. To examine this question, we have outlined an approach to automate the classification of genre of historical newspaper articles. The articles were cleaned of quoted text by means of regular expressions and preprocessed with the NLP suite Frog.

Documentation Add a Simple Google, Yahoo! or Bing Search Box to Your Website ‘Search’ is the web’s most utilized and essential function. The major search engines process billions of keyword requests daily, but there are still some websites and blogs that have yet to incorporate the vital feature. While customized search box solutions are offered by various business entities, I prefer to use only the results from major engines: Google, Yahoo!, or Bing. Many of the commercial packages employ a free trial period to entice buyers, which tends to include very prominently placed ads, a possible turn off for some of your site visitors. Basic Google Search Box If space is an issue on your website or blog, you can easily fit in a small Google search box that will suit your needs. When the above coding lines are uploaded, the resulting search box will look like this: As shown in the graphic, there are different border options that can change the cosmetic appearance of the search box. This search box is ready to work almost immediately. Google Search Box with Radio Buttons

Sejda helpt met uw PDF taken Indexation de documents Creating tooltips using the title attribute of HTML Creating tooltips using the title attribute of HTML Images have long supported the "alt" attribute, which displays a textual tooltip when the mouse moves over it. That's fine, and even great, but why should images get all the glory? Shouldn't other elements inside the document be able to carry a tooltip as well, such as a text link or form element? Wouldn't that be pretty cool, not be mention crucial in guiding devises with limited capabilities such as PDAs navigate your site and its various elements? The title attribute Here's the idea: HTML 4 supports a "title" attribute that can be inserted inside any HTML tag. <a href=" title="Free DHTML and JavaScripts">Dynamic Drive</a> Dynamic Drive The title attribute is supported in all modern web browsers, and can be applied to virtually any element that falls under the <body> tag. JavaScript Kit <div title="JavaScript Kit">JavaScript Kit</div> Scripting the title attribute

Zó voeg je feeds toe aan je feedreader, bij een website die geen RSS ondersteunt. by bibliopieter Apr 19
