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About Justified.js jQuery Plugin to Create Justified Images Grid Justified.js is a jQuery plugin that creates a justified image grid of supplied images. Fill all the spaces! This ineffect creates a elegant image gallery with various sizes of images, where all the images of a row to have the same height. Ideally, Justified.js tries to show images without modifying its aspect ratio and without cropping them. How to Use Lets see some code To get started you'll have to include jquery.justified.images.js and jquery.justified.images.css files in your html file. After this you'll have to intialize this plugin for and container. Options See configuration options Options can also be set programatically, by passing an options hash to the justifiedImages method.

ScrollMagic - Demo miguel-perez/jquery.smoothState.js 25 Best jQuery Grid Plugins for Developers jQuery Grid Plugins let you create Grid system and layouts for your websites, which allows designers a way by which to organize content on a page, using any combination of margins, guides, rows and columns. Grid design is most commonly seen in newspaper and magazine layouts which consist of columns of text and images. For this roundup we have amassed few handpicked Best jQuery Grid Plugins that will help you to create custom layouts and grids and help you to manage your website contents more efficiently. Following each of jQuery plugin has impressive set of features, capabilities, and a level of use by members of the jQuery community. Below are some of the samples that you would consider putting up on your web page. Enjoy! 1. Gridify is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a Pinterest-like grid with image loaded plugin. 2. 3. Responsive Equal Height Blocks with JavaScript and CSS. 4. MatchHeight.js makes the height of all selected elements exactly equal. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. rowGrid.js 10.

15 jQuery Plugins for Creating Dynamic Layouts Over the last couple of years, with the advancements in web technologies, we have seen a rapid rise in the number of sites that have broken away from using typical and boring layouts. No longer is choosing the number of columns your only option. Nowadays you can easily have a dynamic layout that cleverly and seamlessly arranges content into a grid (masonry), or a parallax scrolling layout, or even a layout that allows you to define a custom path for users as they scroll through pages. At first glance a site with fancy animation effects may seem tricky to build. But that is not the case, as you will discover from collection of jQuery plugins we have for you below. So, break off those shackles and with the help of these plugins go and have fun and build a truly dynamic layout in your next project. jQuery Plugins for Dynamic Layouts jQuery Scroll Path jQuery Scroll Path is a plugin that, as its name states, lets you define your own custom scroll path. jQuery Scroll PathGitHub SuperScrollorama

Unheap - A tidy repository of jQuery plugins Testing. Heading Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Modal » Card » Donec sed odio dui. Whys and hows: Flippant is tiny. Flippant is easily customized. Flippant exports a single function: flip. var front = document.getElementByID('flipthis') , back_content = "<h1>I'm the back! Two modes: card (the default), and modal. back = flippant.flip(front, back_content, 'modal') The back gets the default class of flippant-modal-dark for modal flips and flippant-modal-light for cards. back = flippant.flip(front, back_content, 'modal', 'my-modal-classname') The full API: flip(element_to_flip, content_for_back, type(modal/card), classname_for_back) -> back_element 74.3% of the magic is in the css file.

50+ Best jQuery Scrolling Plugins for Better User Experience - CreativeCrunk Scrolling effect in full screen websites is much popular from last two years. One of the major factors in web design is to provide a better user experience to visitors so jQuery scroll effects are used. These jQuery scrolling effects make use of JavaScript and CSS for more beautiful user experience. In scrolling website data of a website is presented well on a single page instead of making multiple page and dividing the data on these pages. Here is a beautiful compilation of jquery scrolling plugins for websites … Block Scroll A jQuery plugin that breaks down information into blocks and presents them one screen at a time. StickUp stickUp a jQuery Plugin for sticky navigation menus. ScrollMe A jQuery plugin for adding simple scrolling effects to web pages. AnimateScroll A Simple jQuery Plugin for Animating Scroll Windows A handy, loosely-coupled jQuery plugin for full-screen scrolling windows. JQuery Scroll Path It’s a plugin for defining custom scroll paths. Sly Plugin ScrollMagic Starscroll Scrollocue

Getting Started with Modernizr Modernizr is a JavaScript Library used by many popular websites including Twitter, USMagazine,,, etc. In our previous posts, we have mentioned it several times, but we have not actually dug into what Modernizr is. Pin it So, in this post we will specifically discuss this JavaScript Library. Read Also: Getting Started with Twitter Bootstrap What is it? First of all, let’s get the essential question answered: what is Modernizr? Based on the official site, Modernizr is “A JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser.” Although HTML5 and CSS3 are great but many of the new features they have, as we already know by now, are not much applicable in old browsers. Recommended Reading: What Modernizr doesn’t do? Setting-up Modernizr At the Modernizr official website, we will find two options to download the file, Development and Production version. As you can see, there are a lot of options for feature tests in the download page. Working with Classes
